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Windows PC - Weekly Trading Thread - August 31st 2015

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  1. Windows PC
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@spearman78 - Invite sent, received 100 coins. Can you please let me know when I am no longer on your awaiting reply list? And welcome to the forum!

@myrddyn - Sent 1 to you as well, and also received 100 coins.

Gifts sent late last night. Thank you for those that have been received!!
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
you might also count your cash counters. You have 4 needed, but I sent you one last night.
I currently have enough cash counters (4) so far to finish my town hall, in fact I have everything I need to finish my town hall, except the $$$$$ same as Terminal 5, just lack of $$$$ is stopping me. The cash counters that I'm after now is for my Duty Free upgrade.

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@KenDuckySmith - Wow....no I used to be on level 12 on the second account waiting to get my main one back. I do have my main account at level 31 now...but back then it was level 30. I don't like the restore feature at all inconsistent. It should have a restore point at you current state. Unless, that's something you have to do manually. Oh wait. I remember. it is something you have to do manually...and sometimes you get to busy or to tired or both. So I understand.
@Mr. K
Yes one does have to save the game manually, however now I have so many restore points i cannot remember which is which and have to go through them.
I got new HDD this morning and since it is larger/1TB by itself I'm thinking of upgrading to Windows 10 on it and see if i can either run two separate OS or two different accounts with two games installed. Then i can take smaller HDD and format it back to where it is for storage, backups and recovery files. Or run two drives both with OS on them.
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