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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

Update 7.23 preview

  1. iPhone
Friend Code
Capt. Lingu
Just got an updated on the game (IOS) and the plans have been added back to Level 15 & 19 of the premium Class.


700+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Yeah me too. I received only coins for level 15 and now that the mysterious plane box is back I haven’t receive it in my inventory or plane fleet tab


1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
These game designer guys and gals at GI AC are not exactly the cream of the bunch? I thought the object of their own in-house 'Beta system', like all professional game manufacturers, was to pre-test updates? Is it a case of profit overriding common sense?

Do not misunderstand me, I like the event and the small cost of gaining better items, but old and new faults and the new scoring have befuddled me; it would have helped if they had explained the new scoring league format upfront or even within the event box.

But hey-ho, life goes on and we play on hoping for better times. :) :)

Baz :)
This event is turning into a disaster !!!

Still not fixed the straitjacket problem.

And now.
Gifts waiting to be collected have disapeared.
Red Launch :-

1) Not showing up - Restart game
2) Now showing up, landed and it sits on the runway with no option to collect rewards - Restart game
3) Now showing, landed, on runway, shows option to receive rewards, click on it, nothing, nada, niet !!!!

Give up !

This event is turning into a disaster !!!

Still not fixed the straitjacket problem.

And now.
Gifts waiting to be collected have disapeared.
Red Launch :-

1) Not showing up - Restart game
2) Now showing up, landed and it sits on the runway with no option to collect rewards - Restart game
3) Now showing, landed, on runway, shows option to receive rewards, click on it, nothing, nada, niet !!!!

Give up !

Passengers are no longer counting either. Everything is grinding to a halt

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