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Space launches imminent

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1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
Musketeers Alliance
To all and Erb22, I have DEFINITELY not abandoned my launch. As of 11:00pm last night, I had put in 1200 of the 1600 points and overnight Captain Young finished it for me. I launched the craft this morning and am waiting the 24 hours for it to come back.

Erb22, I am sorry you got stuck in trying to help my launch, but I wish you would have PMed me first as oppossed to telling everyone on the forums to stay away from launches!!! I don't have my Ipad with me, but I will be checking it shortly. When I left for work this morning everything was on track with launch and I am just waiting for it to return. If I find out anything different I will certainly post.
OMG, I just ready about this in another forum. I just remembered. Someone had posted that they could see the points they put in but not the points the others put in. It was on the apple ipad forum for the game. Seems like GI has screwed up again.


350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
To all and Erb22, I have DEFINITELY not abandoned my launch. As of 11:00pm last night, I had put in 1200 of the 1600 points and overnight Captain Young finished it for me. I launched the craft this morning and am waiting the 24 hours for it to come back.

Erb22, I am sorry you got stuck in trying to help my launch, but I wish you would have PMed me first as oppossed to telling everyone on the forums to stay away from launches!!! I don't have my Ipad with me, but I will be checking it shortly. When I left for work this morning everything was on track with launch and I am just waiting for it to return. If I find out anything different I will certainly post.
LAX My post was an attempt to warn others from joining - in fact 4 other joined. None of them put points in ??? However I conyinued to add (2 points at time). I began checking further and I saw that ur launch had completed. But I could not and can not understand why you had another launch going as u need to wait for the capsule. Then approx 15 minutes ago as I was trying to add 2 point - I got the msg "That I was A Time Travler: ?? I was only adding 2 points. This kept repeating. So I closed the game - re-booted the Ipad and when I went back in the launch was gone !!!!! Conclusion - had to be a MAJOR GI CITY SCREW UP !! Of course they will never admit that. But from all appearences when I joined "your" launch - and saw ZERO points I never thought of a G I screwup. Sorry Bill
  1. Android
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Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
LAX My post was an attempt to warn others from joining - in fact 4 other joined. None of them put points in ??? However I conyinued to add (2 points at time). I began checking further and I saw that ur launch had completed. But I could not and can not understand why you had another launch going as u need to wait for the capsule. Then approx 15 minutes ago as I was trying to add 2 point - I got the msg "That I was A Time Travler: ?? I was only adding 2 points. This kept repeating. So I closed the game - re-booted the Ipad and when I went back in the launch was gone !!!!! Conclusion - had to be a MAJOR GI CITY SCREW UP !! Of course they will never admit that. But from all appearences when I joined "your" launch - and saw ZERO points I never thought of a G I screwup. Sorry Bill
Hi billsnj and LAX, is this the known bug where you start 2 or more launches because you are to inpatient when starting? When I started my level 1 after the update it took over 30 seconds before the launch was opened. I knew I had to wait but.... Is his the reason for the situation? 2 launches started, Lax finished the first, billsnj joined the second one while the first one was already launched......
  1. Android
Friend Code
I Fly 2
I have two Prometheus launches available for anyone wishing to add some points for second place or third. One is under I Fly and the other is under I Fly 2. At this point they both have about 1200 points each and I am willing to fuel them both to 2000. If anyone is interested to join these launches you are welcome. I will most likely launch in about 2-3 hours. I can wait if you want to join me, just send me a PM.

I Fly 2
  1. Android
Friend Code
I Fly 2
Last call for a launch with I Fly, Onehhy, and Ianda11. We have 1978 of 2000 points. If anyone wants a quick fourth place, here's your chance. Rocket in its final countdown.

I Fly
Thank you for the update Bill, and it certainly wasn't needed but thank you for the apology. If my username was showing two launches they were DEFINITELY not both started by me. I can assure you and everyone here on the forums that I didn't start two launches and the abandone one. In fact, counting my current launch, I have a grand total of TWO launches for the entire game and they were not at the same time!!

I feel terrible that you lost valuable launch points, but it was because of a GI glitch, not me. I am still awaiting the return of my launch so just for the heck of it, I tried to start another launch, and the game won't even allow it. I still have no idea why it was showing me with two launches. Obviously, I can't or couldn't see it. I have no hard feelings, but I can absolutely see why you would be upset.


800+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Hi Mrstepot, yeah, I had the guide up so I knew what I was clicking on and targeted each task (and I guess finally got lucky on drops - got Colonel Kurtz on the third cottage I clicked!) but finally ran out of visits to complete the Research Lab task, completed that last night and then flew to Washington, got the drop I needed on the second flight and now I am on the task to get the Space Launch Consoles! This last task will take a while as the SLC is "Very Seldom" on the Canary Islands (Jet), Nice (Delta) and Shanghai (Powerful Delta). I have 3 Jets, 2 Delta's and 1 Powerful Delta running to these locations and about to swap a Powerful Prop for another Jet shortly just for this task (12k coins sacrificed but it needs to be done!).
Once I get the SLC's then I am ready to launch the Prometheus - let me know how you are going as we can launch that one together if you are ready?

