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Strange ranking in event competion

I recently started an extra account and participate in Dancing with the Leprechauns event. I am a bit puzzled when I look at the competion ranking, check one of the two at 9th place, it doesn't have enough points to be so high in the list. Is this really normal?


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:ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:I personally think this is not worthy our time to figure it out. Even the game developers may not know why. Take a screenshot one minute before event concludes if it’s still there, and send it to G! If you are keen to let them know. Will they do anything? I don’t know…


1500+ Star Club
All New Tadashi
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reported similiar things many times to G.I.. the reply "it is known and with one of next version it should not happened again". But that informaton was last year and also in February 2023. I really agree with what was said before: the programmers do not know why this happens. Which is not a wonder (looking how things are programmed and checked nowadays at G.I.).
Another thing: at this time (since yesterday) : NO ALLIANCE RATINGS ! "is currently unavailable"
With all the Weekly Bonuses Top Alliances are getting every few mins, makes the Rankings irrelevant now.
Drop everyone from all Alliances, fix the bugs and start with new League system.
Which is what FreeToPlay said was in the pipeline a couple of years ago…..maybe this has forced their hand. I say put the top 14 or 15 cheating alliances together and let the honest alliances be with others who are similarily honest. Cheating alliance means any group who keeps a single player who knowingly cheats, without booting them. Maybe some alliance leaders need to do more leading and less sitting on their hands as they benefit from someone else’s dishonest acts…just as guilty in my book if you choose to do nothing…

But maybe values are not what they used to be..
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