I have created this user guide to provide information to those of you who are new to the game of Airport City, and have been flying for a period of time. It is intended to help you to look ahead, as to the flight destinations available, the different types of planes required, the number of passengers needed, the amount of fuel needed, the destination flight times and aircraft repair items needed to repair your fleet of planes.
It is important to note that the game level you are on and the number of star skills you have, will determine the number of flight destinations open to you. As you progress through your game levels and increase your star skills, new destinations will open up to you. It is also important to note that certain types of buildings e.g. Flight School, Pharmaceutical Lab, Furniture Factory will be required, towards the higher end of your game, to open up some destinations.
With many of these destinations, flight items will need to be collected, and used to undertake these flights. Some of these flight items can be gifted to you by your neighbours, while others can be obtained through flight drops. These flights items do however take time to drop, and tend to be few and far between. In the long run, your neighbours will prove to be far more reliable, when gifting flight items, more reliable than from flight drops. You will also be able to collect flight items by watching a number of video game adverts, but this method of obtaining flight items will be limited.
The main buildings within your Airport City game Repair Base (Levels 1-7), Control Tower (Levels 1-13), Town Hall (Levels 1-11), Terminal (Levels 1-12), Reserve Hangar (Levels 1-5) and Operative Hangar (Levels 1-10) buildings will also have a bearing on your game, depending on each of the building levels. Each building level upgrade will require a set of gift items, to complete the process. Also important will be your capacity to generate and replenish passengers, fuel and coins on the city side of your game.
There will be a set period of time to wait before the main buildings can be made solid and live. This period will be measured in days (up to a maximum of 14 days for construction), the total duration will depend on the buildings in question. Once the waiting period ends, you can then click and complete the upgrade process. It will not be possible or practical to list all of these buildings associated gift items, across all of the building levels.
This first section is in alphabetical order, it list's all of the flight destinations available, the different types of planes required to fly to the destinations, the flight items needed to undertake the flights, the passengers and fuel required, the destination flight times and the aircraft repair items needed to repair your fleet of planes:
To undertake these types of flights you will need to have a healthy supply of passengers and fuel available, and the ability to generate and replenish your resources, so you have the resources in place for when you need them. It is extremely important how you set-up the city side and airport side of your game, to undertake these flights:
Destination Flight Time Figures
The standard flight times will vary considerably, based on the destinations and the type of planes in your fleet. It will not be possible or even practical to list every single destination and flight time here, with almost 100 destinations to choose from:
Please Note - the Vintage Weathervane bonus will increase the speed of your planes by 35% for 6 hours, there are a number of ways to obtain this bonus. The following user guide will give you more detailed information and explain how to obtain them, The Airport City Game Bonuses - How To Collect Them And How To Use Them During Game Play, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-game-bonuses-how-to-collect-them-and-how-to-use-them-during-game-play-v7-9-6.26573/
The aircraft repair items for your fleet of planes can be obtained from the following sources, Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Repair Set, Large Repair Set, Extra Repair Set and Rookie Pilot Set. They can also be received as gifts from your neighbours, drops from guest planes and drops from plane and helicopter flight destinations:
It will be important to note that not all the aircraft repair items, for your fleet of planes, will be obtained from the same sources or drop from the same guest planes. The aircraft repair items can however be gifted to you, by your neighbours, although your neighbours will not all have the same types of aircraft repair items. If you have set up your signature page, you will be able to list your requirements. It will always be important to have a well stocked warehouse of aircraft repair items. The alternative will be for you to wait for the planes to be repaired, which will take time to do so.
In this second section the information is presented in a different format, it list's the different types of planes available, all the destinations for each of these planes, the game level when the planes become available to purchase and how much each plane costs:
It will be extremely useful if you read through the following user guide, The Airport City Six Main Buildings - Repair Base, Control Tower, Town Hall, Terminal, Reserve Hangar, Operative Hangar, this will give you a good understanding of the six main buildings within your game, and the bearing each of these buildings will have, on your ability to fly to these common flight destinations. By clicking on the following link you will be taken to where the user guide is located https://www.airportcitygame.com/thr...eserve-hangar-operative-hangar-v8-0-11.18757/
Last Updated: Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 08.45am London UK Time
It is important to note that the game level you are on and the number of star skills you have, will determine the number of flight destinations open to you. As you progress through your game levels and increase your star skills, new destinations will open up to you. It is also important to note that certain types of buildings e.g. Flight School, Pharmaceutical Lab, Furniture Factory will be required, towards the higher end of your game, to open up some destinations.
