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Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Dear Flyers

If your like me and you have been playing Airport City for quite sometime, then you would have built up healthy supplies of resource items used in fueling your Spaceship Launches.

I'm referring in particular to the following four resource items - Additional Stabilalizer (123), Explosive Bolt (128), Small Fuel Tank (29) and Solid Fuel (331). These resources are normally left over because of the time it takes, a few hours, before you are able to select them again having waited for the items to become available.

I've not included the remaining three resource items, which make up the entire range, Large Fuel Tank, Main Stabilalizer and Powerful Explosive Bolt, simply because they have a far greater value and are more frequently used when launches are opened.

I'm sure there are many forum members who are in a similar position. With that in mind, I would like to try and use up these smaller resources, by opening up a green launch (1600 limit the smallest available) and leaving the launch open for almost 24 hours or when a flight is ready for launch, whichever comes first.

It will, of course, not be possible to use up all these resource items in just one launch, so there would need to be quite a few, over many days if not many weeks.

I would be very interested to know what members think. For this to work we would need to have an understanding, that this is about using up all those smaller resource items and not about securing first, second or third place as such. The only problem that I can see would be those, non forum members, who could take advantage, because they are not up to speed and/or not concerned.

I very much look forward to reading your thoughts on this matter. To my way of thinking it is a great waste of unused resources, which should be used. All those involved would benefit in the long run which can't be a bad thing.


Captain WH Rollins

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Twenty Five Flights Completed
  • 1st - porvillewright (23 flights) - 4,262 resources - 59,750 coins - 6,350 experience and 27 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 2nd - Harcourt (22 flights) - 3,822 resources - 21,500 coins - 3,550 experience and 18 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 3rd - Captain WH Rollins (22 flights) - 3,648 resources - 39,500 coins - 4,600 experience and 25 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 4th - Wired Parrott (21 flights) - 3,174 resources - 23,000 coins - 3,250 experience and 31 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 5th - Wasted Eagle (18 flights) - 3,122 resources - 43,500 coins - 4,700 experience and 24 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 6th - crescent moon (15 flights) - 2,812 resources - 20,000 coins - 2,650 experience and 21 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 7th - ItsRalphy (22 flights) - 2,242 resources - 12,500 coins - 2,100 experience and 22 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 8th - gorrion (13 flights) - 2,102 resources - 32,000 coins - 3,450 experience and 16 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - Mike47 (10 flights) - 1,452 resources - 16,750 coins - 1,950 experience and 10 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 10th - Phil G (9 flights) - 1,252 resources - 21,500 coins - 2,350 experience and 9 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 11th - Radu81 (7 flights) - 1,000 resources - 8,500 coins - 1,100 experience and 12 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 12th - david smith (5 flights) - 902 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,200 experience and 5 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 13th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 13th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 14th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 15th - cats are awaresome (7 flights) - 728 resources - 7,250 coins - 870 experience and 7 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 16th - jimstreet (5 flights) - 618 resources - 3,000 coins - 550 experience and 6 reward chest (two game accounts)
  • 17th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins - 500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 18th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 19th - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 20th - Airport Arne (3 flights) - 390 resources - 1,000 coins - 200 experience and 3 reward chest (one game account)
  • 21st - cath (3 flights) - 378 resources - 1,750 coins - 300 experience and 4 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 22nd - brycei (5 flights) - 362 resources - 1,250 coins - 450 experience and 5 reward chest (one game account)
  • 23rd - wydaho (4 flights) - 322 resources - 1,000 coins - 200 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 24th - Gyorgy kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 25th - RavenENTP (2 flights) - 314 resources - 6,500 coins - 700 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 25th - gbswales (3 flights) - 314 resources - 3,500 coins - 400 experience and 3 reward chest (one game account)
  • 26th - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 27th - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 28th - Kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 29th - PeterNL (1 flight) - 78 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 30th - wkndcmpr (skymarshal) (1 flight) - 54 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (new entry)
  • 31st - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
Table updated/posted on Saturday 30th July at 14.40pm

