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Daily Trading Thread for Wednesday 19th of December 2012

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I'm looking for 2 people so i know what to send back, my gifts reset in 4 hours.
Who is 'cap'n5*oil/lant' and who is 'sleigh cover oil'??? I guess i'll return both of you oil!

tdv edit: Lantern send. / i was lookin for the people with those names to gift back to ;)
Blackcloud Lantern send.
Suresh Pal Lantern send.
Stabekk Happens, Lantern send! ;)
PRISJ if u add me i can send you a sleigh oil
Cicignon send u a lantern
cap'n5 send u a lantern

Could some1 help me out with a disposable shampoo so i can finish my hotel?


Kitty could you help me out with the shampoo?
Sorry I have return the gifts already.
I ask my friend "Ka" added you and will sent you the shampoo now. Please accept her. Thanks
  1. Android
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air canillas
air canillas how do u get a Training Center.
As tdv said:
Reward for finishing the promo is "Training Center" size: 2x2 90 coins per 4 hrs 10mins construction time

And a count down of 24hrs for it to return (I presume)

Tried to see if I could send another one or join another users launch - no such luck - So I think I will have to wait 24 hrs before I can help anyone else - doh!!! :rolleyes:


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  1. Android
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I need lots of Old Lanterns please.
The drop rate for the Santa flight items is horrible. I have three Sleighs and can barely keep one of them flying!
Signature updated, and I will be sending out today's gifts this evening.
  1. Android
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air canillas
KingJon85, here's the training center photo. I don't know how post it in my inbox.


bubbajed5711, I'll send you the landing lamp when my list resets.


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  1. Android
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Andrew-YYZ the elves aren't as irritating as the ghosts and witches where. Does anyone realise that if u go into a neighbours airport and click on the elves u can get quite a few Old Lanterns.
KingJon85 Most people should know by now that they can get lanterns from neighbors.
The drop rate is still pretty poor though, since you are limited to the number of neighbor visits a day, and only 5 clicks on each one.
Then count the rate of items dropping when you use the lanterns on your own airport. When you're trying to send out 2-3 sleighs flying every EDIT: :oops: 40 minutes 1 hr 20 minutes ....
Oh well, there's 21 days to go yet. It will be interesting to see how many people make it, even with tremendous help from tdv :) (plugging whenever possible)
As @Andrew-YYZ said, I think we all know that visiting neighbor's airport and clicking on the elfs there can get you some Old Lanterns, but you can only get the most 2 Old Lanterns out of 5 clicks per neighbor. And for 2 Old Lanterns used on your own elfs in your airport, you don't even get one thing, actually you don't get anything for using 5 or more Old Lanterns on your own elfs now :mad:. For ordinary players like us, it is really useless to have more than 2 sleighs since you can barely keep one sleigh flying all the time.

I am waiting for tdv to send some more Old Lanterns, not sure what we could do without tdv.
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