With many of these destinations, flight items will need to be collected, and used to undertake these flights. Some of these flight items can be gifted to you by your neighbours, while others can be obtained through flight drops. These flights items do however take time to drop, and tend to be few and far between. In the long run, your neighbours will prove to be far more reliable, when gifting flight items, more reliable than from flight drops. You will also be able to collect flight items by watching a number of video game adverts, but this method of obtaining flight items will be limited.
The main buildings within your Airport City game Repair Base (Levels 1-7), Control Tower (Levels 1-13), Town Hall (Levels 1-11), Terminal (Levels 1-12), Reserve Hangar (Levels 1-5) and Operative Hangar (Levels 1-10) buildings will also have a bearing on your game, depending on each of the building levels. Each building level upgrade will require a set of gift items, to complete the process. Also important will be your capacity to generate and replenish passengers, fuel and coins on the city side of your game.
There will be a set period of time to wait before the main buildings can be made solid and live. This period will be measured in days (up to a maximum of 14 days for construction), the total duration will depend on the buildings in question. Once the waiting period ends, you can then click and complete the upgrade process. It will not be possible or practical to list all of these buildings associated gift items, across all of the building levels.
This first section is in alphabetical order, it list's all of the flight destinations available, the different types of planes required to fly to the destinations, the flight items needed to undertake the flights, the passengers and fuel required, the destination flight times and the aircraft repair items needed to repair your fleet of planes:
Amsterdam | Jumbo | Spare Propeller - Flight Catering | 380 Passengers | 48 Units |
Anchorage | Falcon | Fruit Lollipop - Ear Plugs | 350 Passengers | 45 Units |
Antarctic | Eagle | Deicer - Flight Catering | 28 Passengers | 42 Units |
Arctic Station | Owl | Landing Lamps | 38 Passengers | 16 Units |
Aruba | Thunderbird | Bed - E-Reader | 150 Passengers | 40 Units |
Austin | Giant | Blanket - Attitude Indicator | 500 Passengers | 50 Units |
Baghdad | Thunderbird | Bed - E-Reader | 150 Passengers | 50 Units |
Baikonur | Hawk | Non Required | 80 Passengers | 22 Units |
Bali Island | Owl | Landing Lamps | 36 Passengers | 16 Units |
Bangor | Condor | VR Headset - Sleeping Pill | 750 Passengers | 60 Units |
Barcelona | Raven | Fuel Hose - Flight Catering | 160 Passengers | 40 Units |
Beijing | Falcon | Fruit Lollipop - Ear Plugs | 350 Passengers | 45 Units |
Belize | Thunderbird | Bed - E-Reader | 150 Passengers | 40 Units |
Berlin | Jumbo | Oscillating Beacon - Flight Catering | 380 Passengers | 48 Units |
Bogota | Giant | Flight Catering - Blanket | 500 Passengers | 50 Units |
Boston | Thunderbird | Bed - E-Reader | 150 Passengers | 40 Units |
Brasilia | Eagle | Flight Catering | 280 Passengers | 42 Units |
Budapest | Condor | VR Headset - Sleeping Pill | 750 Passengers | 60 Units |
Buenos Aires | Hawk | Non Required | 80 Passengers | 42 Units |
Busan | Thunderbird | Bed - E-Reader | 150 Passengers | 40 Units |
Canary Islands | Hawk | Non Required | 80 Passengers | 24 Units |
Cape Canaveral | Owl | Non Required | 38 Passengers | 16 Units |
Cape Town | Jumbo | Fuel Hose - Flight Catering | 380 Passengers | 48 Units |
Caracas | Giant | Flight Catering - Blanket | 500 Passengers | 50 Units |
Chicago | Eagle | Flight Catering | 280 Passengers | 42 Units |
Corsica | Hawk | Non Required | 80 Passengers | 32 Units |
Cyprus | Swift | Non Required | 19 Passengers | 12 Units |
Dakar | Falcon | Fruit Lollipop - Ear Plugs | 380 Passengers | 45 Units |