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Twenty Six Flights Completed
  • 1st - porvillewright (24 flights) - 4,376 resources - 62,750 coins - 6,650 experience and 28 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 2nd - Harcourt (23 flights) - 4,014 resources - 22,000 coins - 3,650 experience and 20 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 3rd - Captain WH Rollins (23 flights) - 3,798 resources - 45,500 coins - 5,200 experience and 27 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 4th - Wired Parrott (22 flights) - 3,228 resources - 23,250 coins - 3,300 experience and 32 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 5th - Wasted Eagle (18 flights) - 3,122 resources - 43,500 coins - 4,700 experience and 24 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 6th - Crescent moon (16 flights) - 3,028 resources - 21,500 coins - 2,900 experience and 23 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 7th - ItsRalphy (23 flights) - 2,332 resources - 12,750 coins - 2,150 experience and 23 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 8th - gorrion (14 flights) - 2,240 resources - 35,000 coins - 3,750 experience and 17 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - Mike47 (11 flights) - 1,560 resources - 17,750 coins - 2,100 experience and 11 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 10th - Phil G (10 flights) - 1,306 resources - 21,750 coins - 2,400 experience and 10 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 11th - Radu81 (7 flights) - 1,000 resources - 8,500 coins - 1,100 experience and 12 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 12th - david smith (5 flights) - 902 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,200 experience and 5 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 13th - jimstreet (6 flights) - 774 resources - 3,500 coins - 650 experience and 8 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 14th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 14th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 15th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 16th - cats are awaresome (7 flights) - 728 resources - 7,250 coins - 870 experience and 7 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 17th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins - 500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 18th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 19th - cath (4 flights) - 520 resources - 2,250 coins - 400 experience and 6 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 20th - Airport Arne (4 flights) - 492 resources - 1,500 coins - 300 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 21st - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 22nd - cath (wydaho) (5 flights) - 406 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 23rd - brycei (5 flights) - 362 resources - 1,250 coins - 450 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 24th - Gyorgy kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 25th - RavenENTP (2 flights) - 314 resources - 6,500 coins - 700 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 25th - gbswales (3 flights) - 314 resources - 3,500 coins - 400 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 26th - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 27th - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 28th - Kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 29th - PeterNL (1 flight) - 78 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 30th - wkndcmpr (SkyMarshal) (1 flight) - 54 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 31st - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
Table updated on Sunday 7th August at 17.20pm

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Twenty Seven Flights Completed
  • 1st - porvillewright (24 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 4,538 resources - 63,750 coins - 6,850 experience and 29 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 2nd - Harcourt (23 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 4,330 resources - 24,500 coins - 4,050 experience and 22 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 3rd - Captain WH Rollins (23 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 3,984 resources - 50,500 coins - 5,700 experience and 28 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 4th - Wired Parrott (22 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 3,384 resources - 23,750 coins - 3,400 experience and 33 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 5th - Crescent moon (16 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 3,352 resources - 22,500 coins - 3,100 experience and 25 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 6th - Wasted Eagle (18 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 3,224 resources - 44,000 coins - 4,800 experience and 25 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 7th - ItsRalphy (23 flights) - 2,332 resources - 12,750 coins - 2,150 experience and 23 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 8th - gorrion (14 flights) - 2,240 resources - 35,000 coins - 3,750 experience and 17 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - Mike47 (11 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 1,740 resources - 19,750 coins - 2,400 experience and 12 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 10th - Phil G (10 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 1,480 resources - 22,750 coins - 2,600 experience and 11 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 11th - Radu81 (7 flights) - 1,000 resources - 8,500 coins - 1,100 experience and 12 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 12th - jimstreet (6 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 992 resources - 13,500 coins - 1,650 experience and 10 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 13th - david smith (5 flights) - 902 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,200 experience and 5 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 14th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 14th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 15th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 16th - cats are awaresome (7 flights) - 728 resources - 7,250 coins - 870 experience and 7 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 17th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins - 500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 18th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 19th - cath (4 flights) - 520 resources - 2,250 coins - 400 experience and 6 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 20th - RavenENTP (2 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 496 resources - 11,500 coins - 1,200 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 21st - Airport Arne (4 flights) - 492 resources - 1,500 coins - 300 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 22nd - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 23rd - cath (wydaho) (5 flights) - 406 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 24th - brycei (5 flights) - 362 resources - 1,250 coins - 450 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 25th - Gyorgy kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 26th - gbswales (3 flights) - 314 resources - 3,500 coins - 400 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 27th - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 28th - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 29th - Kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 30th - PeterNL (1 flight) - 78 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 31st - wkndcmpr (SkyMarshal) (1 flight) - 54 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest
  • 32nd - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
Table updated on Saturday 13th August at 11.00am
Last edited:


150+ Star Club
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
I like this idea but have a question. I just started a blue launch. I stepped away for a few hours and someone else has joined the launch. I'm not objecting (even though they contributed just enough to secure first place for themselves). How was this done and how can I join other people's launches? I too would like to use up some of my lesser valued launch items.

