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Windows - Weekly Trading Thread - February 15th 2016

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Yes I do, Thank you for asking, Just can't find anyone with Office Chair, Hate to pay two greenies just to open the Town Hall.

If you still need this send me a mayors portrait and I will send in return. I think I had this though my game used to reset to
level 1 constantly so I have pretty much had every gift at some point or another. I do believe office chair was on my current
game may be worth a try. I will hold off on your gift today and see if you want to give it a go. :cool:

Deleted member 5399

1st and foremost, all gifts are out from !KB and !KB2.
Secondly Event closed from !KB. So really not much of a change there if you visited. You got passengers during the event, and still would get the same amount now.(Now trying to decide which of those special buildings to keep and which to remove. Maybe a few Stores around town to replace the meager supermarkets. Certainly I will not comment on how a motel gives passengers every 4 hours:censored:. A couple drive-ins are nice as there are few and far between, as many, left in my country, anyhow. A few cafes would spruce up the city a bit. And maybe an outdoor cinema or two would be nice. There is one just outside Chicago, one can see from the highway.
Prize is a very nice building, that increases population by 30 and adds 10% coins earned to buildings right next to it; so choose wisely which ones to butt up against it. Not getting this challenge done either in !KB2.:(
Thirdly Signature has been updated to reflect upon, I no longer carry Exit signs in !KB for the final reserve hangar.
Which of course let us speak about the largest reserve hangar ever. For those who already have one, you know what I'm talking about.
Slots 1&2 are free. As is with production facilities, slot 3=20 greenies, 4=30 greenies, 5=40 greenies 6=60, 7=80, 8=100. 9=150, and slot 10=200 greenies.
I myself find no reason as to why anyone would wish to store 10 planes, as one has to sell an active plane, in order to replace it with one in reserve. See attachment.
Everyone have a good morning/afternoon/evening.
@Cluck hope you are doing a lot better.


  • Final Reserve Hangar.JPG
    Final Reserve Hangar.JPG
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Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Good Afternoon Flyers

I'm currently experiencing a quiet period in my game while waiting for the land discount window to re-open. During this period I've been in a reflective mood, thinking carefully about my next series of moves, since all things in this game are connected.

The options open to me, airport and city side, are many as a result of careful planning and game play during the past 16 months. Also, and not forgetting, all the help I've received from my neighbours with gifts and unique items. I could not have got this far by myself. My one regret is not joining the forum when I first started playing Airport City.

I've also discovered my many years of experience playing Backgammon and Chess has proved to be of great help to me, as bizarre as it may sound to you, the reader.

Happy flying to all members.


Captain WH Rollins


350+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
PM me for friend code

Welcome to the forum! This is the best resource for everything regarding Airport City. You will find a close knit community of very friendly, supportive people who all share the same goals - To build the best city and airport possible using their imaginations, creativity, ingenuity and problem solving abilities. With the help of this forum, you will be able to advance further, and faster then you normally would playing on your own.

In addition, we have many long term players who are very knowledgeable in the flights, destinations, planes, requirements and other useful information that will make your gaming more pleasurable.

Here are a few tips to follow in order to make your gaming and forum experience the best, and most productive it can be:

* Before finding neighbors, look around the forum. There are many other areas shared with other platforms with news, information, tips and other helpful things that can expand our knowledge of the game, and how to best achieve your goals.

* Introduce yourself in this thread. We encourage participation between forum members, both game wise and just conversationally, as there are many people from all across the globe here, and you can learn a great deal from chatting and participating. Feel free to ask as many questions as you can come up with, I'm sure one of us will be able to help you.

* If you look at everyone who has posted, you'll notice a signature containing their forum name, game name, level, stars, hearts, friend code, time zones, etc. In that signature, they will also place the items they need for their game, and also the items they can gift to neighbors. This way, everyone knows what they all need, and also what everyone can gift. This will make things a lot easier for you, as well as your neighbors.

If you receive a friend request from a forum member:

* They should have "tagged" you (@ symbol followed by forum username - Like I did with you above), or sent a private message telling you they sent the request. You will receive 200 coins for them adding you.

* If you choose to accept the request, that person will receive 200 coins also. At this time, you should immediately input their friend code. When you do this, you will receive 100 coins.

* You are now connected and can exchange gifts.

