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Update 7.23 preview


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
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In actuality you won 2,000,000 coins. They just deducted coins for server time usage, cloud storage for your city, and one coin for processing each screen tap/mouse click. You're probably lucky that you ended up on the positive side.
The brilliance of this comment is too much to look at with the naked eye 😎
  1. Windows PC
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AlexRoum GR
i ended 1st but havent received yet the mystery planes from event ... 5 days after the end of it ... hope next event wont be like the last one


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  1. Windows PC
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AlexRoum GR
Have you asked GI? Their automatic system didn’t catch everyone so you need to contact them, through their WEBSITE.
i send a ticket they reply me that they will solve the issue but that was 15days before and they made announce not to send tickets again and again for the same problem because they have a lot of work and not to bother them to send the mystery planes as soon as possible ....
i send a ticket they reply me that they will solve the issue but that was 15days before and they made announce not to send tickets again and again for the same problem because they have a lot of work and not to bother them to send the mystery planes as soon as possible ....
Send a second message. If that query is closed open a new one. You should have received it. I had the same. I wrote back quoting 1st complaint number explaining I hadn’t received the first plane. It turned up a couple of days after.
Design17 stated on discord that if you open up a 2nd ticket, you will get pushed back to the end of the queue, so please refrain from doing so. It would be better to contact him directly on discord and provide w original ticket # or GI support via email with the same msg

"ATTENTION MOBILE APP. PILOTS!!! With regards to the AC pilots who did not receive their Mystery Planes. Please be patient, as Customer Service (CS), is working on it. Be advised....sending multiple technical support tickets to CS, is not a good ideal. This will only push your support ticket back in the queue. One support ticket does the job. You want to keep your ticket in the queue. Not push it behind other AC users. This is taking longer than expected, and we apologize for the delay. Thank you for your continued support and patience."
Date of the post?
ATTENTION MOBILE APP. PILOTS!!! With regards to the AC pilots who did not receive their Mystery Planes. Please be patient, as Customer Service (CS), is working on it. Be advised....sending multiple technical support tickets to CS, is not a good ideal. This will only push your support ticket back in the queue. One support ticket does the job. You want to keep your ticket in the queue. Not push it behind other AC users. This is taking longer than expected, and we apologize for the delay. Thank you for your continued support and patience.
Well I got a post after a week saying ticket closed. All planes had been sent to those who should have them I hadn’t. They got a second raspberry ticket from me and a few days later I got the plane, with an apology. Each to their own I guess. Happy waiting,
  1. Android
What a crap. I didn't bother to finish.
Seeing all that hassle and trouble, i am really glad i didn't.
Hope the rewards of the next/future events to be back to normal. Give us black the DAILY steel chests.


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  1. Android
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So to clarify... You've come into the forum of a game you don't like, and then ask for recommendations of other games?

All the while not bothering with the "Alternative Games" section of the very same forum?

Your are so dense. I did not state that I do not like the game. Just replying a query to a previous post. Fin.
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