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Spring Is Here Mini-Game


350+ Star Club
Comeback Flyers
  1. Android
  2. Windows PC
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spearman78*item needed*
So....I'm just curious. Has anyone actually gotten any AC from this mini-game in the current event?



350+ Star Club
Well, here is another blue box. The chance of getting AC is 12.5% (1 in 8)


I had 13 AC. OK AC again. Now AC reads 14. So, yes the AC you get is ONLY 1. But considering that coins you get is 2-3, 1 is plenty. If you are looking for AC, then wait for Constellation Festival and Winter something event. You can get over 1000 AC (only if you click cars non stop while your hand is glued to the mouse. You get about 5AC per hour.


BTW, clicking on TAKE button is a one click wasted. AC is already in your stash. So, just press ESC key to close the window.

plane fan

800+ Star Club
Teamwork Int'l
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
A pfan-(gifts needed)
I don't know about you guys, but if I never play the game again until next year, I'll be happy. I'm soooooo tired of it now.
Yeah, the Musketeers has lost 7 players in the last 48 hours, people are getting really burned out and this event sure didn't help. I don't play the events much anymore since they have just become boring and repetitive at this point.
Task: 0/3 Manually speed up a flight to San Sebastian
Task: 0/9 Manually speed up a flight to Lagos
Task: 0/15 Manually speed up a flight to Lagos

So that's 18 games I need to play to clear out just one set of tasks. How do I feel?

View attachment 73418
Agree…. I have task 1 and 2 for Havana… they aren’t getting done…. I guess I’ll be joining the ranks of leavers soon…. Only 5 stars left….
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