Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

7.16 Preview

  1. iPad
Thanks, I needed to open the icon in the App Store first. forgot that. Works fine indeed
Could you explain “open the icon in the App Store”
I had this problem last update, not sure how I did it but so far I can’t figure out the right combination to do it
Could you explain “open the icon in the App Store”
I had this problem last update, not sure how I did it but so far I can’t figure out the right combination to do it
So when you go to the App Store and search for airport city, it gives you a list of search results. In this list you see airport city and there you can already select the option Open, whilst it should display the option Update. You should double click and open the airport city app in this list before you can see the Update botton.

Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
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Barkmi4 *items*




1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
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Anybody notice that some of their pax and coin icons are missing? I think it may have to do with the autocollect, but I also noticed it on coins, which I dont have contracts for.


500+ Star Club
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PLMerry [what I need], PLM2, & PLM3
I do not like the new speed up buttons on the current Flight list. It used to be if you had no videos each flight would show how much fuel was needed to speed up. It was easy to see which flights you had enough fuel for, or how much to go get. Now you need to click on the speed up button for each destination to see how much fuel you'll need. @Ur-quan I think this is a step backwards.

Kiwi Claire

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Kiwi C: [item/s]
This new five minute ad buffer is #annoying….

EDIT: Woah! I watched one ad and now it's 3 hours and 15 min wait time for me. This is terrible….
Watched the maximum ads for the day - and that wait is till ad count resets for the day? Other places it shows 'unavailable' button... mushrooms show the time till reset.
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Cap'n Eddie

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Capn Eddie
Certainly not one of my fave events - or updates for that matter. Event drops are as bad as ever and rewards aren't much. As for the update - changes that don't don't seem to make sense. No explanations and no apparent benefit to the players. Why switch bonuses around? Why the "cool down"? Is a puzzlement.
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