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iOS Major alliance bug


1000+ Star Club
All New Tadashi
Same here on my support account - no bonus activated. Our main alliance has received awards and bonus though.
And about that bug that @Madge59230 is writing - we had some issue with one of our members, but he disapeared completely from alliance one week. I had to send him invite again. But otherwise no problems regarding members.
  1. Android
Last week our alliance had 2 people who found themselves frozen out of alliance tasks and so rewards, this week there are 7 of us. Yes SEVEN.

Any other alliances having this problem or is it just All New Tadashi? Free2Play this counts as a major problem for me so sorry Ive tagged you.


prefix is ios but don’t think we all are.

Yes. Sometimes it takes a bit after the weekly reset, at most an hour for me. However, it is several hours past and I am having the same problem. I can't communicate with my alliance members, but I know what they do and when, and noone is following their normal pattern or posting stats againt their weeklies, so I am going to opine that it is the entire alliance.
Same here on my support account - no bonus activated. Our main alliance has received awards and bonus though.
And about that bug that @Madge59230 is writing - we had some issue with one of our members, but he disapeared completely from alliance one week. I had to send him invite again. But otherwise no problems regarding members.
We dont disappear. Just no tasks.


500+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
PLMerry [what I need], PLM2, & PLM3
No alliance reward from last week. Everything else is working fine.

I sent a message to support and got the reply;
Airport City Support Team
November 04, 2019, 08:19 -0500
I'll talk the matter over with the dev team and get back to you shortly.
Stay tuned!

I also just let them know that it is not just me., but a group of us, that this is happening to.


500+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
PLMerry [what I need], PLM2, & PLM3
As I was typing the above post received this from support;

Airport City Support Team
November 04, 2019, 09:46 -0500
We've sent the reward to your game. Please close the app and open it again with a stable Internet connection. Let me know in case any additional questions arise!

After reloading the game my bonus was rewarded. Of course I already completed my first task this week, but it was only flights to Egypt, so I did not really loss all that much.


500+ Star Club
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
Friend Code
PLMerry [what I need], PLM2, & PLM3
Its not about alliance bonus.
The problem is 7 members of the alliance have no alliance task. They still in the alliance and their pax counted, only no task.

I hear you. I also mentioned your issue in my last email to them, but you might want to collect data and let support know. They won't do much with my third hand information.
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