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Helen Elizabeth
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  • Hi Helen,
    Could you add my support account ww055 (zero) - I can return Information Signs and Observation Drones (return only because my Terminal and Tower are too little).
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    Reactions: Helen Elizabeth
    Helen Elizabeth
    Helen Elizabeth
    Cheers, thanks buddy ;)
    Helen, this update has the big bug. If you send a gift via main gift screen this gift can be lost.
    Use neighbor' screen!
    Even to return gifts...
    HH- FYI just started reading Dan Brown's Inferno - at Chapt 28 - real page turned. Have you read it ???? --Bill--
    Hi Helen,
    If you need an Level8 buildings item you have to send this item - we cannot send these items at another way as "Send in return".
    Hi Helen,
    What happen to your Benjamin game?
    Most of the buildings, the interesting ones, are no not possible to select, like not completed....
    Helen Elizabeth
    Helen Elizabeth
    Yes, I noticed this yesterday when I visited as a neighbour from my phone game, then it was ok a few hours later! Hope it will resolve otherwise I will report to GI. Thanks for the update Javi
    I'm just back temporarily for the World Cup quest, HH ;) While I'm at it, I'll send gifts out. Don't worry about sending me back, I still have many leftover items in my warehouse :p
    HH - let's use this to post status vs PM OK ??
    Helen Elizabeth
    Helen Elizabeth
    Ok, keep adding x 40, you are due silver so should finish 3rd, I will finish to let you achieve the 3 rd place ;)
    I will add 40 more in 10 seconds !
    I haven't got your Happy Helen2 game as a neighbour for my Pakman8 game to send you spaceship consoles - can you add me your end?
    Neil ellor, X-ray scanner sent, how many do you need?
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    Neil ellor
    Neil ellor
    I actually need introscope which I thoutgh cross platformed from andriod. It didn't. My terminal is building to level 7 when this is finished I may get the corresponding gift which I think you just return. Send nothing until I can send the correct gift thanks for the experiment
    Helen I have been looking for monitors for ages checking all my neighbours I forgot to look at my favourite one thanks got the last one needed
    I'll send one from Orient Beach - the x-rated side ! LOL
    PS - The Crown Royal supply will be much lower when I leave ! LOL
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