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Windows - Weekly Trading Thread - February 22nd 2016

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Wasted Eagle

1200+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. None of the above
I'm slowly working on a sweets factory - just got the runway 6 a couple weeks ago and it's well worth it (I already have two private conservatories built from the trees the falcons brought me) Need to upgrade the terminal next (I already have the stuff for it just need the coins)
Glad to hear that! I'm gathering all the prerequisites for the sweets factory already and I almost have the necessary coins. This way I can start producing lollipops for the (distant) future.
Then the runway is a must. I hear from a lot of players that it is worth the steep price. Time to tighten the ol' belt and save...(y)
Are we neighbours yet?

Wasted Eagle

1200+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. None of the above
Cooling chambers it is! Big need for flight catering? Have no idea yet. I have one upgraded to level 2 but since I'm flying chronologically I'm still a few destinations shy of having to use them...

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Morning Flyers

All my 20 gifts have just been sent this morning, Tuesday 23rd February. This mornings plunder brought in just 9,000k coins and 13 launch ready blue chests, extremely disappointing. Thanks for all of the gifts received, my gift inbox was full, once again. Fly safe and straight.

Have flown my first Falcon, it looks beautiful in silver.


Captain WH Rollins
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Yay, look, I got the the standard cheaters response, I feel so special!

Аlisa Mironova (Game Insight Support)
Feb 23, 11:23
Thank you for contacting Game Insight Support Team!
My name is Аlisa and I am here to assist you with your concern today.
I checked your game account details and should inform you that according to our database your game was blocked for changing time/date settings on your device. Please be aware that such activities are not allowed to do while playing the game as they affect it and can help to get an unfair advantage. Out system works automatically and restricts social options in the game if any actions of the kind are detected.
The limitations can be removed from your account in case the game was blocked for the first time. If it happens again, we will be unable to do it again and your social capabilities will be restricted permanently.
So we could unblock your account, please follow the procedure:
1. Set correct time zone, date and time on your device. Note that the settings should be arranged manually. Avoid using the option to adjust anything automatically.
2. Send me screenshots of these settings on your device. See here for some useful tips on how to make pictures of the screen: http://helpdesk.game-insight.com/hc/en-us/articles/204736517-How-can-I-take-screenshot-on-Windows-8-
Upon revising the information received I'll revert to you with an update.
Game Insight Support Team

My Response back.

Good Morning Alisa,

With all due respect, it is your database update that messes the game up. I have not changed the clock on my PC, it is set automatically and I have no need to change the clock. I am fully aware that GI blocks lots of people due to GI’s inferior coding that likely takes place over night on your time zone and conflicts with people on different time zones.

Why would I need to change the time to reset my game, I never even made any big purchases recently?

I am fully aware that people do cheat, however maybe it would be best practice if you see what transactions they are making at the time. From someone who does spend money on this game, keeping the staff gainfully employed at GI then I strongly advise that you don’t accuse the people that pay your wages of cheating or I might be inclined to take up farming& pay Zinga’s employees instead!

I’ve included my screen shots as advised.


  1. Windows Mobile
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
KuGy Itemneeded
@suckerp (##Fuel20) –Thanks for Fuel(20). I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Fuel(20)?
(#l requireditem) – Thanks for Fuel(20). I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Fuel(20)?
(#Raven.ITEMINEED / !’#ReturnRaven) – Gift delayed. I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Fuel(20)?
(*King-Itemneeded) – Gift delayed. I sent you Earplugs. Could you send me Makeup?
(3o0 WP wwzp9x / d751 : fuel only!) – Thanks for 2x Fuel(20). I sent you 2x Fuel(20). Could you send me Fuel(20)?
(Joe7 / A(whiteboard)) – Gift delayed. I sent you Blanket. Could you send me Cognac?
(AAAE-Itemneeded) – Thanks for Whiskey. I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Whiskey?
@Captain WH Rollins
(Captain Rollins) – Gift delayed. I sent you Navigation Module. Could you send me Additional Radar?
@Cath (Cath 1) – Thanks for Pearl Earrings. I sent you Navigation Module. Could you send me Pearl Earrings?
@Laosge (Diego/Item I need) – Thanks for Fuel(20). I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Fuel(20)?
(Dutyfreestuffpls) – Thanks for Fuel(20). I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Fuel(20)?
@Davejoyg (davejoyg_reuireditem – Thanks for Oscillating Beacon. I sent you White Gold Bracelet. Could you send me Oscillating Beacon?
@gbswales (gbswales99) – Thanks for Fuel Catalyst. I'm in delay due some rotation.
@ItsRalphy (ItsRalphy requireditem) – Thanks for Additional Radar. I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Additional Radar?
@OVAinternational (OVAinternational) – Thanks for Additional Radar. I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Fuel(20)?
(R / R2) – Thanks for Fuel(20). I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Fuel(20)?
@Robert (Robster) – Thanks for Walkie-talkie. I sent you Flight Catering. Could you send me Walkie-talkie?
@Samzon (Samzon JetEngine) – Thanks for Deicer. I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Deicer?
(Kesh Fuel 20 / Sheekee) – Gift delayed. I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Spare Wire?
(SkyM2/requireditem) – Thanks for Additional Radar. I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Additional Radar?
(Marko fuel / Spacesuit) – Thanks for Altimeter. I sent you Aircraft Tire. Could you send me Altimeter?
@tanmaya mahapatra
(T(itemneeded)) – Thanks for Flight Catering. I sent you Cognac. Could you send me Flight Catering?
@Kris (Turion_requireditem) – Thanks for Flight Catering. I sent you Fuel(20). Could you send me Oscillating Beacon?
@Wasted Eagle
(WastedEagle FUEL) – Thanks for Spare Wire. I sent you Spare Wire. Could you send me Spare Wire?
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