Daily/Windows Player
Level 60/ 111 Stars

Priority Items:

Need to complete Terminal 7: 2 Wall Speakers
Need to complete Laundry: 1 Washing Machines | 3 Dryer | 3 Flatwork Ironer (I can Send) |
Need to complete Sweets Factory: Deicer | 6 Glazing Machines | 6 Crucible | 6 Tunnel Freezers (I Can Send) |

Always happy to receive flight items: Nav Module, Fuel Hose, Spare Prop

I can send: Fire Extinguisher | Parking Meter |Laptop | Vivaldi Antenna | Hardness Tester | Passengers5 |Fuel Catalyst | Disposable Shampoo | ATM | Pearl Earrings | Paint | Generator | Tour Review | Landing Lamp | Projector | Rope Block | Fuel 20 | Video Wall | Powerful Radio Transmitter | Laser Level | Guest Book | Cognac | Fuel Supply | Aircraft Tire | White Board | Fuel Additives | Drill Machine | Optical System | Additional Radar | White Gold Bracelet | Cash Counter | Spare Wire | Lining Plate | Passenger Seat |Flight Catering | Oscillating Beacon |Defroster | Navigation Model | Master Plan | Fuel Hose | Altimeter |Spare Propeller | Deicer | Controller | Wireless Compass | Flatwork Ironer | Blanket | Attitude Indicator | Tunnel Freezer | Fruit Lollipop | Ear Plugs

Wasted Eagle

1200+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. None of the above
I like this idea but have a question. I just started a blue launch. I stepped away for a few hours and someone else has joined the launch. I'm not objecting (even though they contributed just enough to secure first place for themselves). How was this done and how can I join other people's launches? I too would like to use up some of my lesser valued launch items.

Daily/Windows Player
Level 60/ 111 Stars

Priority Items:

Need to complete Terminal 7: 2 Wall Speakers
Need to complete Laundry: 1 Washing Machines | 3 Dryer | 3 Flatwork Ironer (I can Send) |
Need to complete Sweets Factory: Deicer | 6 Glazing Machines | 6 Crucible | 6 Tunnel Freezers (I Can Send) |

Always happy to receive flight items: Nav Module, Fuel Hose, Spare Prop

I can send: Fire Extinguisher | Parking Meter |Laptop | Vivaldi Antenna | Hardness Tester | Passengers5 |Fuel Catalyst | Disposable Shampoo | ATM | Pearl Earrings | Paint | Generator | Tour Review | Landing Lamp | Projector | Rope Block | Fuel 20 | Video Wall | Powerful Radio Transmitter | Laser Level | Guest Book | Cognac | Fuel Supply | Aircraft Tire | White Board | Fuel Additives | Drill Machine | Optical System | Additional Radar | White Gold Bracelet | Cash Counter | Spare Wire | Lining Plate | Passenger Seat |Flight Catering | Oscillating Beacon |Defroster | Navigation Model | Master Plan | Fuel Hose | Altimeter |Spare Propeller | Deicer | Controller | Wireless Compass | Flatwork Ironer | Blanket | Attitude Indicator | Tunnel Freezer | Fruit Lollipop | Ear Plugs
You have to be neighbours. Neighbours can join each other's launches.

The other player taking your first place might be considered a hijack. It's not playing nice...

You might want to read up on launches in the 'guides' section on the forum. Great info!

The low value items launch hosted by @Captain WH Rollins and started by @Harcourt or @Wired Parrott take place every Friday at 17h00 GMT/UTC. If you are neighbours with one of the starters, you can join!

