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Windows PC - Weekly Trading Thread - December 21st 2015

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  1. Windows PC
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I can gift the following Xmas stuff- Lantern, Icicle, Heater, Protective Cover.
Please let me know if you need any of these, I will also try to check signatures before gifting
I need heaters and Protective Covers when you get a chance. I can send the same as you a i think, check my signature. lol



800+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
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pm me to be added
Hi good people of the abandoned Windows8/10 platform!
I have the Old Lanterns for everyone who desperately needs it, and I would like to get them returned. Let's roll it!


350+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
the best bug i ever had...every time i visit a neighbour and go back to my airport i can collect coins from every building I have...and again and again..o_O (but not the way I wanna play ;) )

@wkndcmpr can you send me an invite from your first account?
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My Green Launch Pad is invisible! I thought it was gone but I can click on the empty space and bring up launch prep...It's in the bottom left corner in between the Control Tower and the Sweets Factory!
View attachment 2561
Got 111 posts to read through, but if nobody has answered, rotate the launch pad 90 degrees and it comes visible again. I have had the same with the Falcon hanger and the Sleigh hangers.

Deleted member 5399

Its all messed up now
I need make video and upload to youtube and send link to GI support Free2Play
Its only way I can show all the problems going on. I already sent one complaint to support but now experiencing a WHOLE lot more issues.
Buildings disappearing and then reappearing, planes not showing on runways. Or land planes and try landing another, a guest plane but get told no runway available.
Gifts not coming or going.
A complete mess Ivan. And of course what I already started on an alliance and now its gone.
Ok - now then, where do we start. In the whole, really like the update. BUT for ages only had 7 gifts showing and then suddenly shot up to 28 - was wondering if I was not connecting right. @Cluck and @Harcourt - I can visit you both fine? @Cluck - have received a gift from you since the upgrade as well. Scrolling through gifts really slow.

Christmas quest - I have already finished with what I had left from last year, fab, and might now be able to finish the Ice Palace, but can't for the life of me remember how to get the parcels that allow the sleigh flights! - think it is destroying elfs with old lanterns.

Well, that’s it, Joke of the Day competition is over and the winners are ALL OF US as I have laughed my sides off and now look a right mess! Great bug thank you to the contributors:- @rocky @Cluck @Harcourt @rocky (Mirelle) @Ten33go @SactoDave and I threw a few in myself. Three scored 7 points:- @Cluck, @rocky (Mirelle) and @Harcourt.

You voted yesterday and the winner was @Harcourt with "Sam goes to the doctor for his yearly checkup. “Everything is fine”, said the doctor, “You’re doing OK for your age.” “For my age?” questioned Sam, “I’m only 75, do you think I’ll make it to 80? “Well” said the doctor, “do you drink or smoke?” “No” Sam replied. “Do you eat fatty meat or sweets?” “No” said Sam “I am very careful about what I eat.” “How about your activities? Do you engage in thrilling behaviors like speeding or skiing? “No” said Sam taken aback, “I would never engage in dangerous activities.” “Well,” said the doctor, “then why in the world would you want to live to be 80?"

So a massive congratulations to @Harcourt.

"WHAT IS THE PRIZE" I hear you say? "I DON'T KNOW" you hear me answer - just the pride of winning this phenomenal competition!
@KenDuckySmith I have been looking at my backup files. The SaveGame.bin file has not changed since the one immediately before I upgraded, but everytime I close the game the new SaveProfile.bin file updates, so I am making a big assumption that that does what the SvaeGame.bin file used to do?

Always dangerous trying to apply logic though, it has got me in a lot of trouble in the past!
Ok - now then, where do we start. In the whole, really like the update. BUT for ages only had 7 gifts showing and then suddenly shot up to 28 - was wondering if I was not connecting right. @Cluck and @Harcourt - I can visit you both fine? @Cluck - have received a gift from you since the upgrade as well. Scrolling through gifts really slow.

Christmas quest - I have already finished with what I had left from last year, fab, and might now be able to finish the Ice Palace, but can't for the life of me remember how to get the parcels that allow the sleigh flights! - think it is destroying elfs with old lanterns.

Maybe Fly to Lapland ??

Harcourt - Top Joker !!!
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