Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

View My Signature - Madge59230

Game name: Madge
Operating system: iOS
Friends code: Please PM for code. Only accept forum members.
Alliance: All New Tadashi

Level: 80
Stars: 1001 !!!!!!

Events: finished
Weather item: stabilizer

Gifting policy: First alliance (1), then regular trading partners. If you want a specific item p.m. me first. Please do not send me what you want. I won't send it back. I take time to send my gifts, but if I can't see what you need, you won't get anything. All gifts will be returned but maybe not the same day!!

Items I need:

Flights- NEED urgently things in

Items I can send:

Building items: flatbed scanner,
ergonomic chair, TV panels, guest book, solar cell,
defroster, flatwork ironer, crucible, all-inclusive bracelet, ATM, generator, travel guide, channel bar, video wall, laser level, drill machine, transmitter, sliding table saw, granulator, iris scanner, video cube

Flight items: landing lamp, fuel catalyst, flight catering, spare wire, additional radar, fuel additives, fuel supply, powerful radio transmitter, spare propeller, blanket, attitude indicator, deicer, fruit lollipop, fuel hose, navigation module, strobe light, RDF, earplugs, bed, e reader, VR headset, sleeping pill.

Plane repair items: aircraft tire, paint, gyroscope, landing gear, spoiler, warning system, differential relay, lampshade, hydraulic cylinder, autopilot, pitot tube, VSI

Update 2Nd August 2020
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