Welcome to Airport City!

AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

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  1. S

    AirportCity Cheaters list

    okay so there is a "cheater" who within a matter of hours completed 338 flights in a few hours to Albuquerque on Mobile games. His name is "aDarekk VR" Is there a way to check him out at all? Because he is ruining the top 100 ratings...
  2. S

    Game Insight SUPPORT

    okay thank you i will send it now
  3. S

    Game Insight SUPPORT

    ive been talking to GI support for over a month now and issue still not solved. :)
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    Android Travel

    hi, so im going overseas soon, am i going to get banned for suppose "time travel" thing? thanks
  5. S

    Hackers surely

    So the alliance leader boards reset today and people are already over 2million? 1 of them only has 1 member doing 2.8million pass... Surely they are hacking or am i missing something here?? Can we get these people banned?
  6. S


    I have put in a ticket. Just waiting for a response atm.
  7. S


    I finally got ranked 2nd last week, but didnt get a chest haha. whats the point lol
  8. S

    General Purchasing Your First Condor/Condor S1 Plane

    You're very lucky whenever i get ranked i don't receive a chest with gold tokens and when i buy a S1 plane i only get the achievement not the actual plane. So i'd say go buy one while you can before the game breaks lol :)
  9. S

    Android Broken game

    This game is i'm afraid broken. Buying planes getting achievements but not actually getting anything. And the tech support takes a very long time.. I dont want to quit this game but, might have to soon because you can't actually play it properly... sad day
  10. S

    Uninstalled: Feeling Great!

    I was thinking about doing the same seeing that they dont even give out chests when you get ranked for the week...
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    Android NO reward chest

    Alright i guess i'll have to do this and send a ticket in, cuz theres nothing happening ... soo annoying. thank you
  12. S

    Android NO reward chest

    Yeah nah havent got anything and the game reset 5 hours ago. what should i do?
  13. S

    Android NO reward chest

    hi, so how long does it take to get your reward chest? for ranking in top 10 on a destination ? Or do they just not send?
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    Android Altimeter

    where do u get Altimeters from? my powerful deltas always break and i need these?
  15. S


    Is it even worth reporting a suspected cheater? Will they even get banned? cuz its impossible for to get gold tokens against these cheaters. Ruining the game
  16. S

    why even bother Android

    Yeah see like how is that even possible ... surely cheating??
  17. S

    why even bother Android

    its actually impossible to beat these guys that get 20mill + passengers each week. Might aswell not even bother with alliances to be honest lol...
  18. S

    Alliance member

    Hi Looking for Alliance member for Android / iOS. Level 40+ please active player also SV670 Air is alliance name You can add me SV670 - 043haa64 Thank you
  19. S

    Alliance Member

    Hi Looking for Alliance member for Android / iOS. Level 40+ please active player also SV670 Air is alliance name You can add me SV670 - 043haa64 Thank you
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