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Android Missing Alliance Reputation


1200+ Star Club
Even I completed the first task to get 4 point of Alliance Reputation. I could not get my 4 point. Mission was 69flights of Turkish Cost.. And I did fly 88times. How can I solve this problem?


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Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
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Barkmi4 *items*
  1. Android
AC Huang
I have a personal/private level 5 alliance and I am the only one teamember without others. I finish all three task, and it is shown 100%+20 reputation before weekly reset time. But, after half hours from reset time, I still can not find the alliance reputation is added with 20. May I know what happen?
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I have a personal/private level 5 alliance and I am the only one teamember without others. I finish all three task, and it is shown 100%+20 reputation before weekly reset time. But, after half hours from reset time, I still can not find the alliance reputation is added with 20. May I know what happen?
Several other alliances had the same problem. We contacted GI, and they sent us the points and reward soon after our ticket. Guess they had to do it manually.
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