Dallas | Condor | VR Headset - Sleeping Pill | 750 Passengers | 60 Units |
Damascus | Thunderbird | Bed - E-Reader | 150 Passengers | 40 Units |
Delhi | Eagle | Spare Propeller - Flight Catering | 280 Passengers | 42 Units |
Dubai | Raven | Oscillating Beacon | 160 Passengers | 42 Units |
Egypt | Swift | Non Required | 19 Passengers | 10 Units |
Frankfurt | Falcon | Fruit Lollipop - Ear Plugs | 350 Passengers | 45 Units |
Galapagos Islands | Raven | Flight Catering | 160 Passengers | 34 Units |
Goa | Owl | Non Required | 36 Passengers | 16 Units |
Guadalajara | Condor | VR Headset - Sleeping Pill | 750 Passengers | 60 Units |
Hainan | Condor | VR Headset - Sleeping Pill | 750 Passengers | 60 Units |
Havana | Giant | Blanket - Attitude Indicator | 500 Passengers | 50 Units |
Hawaiian Islands | Jumbo | Fuel Hose - Flight Catering | 380 Passengers | 48 Units |
Helsinki | Giant | Blanket - Wireless Compass | 500 Passengers | 50 Units |
Hong Kong | Eagle | Spare Propeller - Flight Catering | 280 Passengers | 42 Units |
Houston | Jumbo | Oscillating Beacon - Flight Catering | 380 Passengers | 48 Units |
Ibiza | Falcon | Fruit Lollipop - Ear-Plugs | 350 Passengers | 45 Units |
Iceland | Eagle | Flight Catering | 280 Passengers | 42 Units |
Jakarta | Thunderbird | Bed - E-Reader | 150 Passengers | 40 Units |
Jeju Island | Falcon | Lollipop - Ear Plugs | 350 Passengers | 45 Units |
Jiuquan | Jumbo | Oscillating Beacon - Flight Catering | 380 Passengers | 48 Units |
Johannesburg | Giant | Blanket - Wireless Compass | 500 Passengers | 50 Units |
Kabul | Thunderbird | Bed - E-Reader | 150 Passengers | 40 Units |
Kansas City | Condor | VR Headset - Sleeping Pill | 750 Passengers | 60 Units |
Karachi | Condor | VR Headset - Sleeping Pill | 750 Passengers | 60 Units |
Komodo | Jumbo | Strobe Light - Flight Catering | 380 Passengers | 48 Units |
Kuala Lumpur | Condor | VR Headset - Sleeping Pill | 750 Passengers | 60 Units |
Lagos | Condor | VR Headset - Sleeping Pill | 750 Passengers | 60 Units |
Las Vegas | Eagle | Spare Propeller - Flight Catering | 280 Passengers | 42 Units |
Lima | Raven | Non Required | 160 Passengers | 30 Units |
Lisbon | Falcon | Fruit Lollipop - Ear Plug | 350 Passengers | 45 Units |
London | Hawk | Fuel Additives | 80 Passengers | 24 Units |
Los Angeles | Hawk | Non Required | 80 Passengers | 22 Units |
Macau | Condor | Bed - Sleeping Pills | 750 Passengers | 60 Units |
Madeira | Giant | Blanket - RDF | 500 Passengers | 50 Units |
Malta | Owl | Powerful Radio Transmitter | 38 Passengers | 16 Units |
Mexico City | Jumbo | Navigation Module - Flight Catering | 380 Passengers | 48 Units |
Melbourne | Giant | Blanket - Attitude Indicator | 500 Passengers | 50 Units |
Minneapolis | Falcon | Fruit Lollipop - Ear Plugs | 350 Passengers | 45 Units |
Mogadishu | Falcon | Blanket - Fruit Lollipop | 350 Passengers | 45 Units |
Montreal | Jumbo | Navigation Module - Flight Catering | 380 Passengers | 48 Units |
Montevideo | Falcon | Fruit Lollipop - Ear Plugs | 350 Passengers | 45 Units |
Moscow | Raven | Flight Catering | 160 Passengers | 34 Units |
Nepal | Eagle | Deicer, Flight Catering | 280 Passengers | 42 Units |
New Orleans | Condor | VR Headset - Sleeping Pill | 750 Passengers | 60 Units |
New York | Raven | Navigation Module - Flight Catering | 160 Passengers | 36 Units |
Nice | Raven | Non Required | 160 Passengers | 30 Units |
North Observatory | Hawk | Non Required | 80 Passengers | 24 Units |
Osaka | Thunderbird | Bed - E-Reader | 150 Passengers | 40 Units |
Oslo | Giant | Blanket - Wireless Compass | 500 Passengers | 50 Units |
Paris | Raven | Flight Catering | 160 Passengers | 38 Units |
Plesetsk | Giant | Flight Catering - Blanket | 500 Passengers | 50 Units |
Prague | Condor | VR Headset - Sleeping Pills | 750 Passengers | 60 Units |
Pyongyang | Thunderbird | Fruit Lollipop - Bed | 150 Passengers | 40 Units |
