Makes sense, as 10 to 18 Moscow time is 2 to 10 ESTI find most of my emails from GI are early AM around 3 or 4 EST up to around 9 or 10 AM EST.
Makes sense, as 10 to 18 Moscow time is 2 to 10 ESTI find most of my emails from GI are early AM around 3 or 4 EST up to around 9 or 10 AM EST.
AHA!! I got it!!
My daughter just might have discovered the real problem.
Anyone have outlets that are connected to a light switch??
My reason for lol not plugging my modem into that very same outlet or my chest freezer.
hey buddy, my old gameradar2 lv 31, kept crashing so I deleted it and started over, game name stayed the same but friend code is new@Harcourt
Oh just been a most interesting month dealing with billing issues, losing teammate due to crashed game, another to falsely accused of cheating, dealing with toothache, GI, among other things.
@Wasted Eagle AA's, TC's, and P's? What about LP's, MCC, and RL's?
Welcome back, hope you enjoyed your vacationHello friends'm back from my vacation
@Wasted EagleThe airport side didn't change, so the MCC and LP's are just fine. You are right about the RL (yes, singular), though. It's in between the TC's and the AL's...
But maybe you should pop round for a visit?
welcome backHello friends'm back from my vacation
hey doc, delete gamradar2 lv 31, if you dont beat me to it will send invite from gameradar2 lv 11Hello Neighbors, welcome back RAINER, hope you had a nice vacation. Thanks for the gifts, always nice kind of like Christmas everyday. Thank you, Gifts will be a little late today, but they are coming.......Doc
please delete gameradar2 lv 31, accept gameradar lv 11Well chock up another star this week. All main destinations completed from training flights to Tortuga
please delete gameradar2 lv 31, accept gameradar2 lv 11