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Ban lifted


350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
my game was banned for “Time Travel” as they call it. I swear I haven’t travelled to different time zones or changed my settings. They have unlocked it. But now I am missing all of my neighbors and the “Santa’s Bad Mood” event is gone. It has taken 3 days to get to this point. I wonder how long it will take to get the other parts back?

If anyone needs a neighbor that sends daily gifts and will send whatever you are requesting, please add me.

If you were a neighbor of mine, please re-add me.


350+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
@Gt city is there any way you can get them to look at my game. Now whenever I try to add anyone’s game code that wants me to add them it says I can’t because they were found cheating. I tried adding 20 people total and got the same pop up on all of them. I am still missing a lot of features even though support says the ban was lifted. I would appreciate it.


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Gt city

1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
  2. iPad
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
@Gt city is there any way you can get them to look at my game. Now whenever I try to add anyone’s game code that wants me to add them it says I can’t because they were found cheating. I tried adding 20 people total and got the same pop up on all of them. I am still missing a lot of features even though support says the ban was lifted. I would appreciate it.
Did you opened a ticket about this? If yes, please send me ticket number via PM (y)
@Gt city is there any way you can get them to look at my game. Now whenever I try to add anyone’s game code that wants me to add them it says I can’t because they were found cheating. I tried adding 20 people total and got the same pop up on all of them. I am still missing a lot of features even though support says the ban was lifted. I would appreciate it.
I am facing the same problem with one of my games...
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Hi , I think my account is banned also, although I didnt do any time travel or other cheating. I asked this weekend if they can transfer my account from my old laptop to my new laptop. They said they would try. Today I start playing, and I lost all my friends and the progress in the event (around 8500 points).
My account name 2016179z, level 65 and 9 hearts.
Could you please check and restore my account including my friends and the progress in the event?
thank you
Hi , I think my account is banned also, although I didnt do any time travel or other cheating. I asked this weekend if they can transfer my account from my old laptop to my new laptop. They said they would try. Today I start playing, and I lost all my friends and the progress in the event (around 8500 points).
My account name 2016179z, level 65 and 9 hearts.
Could you please check and restore my account including my friends and the progress in the event?
thank you
thats normal. in fact you agreed to it when you asked them to transfer your game. Its email number 2 from gi, when you reply to give them your game codes. they tell you, you will lose neighbours and events is a temporary game data so you lose it too. you agree when you send them your codes. Rerad your emails from them.

Reinvite friends, you have lost your candy canes. Start again! If you can be bothered!!



1000+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
cpt bob
So odd thing is i got new ipad for Xmas and tried moving the game today and lost all neighbours and my alliance...

so will need to re add any new friends Friend Code CPT bob


150+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
@Jwbikerdude I had the same thing happen to me this week. The first hint of a glitch was that I couldn't automatically return gifts, but I got around that by specifying the gift and then sending. When I got a violation of terms message, I contacted GI and told them I had not traveled with the device in over a month. Then, while clicking something else in the game, I got an error message about time traveling and cheating, and in their help section, it said to send a screenshot of your time settings. I went to my time settings and to my surprise, it was a dynamic "busy" icon. I toggled the "Set Automatically" control, and then it showed my time zone correctly. I sent a screenshot to GI and within 24 hours, they had unblocked my game and I got my space launch and alliance functionality back. However, the event was missing, and all my neighbors were gone. The countdown to refresh the list of potential neighbors was 1 hour, and when the countdown was at 1 second, it just turned over to 59 minutes 59 seconds, and the list was empty as before. I again contacted GI, and sent a screenshot, and they fixed it within 9 hours.

I'm not sure why my Time Zone had the "busy" icon, but my guess is that it caused errors in the game when it sent time-stamped data back to GI's servers, which then got flagged and caused my game to be blocked to a certain extent. I didn't travel with the device, didn't install any new apps, and before this week's snafu, never changed any of the time settings. I may have hit OK when some other app asked me to do something related to Location Services (I usually hit Cancel), but I wouldn't think that had any bearing on Time settings. In retrospect, I shouldn't have tried to get around the initial glitch (which might've contributed to getting my neighbor functionality blocked), and should've rebooted instead. Now I know to check my Time Zone if something glitchy happens with the game.

Overall, I lost 3 days time, all my event collections were reset to zero (no chance of finishing it now), and all my neighbor Favorites were unfavored. But my game is relatively intact and GI did a great job of timely support, in my opinion.

So odd thing is i got new ipad for Xmas and tried moving the game today and lost all neighbours and my alliance...

so will need to re add any new friends Friend Code CPT bob
Its not odd. Its normal! Not alliance, that should have moved, but neighbours is 100% normal.

Not so normal for iOS, but I guess it all depends on how you do the transfer. When I changed my iPad a few month ago I didn’t have any issue. If I recall I did it thru iTunes, but I’m not completely sure. All neighbors were there and so was my alliance membership. There was no event running though, so no items missing
  1. Android
Friend Code
Pilot Bond
@Gt city is there any way you can get them to look at my game. Now whenever I try to add anyone’s game code that wants me to add them it says I can’t because they were found cheating. I tried adding 20 people total and got the same pop up on all of them. I am still missing a lot of features even though support says the ban was lifted. I would appreciate it.
I have the same issue. It even gives me the message you attached with redeem codes.
A few weeks ago, I asked to transfer my windows game, because I had a new laptop. Everything went smoothly (within a few hours), and I even kept all neighbors (even the hearts). The only thing I needed to do was to install the game on my new laptop, play until I got access to the code, and then asked GI to transfer my old game (code) to my new game (code). So, sometimes, no problems occur during transfer. I think at that moment there was no event going on, so I did not lose event items.
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