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what would be fair compensation from gi? your thoughts

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  2. iPad
as some of you already know I lost my game for the 2nd time due to gi's bug infested servers. in short my game simply disappeared twice and I had to begin again from level 1, the 1st time I was on level 35 and received 10 airport cash as compensation for my loss, which I thought was a slap in the face. now I've lost my game again - I was on level 31. I've emailed gi and after 48 hours I've finally received a pre-typed, cold and rather anal response from lily, informing me that "my problem has been sent to specialists and I'll have to wait 5 business days for a response" (extremely efficient lol). However, in the initial email I informed lily that I've spent real money on the game (equivalent to 512 airport cash), that I've lost the game twice, and that I would expect a sizable compensation package this time, she completely ignored these points.

I've requested 200 airport cash to assist me getting back to where I originally was, faster, which I think is fair if one considers its going to take me over a month to get back to level 35, if not longer. And believe me there is no fun in starting this game from the beginning, for the 2nd time

Now that you all have the info I would like to ask everyone what they think a fair compensation package would be? Please consider that in my 1st game I had been playing for about 3-4 months, the 2nd for 6 weeks, and spent about 100 us on the game. With this in mind there must be something said for player loyalty.

I've requested 200 airport cash as compensation, but I think I should have asked for more. What do you guys think? I chose this amount because I calculated that 200 would assist me in getting back to my previous level that was lost, faster, and it would be an amicable gesture by gi's management to offer it, as the fault is theirs - they have admitted that already the 1st time it happened, that's why I got my cash back and a slap in the face compensation of 10 airport cash.

In summary, do you all think 200 is fair? or should I have asked for more, or less? I would appreciate your thoughts on this matter.


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
To bad you spended money on this game, you never should have done that in the first place... But thats allready done now...

Im my opinion they should give you a fair solution for the problem. I think if they dont give you a fair one, they are really stupid. Cause than they are not respecting the paying players. The not paying ones, they never respected... Been there done that.

Hopefully they put you back on track.
Would be the best. Cause if they wont, everybody who is reading youre story will never ever spend any money on that bunch of amateurs in the future.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
I have received many emails from gi claiming they would resolve this issue and that issue, nothing has ever been resolved by them. As I mentioned in other posts BC and A, I complained of the weathervane bug more than 3 months ago and it still hasn't been fixed. I've received the weathervane bonus 3 times since my complaint 3months ago - it has never worked since then and many here on the forums have had the same experience. Quite frankly, gi has never stood by anything they have said they 'were' going to do. I've no faith in their lies and dishonesty.This company is only interested in money that is a fact.

point is BC I won't waste my time trying to resolve anything with them let alone restoring my game, because they never offered or suggested this was possible anyway. What they did do is answer me 48 hours later and the best they can do is tell me I have to wait another 5 business days for any kind of reasonable, intelligent answer. To me this is unacceptable and another slap in the face.

As you all an probably can tell I'm very unhappy with gi. I'm tired of dealing with these ppl to be honest. so I'm going to focus only on compensation for now.

So this brings me back to the original post:

What do you guys think would he reasonable compensation for for my loss? pls summarize and post should it be 200 airport cash? more? or less?
  1. Android
Friend Code
c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
I would ask for what you purchased. If you purchased 512 Airport Cash, I would tell them that is what you want or a complete refund of all money spent.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
thx BC and bew, I appreciate your input. I've asked for my airport cash back plus 200 extra for the inconvenience of losing my game for the second time. They refuse to answer this request - I will be keeping all emails and will 'publish' them if gi refuses to resolve this amicably. Lets see if gi has any credibility or loyalty to paying customers.

anyone else would like to coment on what would be fair compensation? if any?
I'm with Bew. It makes clear sense. Lilly is very frustrating to deal with though and doesn't follow
logical arguments. I think some people have got a refund from someone else like their credit card
company or google play saying they were scammed.

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