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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Helen Elizabeth
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  • Thanks for the fuel! I'm unable to gift anything to your second game that's in your 'required' list. Is there anything else that I can send you?
    Was also going to add that game to my 0707 one but wasn't sure what friend code to use? I don't need any thing on that one at the moment (unless you have a spare landing lamp every now and again ;) ) but would be happy to send you gifts.
    i'd like to add you to get the fuel 20 which i can send back.
    where can i find your code please
    Az1 only noticed your reply, sadly no gifts coming through, do you still need cooling chambers?
    Happy Helen
    Yes please, cooling chambers would be great, as I've realised that I'm going to need quite a few flight catering units to start serving the longer destinations...
    Many thanks,
    @Happy Helen , hi, just about to send some landing gear to Benjamin Thomas, to see if by chance it might get through...let me know...
    Helen Elizabeth
    Helen Elizabeth
    Thanks, still nothing from you :(
    What do you need?
    Hi Happy Helen
    If possible, could I have some cooling chambers from Benjamin Thomas ( I need at least 3 please), and either more fuel (20), or additional radars from HH2.
    Have just tried sending a drill machine through to HH2, hope it makes it, and thanks for all your help....
    Royal Bill, well the baby's father is William! So that's covered, we have a lot of hype here!. We are in a heat wave at present!
    HH - Question I sometimes "Return" the 20 Fuel to HH2. What comes thru????
    I think the Royal Baby will be named "BILL" LOL LOL LOL
    Sorry, silly iPad! Az1, thanks for message, will check if any gifts arrived.
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    Reactions: Az1
    Just tried sending Benjamin Thomas a jet engine....let me know if arrives...
    @Happy Helen
    Thanks for all the fuel (20) you've been sending through, really appreciated. I don't there is anything I can send to HH2, as I can't gift control units...just to see, I've just sent a fuel catalyst through to Benjamin Thomas to see if the problem has resolved yet, can you let me know if it comes through...( please say if the is anything else that HH2 could use....)
    Ha, ha, how did you know? Still on no carb diet, gosh I can never get used to the amount of carbs you guys eat, it tastes good though ;)
    Hi, I've accepted your friend request from facebook and tried to send fuel3, but it's no possible, you aren't my AC neighbour. Can you add me in AC? My code is apbeb24.
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