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Not sure if this is worthy of its own thread. We'll just have to wait and see if it takes off :sneaky:

There are people on my waiting list I can't identify, and would like to accept if they're on this forum. I know at least a couple of them have been mentioned in other threads but still I cannot match them to a forum name.

Does anyone own these in-game usernames, or do you know who does?

Garfield OldLan
HKG-Sp Propeller

I realize some members delete requests when the other player doesn't tag or PM, which of course is your own choice.
I have considered doing the same thing, but thought how new members may send a request before they are "up to speed" on how the forum works. This thread could be used to catch up with those users.
Any thoughts?


150+ Star Club
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Message me for code
Andrew-YYZ I second your thought and a great idea (y) (y) I too have some person in my waiting list which i don't know who they are from :oops: I am too adding my own list

Wport-sleighcovr (Level 35) (Edit: he/she is Wport a new member of this forum and i have accepted the request :cool:)
HKG-Sp Propeller (Level 35)
Msniki (Level 11)
JRock (Level 30)
Jason2-covr.soap (Level 14)

Does anyone know who they are ???:rolleyes:


Guide Writer
  1. Android
Friend Code
I have 2 many names in my waitinglist.... But they never sended me a pm tru this forum...So im never accepting them
Aero Thanks for your comment.
I understand a player who has been around as long as you have ( suggesting experience, not age :) ) would have lots of neighbor requests that are a pain in the donkey to deal with.

Would you entertain the idea of being able to identify those people?
Could it be a standard that you have to tag or PM every time or not be accepted?
I'm asking because I think this is important for new members to understand how they can get neighbors through this forum.

I've introduced this as a topic for discussion, and welcome any and all input. My questions are for everyone, not just Aero.


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Well i only maintain neighbours who are active in the game and on the forum.
Offcourse i have some neighbours who are real friends, but thats only 30max.
But the rest i have accepted, most of them is from the forum...lets say 90%'

If you cant communicate with ur neighbours its quite difficult to know who wants what. Offcourse you can change ur name in what you want... But i always leave AERO untouched, otherwise nobody knows anymore who you are! And most of the noobies playing this game, change their name in: "all inclusive plz" or in whatever name....well i dont know you are, and i dont do any bussiness with you. Thats how it works...

We invented the daily trading thread for all players, but specially for noobs its a good place to find new neighbours who are willling to help! But if you dont talk or send a pm to the people, but just instant start adding friendcodes... Nobody knows who you are, and most of the people who allready has hundreds of neighbours will just ignore your request!!!


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
I counted how many people have added me... Took me a while... 167... So probably all from the forum, but who never talked to me... So i will never accept them :)
But thanks for the coins :) :)

And now since the update, im not adding anybody... First i need to delete inactive players before adding!
  1. Android
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air canillas
I decided that when GI fix the problem of not being able to delete neighbors I'll eliminate those who do not have buildings of the last missions. I have 455 neighbors and I need to remove inactive ones. I receive gifts from others who do not know if they belong to this forum, so I'll second you and I'll post them here.
  1. Android
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see my signature
see my signature
On TDV19 upto now I have just being accepting all invites as it was only a temp game and I thought let them enjoy a visit even if I don’t gift anything...

But as we are unable to delete neighbours now and this thread started - I have waited till I get tagged or PMed - now I have 69 people waiting!!!

I think most are not using this forum to add us - they are probably using the "Add" tag in the neighbours to add us - just a theory...

I do agree that it takes some people a few goes before they realise how the game works and how the forum works... So I don't tend to delete people just in case they end up PMing me.... which has happened a few times...

On TDV4 - I have over 300 people waiting - I know I have some who I have to accept them yet... with all the snow and elves it is very very slow and have not had the time to progress the game...

I have now started adding the in-game name to the daily posts - so new members and members who are not familiar with some members will know who they are.
  1. Android
Friend Code
I 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th this idea! When I first started playing I was adding the 5 I could every hour or whatever it was. Some would add me back and I'm assuming that's what others are doing now. I had added a few request assuming that they were from this forum but have since found out the same thing that they aren't. I get tendon gifts from some which I wont complain about but they are none of the things I have in my signature so I'm going to say they aren't from the forum or they are and are just morons!! I know we have all mistakenly sent a wrong gift to someone but some are so far from what I need I assume they are sending me what they want to get back. Guess what....they don't get it back.

To everyone......use the same name in the game as the forum OR tell us in your signature what your "current" in game name is. This means UPDATE YOUR SIGNATURE!!!!!!
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