Also - I have 6 cottages in my city so you can get five cottage clicks if you visit, hopefully you will get Colonel Kurtz. However a tip for you: once you have the Colonel wait before you visit anyone else as you need to get the Laser Cannon from Tunguska (should be quick it is an 'Often' drop) and then you need to visit more neighbors to click on Research Labs ... that's the last 'neighbor' related task, after that it's just flights to get you to the point where you are flying for the SLC's.
I was able to complete all my "neighbor" tasks and am currently trying to upgrade my Mission Control Center. I got 1 SLC from Shanghai and 1 from Berlin so far. I hope we can help each other with the launch. I doubt that I could come up with 2000 points without using greenies.
Thanks for the helpful hints!


800+ Star Club
  1. iPad
I am still busy trying to obtain SLC's. I wish I could join your launch. Let me know when you are ready for your 2nd, 3rd, 4th,... launches and maybe I will be able to join by then. Lol! :) Becky
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
I was able to complete all my "neighbor" tasks and am currently trying to upgrade my Mission Control Center. I got 1 SLC from Shanghai and 1 from Berlin so far. I hope we can help each other with the launch. I doubt that I could come up with 2000 points without using greenies.
Thanks for the helpful hints!
Hi Becky (Mrstepot) we are at exactly the same point in the mission then! I am also now trying to upgrade my Mission Control Centre and so far have had two SLC drops (both from the Canary Islands) so maybe we will be ready to launch together - keep me updated! :)
  1. iPhone
Friend Code
Question to all that have completed the "Phantom Menace" mission: Is it possible to have both a Standard rocket launch and a Prometheus rocket launch in parallel? By this I mean either both having points added at the same time prior to lift off or one having points added prior to lift off whilst the other is still waiting to return? I would imagine it is but just curious in case GI had implemented some form of exclusivity between the two types of launches.


1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
Musketeers Alliance
Question to all that have completed the "Phantom Menace" mission: Is it possible to have both a Standard rocket launch and a Prometheus rocket launch in parallel? By this I mean either both having points added at the same time prior to lift off or one having points added prior to lift off whilst the other is still waiting to return? I would imagine it is but just curious in case GI had implemented some form of exclusivity between the two types of launches.
No, you have to wait for the return of one shuttle before launching another - even if it's lvl1 and lvl2.


800+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Hi Becky (Mrstepot) we are at exactly the same point in the mission then! I am also now trying to upgrade my Mission Control Centre and so far have had two SLC drops (both from the Canary Islands) so maybe we will be ready to launch together - keep me updated! :)
@ Steve
I purchased the last 2 SLC's and joined a launch. I don't have a lot of launch items at this point, so I will have to hitch a ride with neighbors until I can score some high point items.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
Hi Becky (Mrstepot) we are at exactly the same point in the mission then! I am also now trying to upgrade my Mission Control Centre and so far have had two SLC drops (both from the Canary Islands) so maybe we will be ready to launch together - keep me updated! :)
Hi Steve, I have two SLC's at the moment to. I am waiting with my Jpjpjp2 launch so flip123 and Jpjpjp2 can help each other with points in case I can't join.... I will put a message on the forum when I am ready to launch.
  1. iPad
I got bored and decided to launch a standard rocket launch for Dee and Ducks. If anyone wants an easy third place do feel free to join. I aim to launch within the next 2 hours. It is 20:00 GMT+1 or BST here in the uk.


350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Hi billsnj and LAX, is this the known bug where you start 2 or more launches because you are to inpatient when starting? When I started my level 1 after the update it took over 30 seconds before the launch was opened. I knew I had to wait but.... Is his the reason for the situation? 2 launches started, Lax finished the first, billsnj joined the second one while the first one was already launched......
flip123 not the case with my problem. I always wait 2 to 3 minutes before I join a launch. I got burned early on! Bill


350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Thank you for the update Bill, and it certainly wasn't needed but thank you for the apology. If my username was showing two launches they were DEFINITELY not both started by me. I can assure you and everyone here on the forums that I didn't start two launches and the abandone one. In fact, counting my current launch, I have a grand total of TWO launches for the entire game and they were not at the same time!!

I feel terrible that you lost valuable launch points, but it was because of a GI glitch, not me. I am still awaiting the return of my launch so just for the heck of it, I tried to start another launch, and the game won't even allow it. I still have no idea why it was showing me with two launches. Obviously, I can't or couldn't see it. I have no hard feelings, but I can absolutely see why you would be upset.
LAX I was really po'd at GI for allowing the duplicate. I read the post and was pretty sure you had just completed a launch. Then I join another launch of yours which wasn't yours??? I just thought u might have abandoned that's all.


150+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Can anyone help me...I am ready to start Prometheus launch but when I click on it it says 'you need to complete a current space expedition first'...I joined one last night and once the 1600 points was hit the countdown began but the rocket didn't launch..this morning the countdown was gone and I am getting the same message as before about completeing a current launch...can anyone advise me!
  1. iPad
Oh strange. It was my launch you joined and I have successfully launched from Dee and Ducks. I know you have to wait the 24 hours before it returns to be able to launch a Prometheus rocket. Have you rebooted your device to make sure the launch isn't In the air? Mine still has a long time to go before it lands as I fell asleep early so only actually launched my rockets this morning about 2 hours ago. I can see the points you put in and you should be awaiting the return of your pod for third place later today or tomorrow.
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