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Helen Elizabeth
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  • HH I completed the PO QUEST. So back to normal gifting!!! Bill
    Helen Elizabeth
    Helen Elizabeth
    I saw that when I tapped on your city last night, cool :)
    HH - I made a last minute decision not to build a P.O. They require 2x2 and my space is running out. I'm thinking about using 2 3x3 lots for pyramids. Bill
    Thanks for the info re multi gifting, I was worried that GI would block me, back to multi gifting it is then :)
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    Reactions: billsnj
    Just try and keep it down to special neighbors with special needs. You know keep it under the Radar! LOL
    If you return the 20 fuel, I will only receive it if you can send 20 fuel, otherwise I get 10 passengers. I get fuel from @Bali, RedFoxOne
    FYI Don't thing MGing is a problem. I continue to do it every day with 2 or 3 neighbors. Especially if they post a special need ie bath towels. I pump out approx. 30 - 40 a day. Approx aDozen go
    to neighbors who cannot send gifts ie Neil, Eric, Becky .
    Water skiing event at w/end, my boy won the judges award for barefoot skiing! He is so chuffed, slightly mad I think! Spain on Wednesday!
    I guess I shouldn't moan about a few gifts between my games not arriving. This game depends so much on the good spirit between neighbours :(
    GI does it again. Greensmith and I had been neighbors since last Fall. As of this morning we are no longer neighbors. Neither of us gave any idea what happened. He sent me a gift last night. It was there when I checked this morning. But he was no longer a neighbor. Bill
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