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The lower level planes have a lower chance to drop stuff. I ended up buying a Spyglass for 4 greenies and scored so many plush animals i have like 9 Merry-Go-Rounds, 6 on the ground and 3 in the warehouse. They should still drop so long as the main mission timer is still on your screen.
Hi All just had my game restored.
Please could you readd me and tag me? New username Lko. Please delete Lkoo2
For some reason i cannot re-add neighbours that I added last time.
Just added Bali Hi and Bali 2, Friso, zenmie, CK-Airport. Please accept
Looking for shears and others from the list in sig. Thanks
air canillas, como se les llama a los gran delta en inglés?Hola Maqu86, me has pillado con la pregunta, creo que la pista 5 era sólo para los Jumbo, pero la verdad es que no estoy seguro. Casi mejor que se lo preguntes a alguno de los moderadores. He estado buscando por las guías del chat y de GIS, pero no lo he encontrado. Si veo algo te aviso.
Suresh & bubbajed5711 - accepted both your invites thanks - not too sure how I can help you from TDV20 - but will try
Maqu86, se llama powerful delta plane.
Hi to all, here's my gifts:
Passengers to Maqu86, beerbrewer, Sophie 2 and tdv CrApple2.
Fuel hose to One Bad Day, InCoNvEnIeNtE,diwata and Long.
Laser cutter to pienicki.
O. beacon to CK-Airport, Aero and Phantom.
Cooling chamber to howdyuk.
Shears to Sophie, Suresh, bubbajed5711, Phantom PH2, @airfarce and @pedrok.
Tour review to Ana Cristina Eusebio.
Good night from Spain.