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Twenty Eight Flights Completed
  • 1st - porvillewright (24 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 4,712 resources - 65,750 coins - 7,150 experience and 30 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 2nd - Harcourt (23 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 4,618 resources - 25,500 coins - 4,250 experience and 24 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 3rd - Captain WH Rollins (23 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 4,188 resources - 55,500 coins - 6,200 experience and 29 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 4th - Crescent moon (16 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 3,892 resources - 37,500 coins - 4,600 experience and 28 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 5th - Wired Parrott (22 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 3,504 resources - 24,750 coins - 3,600 experience and 35 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 6th - Wasted Eagle (18 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 3,308 resources - 44,500 coins - 4,900 experience and 26 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 7th - gorrion (14 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 2,502 resources - 36,000 coins - 3,950 experience and 18 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 8th - ItsRalphy (23 flights) - 2,332 resources - 12,750 coins - 2,150 experience and 23 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - Mike47 (11 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 1,920 resources - 21,750 coins - 2,700 experience and 13 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 10th - Phil G (10 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 1,636 resources - 23,750 coins - 2,800 experience and 12 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 11th - Radu81 (7 flights) - 1,000 resources - 8,500 coins - 1,100 experience and 12 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 12th - jimstreet (6 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 992 resources - 13,500 coins - 1,650 experience and 10 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 13th - david smith (5 flights) - 902 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,200 experience and 5 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 14th - cats are awaresome (7 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 820 resources - 7,750 coins - 970 experience and 8 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 15th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 15th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 16th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 17th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins -500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 18th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 19th - cath (4 flights) - 520 resources - 2,250 coins - 400 experience and 6 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 20th - RavenENTP (2 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 496 resources - 11,500 coins - 1,200 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 21st - Airport Arne (4 flights) - 492 resources - 1,500 coins - 300 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 22nd - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 23rd - cath (wydaho) (5 flights) - 406 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 24th - brycei (5 flights) - 362 resources - 1,250 coins - 450 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 25th - Gyorgy kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 26th - gbswales (3 flights) - 314 resources - 3,500 coins - 400 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 27th - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 28th - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 29th - Kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 30th - PeterNL (1 flight) - 78 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 31st - wkndcmpr (SkyMarshal) (1 flight) - 54 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest
  • 32nd - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
Table updated on Sunday 21st August at 08.40am

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Twenty Nine Flights Completed
  • 1st - Harcourt (23 Green flights and 3 Blue flights) - 4,816 resources - 27,500 coins - 4,550 experience and 25 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 2nd - Porvillewright (24 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 4,712 resources - 65,750 coins - 7,150 experience and 30 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 3rd - Crescent Moon (16 Green flights and 3 Blue flights) - 4,624 resources - 52,500 coins - 6,100 experience and 31 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 4th - Captain WH Rollins (23 Green flights and 3 Blue flights) - 4,380 resources - 56,500 coins - 6,400 experience and 30 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 5th - Wired Parrott (22 Green flights and 3 Blue flights) - 3,856 resources - 26,250 coins - 3,900 experience and 37 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 6th - Wasted Eagle (18 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 3,308 resources - 44,500 coins - 4,900 experience and 26 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 7th - Gorrion (14 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 2,706 resources - 38,000 coins - 4,250 experience and 19 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 8th - ItsRalphy (23 flights) - 2,332 resources - 12,750 coins - 2,150 experience and 23 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - Mike47 (11 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 1,920 resources - 21,750 coins - 2,700 experience and 13 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 10th - Phil G (10 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 1,636 resources - 23,750 coins - 2,800 experience and 12 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 11th - David Smith (5 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 1,242 resources - 14,000 coins - 1,700 experience and 6 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 12th - Radu81 (7 flights) - 1,000 resources - 8,500 coins - 1,100 experience and 12 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 13th - jimstreet (6 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 992 resources - 13,500 coins - 1,650 experience and 10 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 14th - cats are awaresome (7 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 820 resources - 7,750 coins - 970 experience and 8 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 15th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 15th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 16th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 17th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins - 500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 18th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 19th - cath (4 flights) - 520 resources - 2,250 coins - 400 experience and 6 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 20th - RavenENTP (2 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 496 resources - 11,500 coins - 1,200 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 21st - Airport Arne (4 flights) - 492 resources - 1,500 coins - 300 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 22nd - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 23rd - cath (wydaho) (5 flights) - 406 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 24th - brycei (5 flights) - 362 resources - 1,250 coins - 450 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 25th - Gyorgy kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 26th - gbswales (3 flights) - 314 resources - 3,500 coins - 400 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 27th - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 28th - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 29th - Kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 30th - PeterNL (1 flight) - 78 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 31st - wkndcmpr (Sky Marshal) (1 flight) - 54 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 32nd - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
Table updated on Sunday 28th August at 13.40pm