Quito | Jumbo | Navigation Module - Flight Catering | 380 Passengers | 48 Units |
Rio | Hawk | Non Required | 80 Passengers | 26 Units |
Riyadh | Thunderbird | Bed - E-Reader | 150 Passengers | 40 Units |
Rome | Hawk | Non Required | 80 Passengers | 22 Units |
Saint Petersburg | Hawk | Spare Wire | 80 Passengers | 28 Units |
San Francisco | Owl | Fuel Supply | 38 Passengers | 18 Units |
Santiago | Jumbo | Spare Propeller - Flight Catering | 380 Passengers | 48 Units |
Sao Paulo | Owl | Non required | 38 Passengers | 14 Units |
Seattle | Jumbo | Fuel House - Flight Catering | 380 Passengers | 48 Units |
Seoul | Raven | Fuel House - Flight Catering | 160 Passengers | 40 Units |
Singapore | Hawk | Additional Radar | 80 Passengers | 24 Units |
Shanghai | Eagle | Flight Catering | 280 Passengers | 42 Units |
Small Village | Swallow/Swift | Non Required | 12 Passengers | 8 Units |
South Observatory | Raven | Non Required | 160 Passengers | 30 Units |
Sri Lanka | Owl | Non Required | 38 Passengers | 14 Units |
Stockholm | Falcon | Fruit Lollipop - E-Plugs | 350 Passengers | 45 Units |
Sydney | Hawk | Spare Wire | 80 Passengers | 24 Units |
Tasmania | Eagle | Flight Catering | 280 Passengers | 42 Units |
Tehran | Thunderbird | Bed - E-Reader | 150 Passengers | 40 Units |
Thailand | Owl | Non Required | 38 Passengers | 17 Units |
Tokyo | Jumbo | Spare Propeller - Flight Catering | 380 Passengers | 48 Units |
Toronto | Giant | Blanket - Wireless Compass | 500 Passengers | 50 Units |
Tortuga | Giant | Blanket - Wireless Compass | 500 Passengers | 50 Units |
Training Flight | Swallow/Swift | Non Required | 12 Passengers | 8 Units |
Turkish Coast | Owl | Non Required | 38 Passengers | 14 Units |
Vladivostok | Jumbo | Oscillating Beacon - Flight Catering | 380 Passengers | 48 Units |
Washington DC | Owl | Landing Lamp | 38 Passengers | 14 Units |
Yekaterinburg | Falcon | Fruit Lollipop - E-Plugs | 350 Passengers | 45 Units |
Yokohama | Giant | Blanket - Attitude Indicator | 500 Passengers | 50 Units |
Passengers and Fuel FiguresTo undertake these types of flights you will need to have a healthy supply of passengers and fuel available, and the ability to generate and replenish your resources, so you have the resources in place for when you need them. It is extremely important how you set-up the city side and airport side of your game, to undertake these flights:
Swallow planes - Passengers 12 - Units of Fuel 4 | Swift planes - Passengers 19 -Units of Fuel 10-12 |
Owl planes - Passengers 38 - Units of Fuel 14-18 | Hawk planes - Passengers 80 - Units of Fuel 22-28 |
Raven planes - Passengers 160 - Units of Fuel 30-40 | Eagle planes - Passengers 280 - Units of Fuel 42 |
Jumbo planes - Passengers 380 - Units of Fuel 48 | Giant planes - Passengers 500 - Units of Fuel 50 |
Falcon planes - Passengers 350 - Units of Fuel 45 | Thunderbird planes - Passengers 150 - Units of Fuel 40 |
Condor planes - Passengers 750 - Units of Fuel 60 |
Destination Flight Time Figures
The standard flight times will vary considerably, based on the destinations and the type of planes in your fleet. It will not be possible or even practical to list every single destination and flight time here, with almost 100 destinations to choose from:
Swallow planes - 1 minute to 3 minutes - Flight Time | Swift planes - 10 minutes to 20 minutes - Flight Time |
Owl planes - 30 minutes to 2 hours - Flight Time | Hawk planes - 3 hours to 4 hours and 40 minutes - Flight Time |
Raven planes - 5 hours to 6 hours and 40minutes - Flight Time | Eagle planes - 7 hours to 8 hours and 40 minutes - Flight Time |
Jumbo planes - 8 hours - 8 hours and 40 minutes - Flight Time | Giant planes - 9 hours - Flight Time |
Falcon planes - 3 hours - Flight Time | Thunderbird planes - 5 hours - Flight Time |
Condor planes - 12 hours - Flight Time |
