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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Sorry WP, only have the Hygrometer to send for WS3 :(

While I'm here, do either of you have Ice Detector you could send to Kendra2? Needing one to fly to alliance destination and refuse to pay the 3 greenies!!
If you find some let me know who is sending them. I need 4 more as well and have only gotten them landing guest planes

I have received 2 in the last day one from an extra account of @ShuhWong and one from @Ty Gigamon

@Kendra not sure if any of my accounts have ice detectors I know of spiked tires, stabilizer and nano coating.
I will look today when gifting if I have some I will let you know so I can help get you a supply of them.
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