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - 30 Group Launch Flights Completed
  • 1st - Harcourt (23 Green flights and 4 Blue flights) - 5,098 resources - 30,000 coins - 4,950 experience and 27 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 2nd - Crescent moon (16 Green flights and 4 Blue flights) - 4,958 resources - 58,000 coins - 6,700 experience and 33 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 3rd - porvillewright (24 Green flights and 3 Blue flights) - 4,916 resources - 70,750 coins - 7,650 experience and 31 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 4th - Captain WH Rollins (23 Green flights and 4 Blue flights) - 4,536 resources - 58,500 coins - 6,700 experience and 31 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 5th - Wired Parrott (22 Green flights and 4 Blue flights) - 3,952 resources - 26,750 coins - 4,000 experience and 38 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 6th - Wasted Eagle (18 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 3,308 resources - 44,500 coins - 4,900 experience and 26 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 7th - Gorrion (14 Green flights and 3 Blue flights) - 2,766 resources - 38,500 coins - 4,350 experience and 20 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 8th - ItsRalphy (23 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 2,476 resources - 13,750 coins - 2,350 experience and 24 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - Mike47 (11 Green flights and 3 Blue flights) - 2,124 resources - 31,750 coins - 2,800 experience and 15 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 10th - Phil G (10 Green flights and 3 Blue flights) - 1,696 resources - 24,250 coins - 2,900 experience and 13 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 11th - david smith (5 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 1,242 resources - 14,000 coins - 1,700 experience and 6 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 12th - jimstreet (6 Green flights and 3 Blue flights) - 1,196 resources - 15,000 coins - 1,950 experience and 12 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 13th - Radu81 (7 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 1,108 resources - 9,500 coins - 1,300 experience and 14 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 14th - cats are awaresome (7 Green flights and 2 Blue flights) - 880 resources - 8,250 coins - 1,070 experience and 9 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 15th - orion (1 Green flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 15th - samzon (1 Green flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 16th - SactoDave (1 Green flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 17th - andreasmrg (4 Green flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins - 500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 18th - Airport Arne (4 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 582 resources - 2,000 coins - 400 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 19th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 Green flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 20th - cath (4 Green flights) - 520 resources - 2,250 coins - 400 experience and 6 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 21st - RavenENTP (2 Green flights and 1 Blue flight) - 496 resources - 11,500 coins - 1,200 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 24th - Frank (1 Green flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 25th - cath (wydaho) (5 Green flights) - 406 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 26th - brycei (5 Green flights) - 362 resources - 1,250 coins - 450 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 27th - Gyorgy kutsera (1 Green flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 28th - gbswales (3 Green flights) - 314 resources - 3,500 coins - 400 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 29th - Comet18 (4 Green flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 30th - Blue Aero (1 Green flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 31st - Kurimother (1 Green flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 32nd - PeterNL (1 Green flight) - 78 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 33rd - wkndcmpr (SkyMarshal) (1 Green flight) - 54 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 34th - OVA international (1 Green flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
Table updated on Sunday 4th September at 10.35am
League Table.jpg

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins

Hello - the spreadsheet like really good, far better in its current format and far easier to update. My way was somewhat long winded and the table had grown to more than 30 entries. Much better your way. I would have done the same had I had Excel, I refused to pay extra for the software, having spent more than enough on the laptop. @Wired Parrott - hope all is well in both your gaming worlds.

Captain WH Rollins
Hello - the spreadsheet like really good, far better in its current format and far easier to update. My way was somewhat long winded and the table had grown to more than 30 entries. Much better your way. I would have done the same had I had Excel, I refused to pay extra for the software, having spent more than enough on the laptop. @Wired Parrott - hope all is well in both your gaming worlds.

Captain WH Rollins

try this its free and has everything, microsoft uses
Hello - the spreadsheet like really good, far better in its current format and far easier to update. My way was somewhat long winded and the table had grown to more than 30 entries. Much better your way. I would have done the same had I had Excel, I refused to pay extra for the software, having spent more than enough on the laptop. @Wired Parrott - hope all is well in both your gaming worlds.

Captain WH Rollins

Things are much better now that I have gotten over the flu.
Of course very sad to see you go. :arghh:
I am sure not dealing with GI on a constant basis has to be
pretty liberating. :cool:
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