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View My Signature - Sudip

game name -sud-item i need
Platform - android
level - 80
stars - 427
hearts - 9

Building items i need the most -
13 Cooling Chamber
13 Defroster
14 Washing Machine
14 Centrifuge
26 Screw Press

38 Hammer Drill
26 Air Shower

Items in RED are having more priority. But all gifts will be accepted gladly.
**Desparetely need Flight Catering**
Oscillating Beacon, Flight Catering, Navigation Module, Spare Propeller, Deicer, lollipop,bed, vr headset
Passenger(10), Fuel Catalyst, Fuel(3 unit), Galileo Thermometer, Chocolate Candies, Generator, Stabilizer, Filled Candies, Jet Engine, Landing Lamp, Powerful Radio Transmitter, Fuel Additives, Fuel Supply, Additional Radar, Spare Wire, Oscillating Beacon, Flight Catering, Navigation Module, Spare Propeller, Deicer, Air vent filter, Wireless compass, Flatwork ironer, Blanket, Gyroscope, Master plan, Fue lhose, Attitude Indicator, Tunnel Freezer, Earplugs, Fruit Lollipop, , Sliding Table Saw, Bed, E-reader

PM or tag me before adding me so that i can know that the player is from forum. Thank you.
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