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Wednesday 13th February 2013 - Android Daily Trading Thread

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  1. Android
Friend Code
PIE2 +item
tdv or Aero do you know why im not getting any teddies from flights is it do u think cuse i have completed all violettes tasks (on the left) only got 4 so far and im flying to all the destinations (only 3 cuse only level 19) all day

Sorry if shouldnt of wrote it here :)
  1. Android
Friend Code
air canillas
Hola Maqu86, me has pillado con la pregunta, creo que la pista 5 era sólo para los Jumbo, pero la verdad es que no estoy seguro. Casi mejor que se lo preguntes a alguno de los moderadores. He estado buscando por las guías del chat y de GIS, pero no lo he encontrado. Si veo algo te aviso.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
tdv or Aero do you know why im not getting any teddies from flights is it do u think cuse i have completed all violettes tasks (on the left) only got 4 so far and im flying to all the destinations (only 3 cuse only level 19) all day

Sorry if shouldnt of wrote it here :)
The lower level planes have a lower chance to drop stuff. I ended up buying a Spyglass for 4 greenies and scored so many plush animals i have like 9 Merry-Go-Rounds, 6 on the ground and 3 in the warehouse. They should still drop so long as the main mission timer is still on your screen.
  1. Android
  2. iPhone
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see my signature
see my signature
tdv or Aero do you know why im not getting any teddies from flights is it do u think cuse i have completed all violettes tasks (on the left) only got 4 so far and im flying to all the destinations (only 3 cuse only level 19) all day

Sorry if shouldnt of wrote it here :)

You just need to keep at it... on the iDevice - I have been flying with two planes non stop to Venice (and for almost for 2 days nothing droped..) then three drops in three flights.... I am only at level 12 so can not get any higher level planes...
  1. Android
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PM me for the code
WLG Old Lantern
Hi All just had my game restored.
Please could you readd me and tag me? New username Lko. Please delete Lkoo2

For some reason i cannot re-add neighbours that I added last time.

Just added Bali Hi and Bali 2, Friso, zenmie, CK-Airport. Please accept

Looking for shears and others from the list in sig. Thanks

Welcome back, my game was restored yesterday:)
Unfortunately I tried to add you but got invalid promo code.
You may have maxed out your codes for today 5 max IIRC. Can you try me tomorrow?
  1. Android
Friend Code
air canillas
  1. Android
Friend Code
Maqu86, se llama powerful delta plane.
Hi to all, here's my gifts:
Passengers to Maqu86, beerbrewer, Sophie 2 and tdv CrApple2.
Fuel hose to One Bad Day, InCoNvEnIeNtE,diwata and Long.
Laser cutter to pienicki.
O. beacon to CK-Airport, Aero and Phantom.
Cooling chamber to howdyuk.
Shears to Sophie, Suresh, bubbajed5711, Phantom PH2, @airfarce and @pedrok.
Tour review to Ana Cristina Eusebio.
Good night from Spain.

air canillas, gracias otra vez amigo mío! no sé x qué tdv no me responde ningún mensaje o post.... qué quieres q te mande mañana de regalo?
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
anyone know who "NSA - Fuel" is? I have them on my Android game, avatar is a pic of a man holding a small child with some pictures on a wall behind them. If "NSA" is on this website, and sees this message, please add Flyerduck to your game as well. Thanks
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