If you send a friend request to a forum member:

* You should "tag" them or send them a private message telling them you did so. Many forum members do not accept blind friend requests, especially from non forum members. When you input their code, you will receive 100 coins, they will receive 200 coins.

* Once that member has received your friend request, they should input your friend code to complete the connection. This would give you 200 coins. You should now be connected as neighbors and gifts may be exchanged.

If you have just started out, you may be unaware that there are also some bonus features that are available in the game that you can take advantage of. These include:

* Every weekend, G! puts out a weekend code. This code gives you 3 greenies, and $2000. in cash. The code is usually first posted in the Airport City News forum, but someone always posts it in this thread as well.

* Every other week, G! offers land expansions at 50% off. This is a great way of increasing your airport or City size.

* Every other week opposite from the land expansion sale, is a 300% bank offer, where when you purchase greens or cash with real money, you would get 300% time for the same amount of real money (Ex: instead of 32 greens for $8.99, you would get 96.)

* This site - http://airportcity.wikia.com/wiki/Airport_City_Wiki - is great for finding out what items are needed to complete all buildings, items required for flights, excavation flights, space launches, etc. You should bookmark it.

Deleted member 5399

If you wish to send a request to me, that is fine, especially to !KB as I have much to offer there. There are several items I still have to gift in !KB, that were from building upgrades, however when a player upgrades the building themselves, the gift gets deleted from their gifting list. items such as copy machines, communication antennas, computers and handling lines; or other specialty items, might be what you need now or in the future.


350+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Windows Mobile
Agent L
* If you choose to accept the request, that person will receive 200 coins also. At this time, you should immediately input their friend code.

* Once that member has received your friend request, they should input your friend code to complete the connection.

NEVER enter friend code as a response. Just find their request on the list and click "accept".

The reason is that every code is one use and once entered can never be used again. There are only 2 chances of getting friend with someone, so accepting by entering the code from the receiving side is just wasting the code for no reason.
This means if the connection would become broken by a bug, you can never be friends with that person again. (Except finding them in 4 random neighbors.)

Save the second code for the time you'll need it.

Source: http://airportcityhd.gi-center.com/support/faq

FAQ said:
I deleted my neighbor/cancelled an invitation. Can I add him/her again?

Each username can be input only once and if you have removed a neighbor from the list or invitation has been cancelled there is no opportunity to add the same username again.
If you added this player's username you can ask him or her to enter your username. In case you have already shared and used your usernames the way out may be to wait until the player's name appears in the first tab of the Neighbors menu that shows the list of players whom you can add (the list is formed randomly).
NEVER enter friend code as a response. Just find their request on the list and click "accept".

The reason is that every code is one use and once entered can never be used again. There are only 2 chances of getting friend with someone, so accepting by entering the code from the receiving side is just wasting the code for no reason.
This means if the connection would become broken by a bug, you can never be friends with that person again. (Except finding them in 4 proposed neighbors.)

Save the second code for the time you'll need it.

Source: http://airportcityhd.gi-center.com/support/faq

Except that not entering the friend code in return can leave you connected a to b, but not b to a !

You decide !!



350+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
PM me for friend code
@Agent_L - I can appreciate what you say, based on the FAQ you quote. But, as with everything else in this game, it's a personal choice of how you proceed. I will say, that since I started doing these new member posts, and people have been following it, that there have been much, much fewer incidents of people not connecting, or being stuck in awaiting reply, etc.

There are always going to be exceptions or alternate ways of doing things for everyone, based on what works for them. I simply try and make it easier for those that have ventured into the forum for the first time and make them feel welcome and aware of some of the features. How they proceed from there is up to that individual.

Thanks for the input though!


350+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Windows Mobile
Agent L
@Agent_L - I can appreciate what you say, based on the FAQ you quote.
Based on faq and tests I've done. You can initiate connection, get it accepted, delete, then re-initiate from the other side and accept again.
You get 2 chances. Advising to use all of them for no reason is simply wrong.

(Not to mention that your posts are condescending, because (as any copypasta) it shows that you haven't read what the other person wrote. Often telling them to do what they've already done, like telling Andreas to look around for neighbors when he already had found many and connected with them successfully, or telling me to fill my sig when I did or to introduce myself in wrong thread which I also did in appropriate one)
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