Please Note - the Vintage Weathervane bonus will increase the speed of your planes by 35% for 6 hours, there are a number of ways to obtain this bonus. The following user guide will give you more detailed information and explain how to obtain them, The Airport City Game Bonuses - How To Collect Them And How To Use Them During Game Play, www.airportcitygame.com/threads/the-airport-city-game-bonuses-how-to-collect-them-and-how-to-use-them-during-game-play-v7-9-6.26573/
You can use Fuel Catalyst (stored in the bonus section of the game store) which will allow you to accelerate your planes in flight. When this option becomes available, you will have 5 minutes in which to accelerate your planes, by clicking on the blue and white arrow button. The number of times you can do this, during the course of a flight, will depend on the plane in question, some can be accelerated three times (Condor's), some can be accelerated twice (Giant's and Jumbo's) while others just once (Thunderbird's and Falcon's). Some of the smaller planes (Swift, Owl, Hawk, Raven, Eagle) can not be accelerated during flights. The fuel catalyst's can be sent and received as gifts from your neighbours.
You will have the option to complete your flights by speeding up your planes, by using your fuel supply. This method of flight completion will draw fuel direct from your fuel counter. This method will need to be used conservatively, since it will drain your fuel resources, especially with the much larger planes. You will also need to consider the replenishment rate of your fuel may be a problem.
Aircraft Repair ItemsThe aircraft repair items for your fleet of planes can be obtained from the following sources, Gift Set, Large Gift Set, Mystery Set, Repair Set, Large Repair Set, Extra Repair Set and Rookie Pilot Set. They can also be received as gifts from your neighbours, drops from guest planes and drops from plane and helicopter flight destinations:
Aircraft Tire - Hawk, Hawk S1-S3, Raven, Raven S1-S3, Air Lab |
Altimeter - Eagle, Eagle S1-S3 |
Autopilot - Falcon, Falcon S1-S3, Thunderbird, Thunderbird S1-S3, Snow Thunderbird |
Cockpit Glass - Owl, Rainbow Owl, Owl S1-S3, Hawk, Hawk S1-S3, Fighter Jet |
Differential Relay - Giant, Giant S1-S3, Falcon, Falcon S1-S3 |
Empennage - Swallow, Swift, Swift S1-S3, Carpet, Aerobatic, Owl, Rainbow Owl, Owl S1-S3 |
Gyroscope - Eagle, Eagle S1-S3 |
Head-Up Display - Thunderbird, Thunderbird S1-S3, Snow Thunderbird, Condor, Condor S1-S3 |
Hydraulic Cylinder - Falcon, Falcon S1-S3, Thunderbird, Thunderbird S1-S3, Snow Thunderbird |
Jet Engine - Hawk, Hawk S1-S3, Raven, Raven S1-S3, Air Lab |
Lamp Shade - Giant, Giant S1-S3, Falcon, Falcon S1-S3 |
Landing Gear - Raven, Raven S1-S3, Eagle, Eagle S1-S3, Jumbo, Jumbo S1-S3, Jumbo Ranger |
Light Engine - Swallow, Swift, Swift S1-S3, Carpet, Aerobatic, Owl, Rainbow Owl, Owl S1-S3, Attack |
Paint - Owl, Owl S1-S3, Rainbow Owl, Air Lab, Hawk, Hawk S1-S3, Fighter Jet |
Passenger Seat - Raven, Raven S1-S3, Eagle, Eagle S1-S3, Jumbo, Jumbo S1-S3, Jumbo Ranger |
Pilot Headset - Thunderbird, Thunderbird S1-S3, Snow Thunderbird, Condor, Condor S1-S3 |
Pitot Tube - Condor, Condor S1-S3 |
Spoiler - Jumbo, Jumbo S1-S3, Jumbo Ranger, Giant, Giant S1-S3 |
VSI - Condor, Condor S1-S3 |
Warning System - Jumbo, Jumbo S1-S3, Jumbo Ranger, Giant, Giant S1-S3 |
It will be important to note that not all the aircraft repair items, for your fleet of planes, will be obtained from the same sources or drop from the same guest planes. The aircraft repair items can however be gifted to you, by your neighbours, although your neighbours will not all have the same types of aircraft repair items. If you have set up your signature page, you will be able to list your requirements. It will always be important to have a well stocked warehouse of aircraft repair items. The alternative will be for you to wait for the planes to be repaired, which will take time to do so.
In this second section the information is presented in a different format, it list's the different types of planes available, all the destinations for each of these planes, the game level when the planes become available to purchase and how much each plane costs:
| ||||
Swift planes | Owl planes | Hawk planes | Raven planes | Eagle planes |
Jumbo planes | Giant planes | Falcon planes | Thunderbird planes | Condor planes |
Swallow planes - Training Flight, Small Village
Swift planes - Cyprus, Egypt
Owl planes - Artic Station, Bali Island, Cape Canaveral, Goa, Malta, San Francisco, Sao Paulo, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkish Coast, Washington DC
Hawk planes - Baikonur, Buenos Aires, Canary Islands, Corsica, London, Los Angeles, North Observatory, Rio, Rome, Saint Petersburg, Singapore, Sydney
Raven planes - Barcelona, Dubai, Galapagos Islands, Lima, Moscow, New York, Nice, Paris, Seoul, South Observatory
Eagle planes - Antarctic, Brasilia, Chicago, Delhi, Hong Kong, Iceland, Las Vegas, Nepal, Shanghai, Tasmania
Jumbo planes - Amsterdam, Berlin, Cape Town, Hawaiian Islands, Houston, Jiuquan, Komodo, Mexico City, Montreal, Quito, Santiago, Seattle, Tokyo, Vladivostok,
Giant planes - Austin, Bogota, Caracas, Havana, Helsinki, Johannesburg, Madeira, Melbourne, Oslo, Plesetsk, Toronto, Tortuga, Yokohama,
Falcon planes - Anchorage, Beijing, Dakar, Frankfurt, Ibiza, Jeju Island, Lisbon, Minneapolis, Mogadishu, Montevideo, Stockholm, Yekaterinburg,
Thunderbird planes - Aruba, Baghdad, Belize, Boston, Busan, Damascus, Jakarta, Kabul, Osaka, Pyongyang, Riyadh, Tehran,
Condor planes - Bangor, Budapest, Dallas, Guadalajara, Hainan, Kansas City, Karachi, Kuala Lumpur, Lagos, Macau, New Orleans, Prague,
Swallow planes - available from game level 1 | 200 Gold Coins | 20 Gold Coins |
Swift planes - available from game level 5 | 450 Gold Coins | 45 Gold Coins |
Owl planes - available from game level 7 | 2,000 Gold Coins | 200 Gold Coins |
Hawk planes - available from game level 13 | 12,000 Gold Coins | 1,200 Gold Coins |
Raven planes - available from game level 19 | 20,000 Gold Coins | 2,000 Gold Coins |
Eagle planes - available from game level 25 | 44,000 Gold Coins | 4,400 Gold Coins |
Jumbo planes - available from game level 31 | 54,000 Gold Coins | 5,400 Gold Coins |
Giant planes - available from game level 41 | 300,000 Gold Coins | 30,000 Gold Coins |
Falcon planes - available from game level 51 | 500,000 Gold Coins | 50,000 Gold Coins |
Thunderbird planes - available from game level 61 | 900,000 Gold Coins | 90,000 Gold Coins |
Condor planes - available from game level 71 | 1,500,000 Gold Coins | 150,000 Gold Coins |
ADDITIONAL READING MATERIALIt will be extremely useful if you read through the following user guide, The Airport City Six Main Buildings - Repair Base, Control Tower, Town Hall, Terminal, Reserve Hangar, Operative Hangar, this will give you a good understanding of the six main buildings within your game, and the bearing each of these buildings will have, on your ability to fly to these common flight destinations. By clicking on the following link you will be taken to where the user guide is located https://www.airportcitygame.com/thr...eserve-hangar-operative-hangar-v8-0-11.18757/
Last Updated: Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 08.45am London UK Time
Last edited: