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Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Dear Flyers

If your like me and you have been playing Airport City for quite sometime, then you would have built up healthy supplies of resource items used in fueling your Spaceship Launches.

I'm referring in particular to the following four resource items - Additional Stabilalizer (123), Explosive Bolt (128), Small Fuel Tank (29) and Solid Fuel (331). These resources are normally left over because of the time it takes, a few hours, before you are able to select them again having waited for the items to become available.

I've not included the remaining three resource items, which make up the entire range, Large Fuel Tank, Main Stabilalizer and Powerful Explosive Bolt, simply because they have a far greater value and are more frequently used when launches are opened.

I'm sure there are many forum members who are in a similar position. With that in mind, I would like to try and use up these smaller resources, by opening up a green launch (1600 limit the smallest available) and leaving the launch open for almost 24 hours or when a flight is ready for launch, whichever comes first.

It will, of course, not be possible to use up all these resource items in just one launch, so there would need to be quite a few, over many days if not many weeks.

I would be very interested to know what members think. For this to work we would need to have an understanding, that this is about using up all those smaller resource items and not about securing first, second or third place as such. The only problem that I can see would be those, non forum members, who could take advantage, because they are not up to speed and/or not concerned.

I very much look forward to reading your thoughts on this matter. To my way of thinking it is a great waste of unused resources, which should be used. All those involved would benefit in the long run which can't be a bad thing.


Captain WH Rollins
Due to a number of issues which were all my doing they did not take place, I'm hoping to put things right from next week.

I am always available as a starter if needed. Had not heard anything recently so did not start, did not want to have
a second launch competing in case I missed something.

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
I am always available as a starter if needed. Had not heard anything recently so did not start, did not want to have
a second launch competing in case I missed something.

Thanks for letting me know, I was going to ask the question you have already answered. I certainly want to keep these flights going, there is a strong interest with these green flights and a good collective experience to be had. There is no other way of using up these small resources. It would be a great shame to allow these Friday flights to end. I would like to share this process with yourself and @Harcourt - we should thrash out the details

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
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Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Fifteen Flights Completed
  • 1st - porvillewright (13 flights) - 2,800 resources - 30,750 coins - 3,300 experience and 14 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 2nd - Captain WH Rollins (13 flights) - 2,388 resources - 18,500 coins - 2,300 experience and 14 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 3rd - Wasted Eagle (11 flights) - 2,304 resources - 33,000 coins - 3,500 experience and 16 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 4th - Wired Parrott (12 flights) - 2,126 resources - 16,250 coins - 2,200 experience and 20 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 5th - Harcourt (12 flights) - 1,956 resources - 12,000 coins - 1,750 experience and 13 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 6th - ItsRalphy (14 flights) - 1,456 resources - 6,500 coins - 1,200 experience and 14 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 7th - crescent moon (6 flights) - 1,046 resources - 8,000 coins - 950 experience and 6 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 8th - david smith (5 flights) - 902 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,200 experience and 5 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 8th - gorrion (5 flights) - 902 resources - 16,000 coins - 1,700 experience and 7 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 9th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 10th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 11th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins - 500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 12th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 13th - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 14th - Phil G (2 flights) - 390 resources - 4,000 coins - 450 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 15th - Gyorgy Kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 16th - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 16th - cats are awaresome (2 flights) - 282 resources - 3,250 coins - 350 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 17th - Mike47 (2 flights) - 276 resources - 4,000 coins - 450 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 18th - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 19th - Kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 19th - wydaho (3 flights) - 230 resources - 750 coins - 150 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 20th - Radu81 (2 flights) - 228 resources - 3,250 coins - 350 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 21st - gbswales (1 flight) - 188 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 22nd - jimstreet (1 flight) - 132 resources - 500 coins - 100 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 23rd - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Sixteen Flights Completed
  • 1st - porvillewright (14 flights) - 2,908 resources - 31,750 coins - 3,450 experience and 15 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 2nd - Captain WH Rollins (14 flights) - 2,550 resources - 24,500 coins - 2,900 experience and 16 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 3rd - Wasted Eagle (12 flights) - 2,360 resources - 33,250 coins - 3,550 experience and 17 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 4th - Wired Parrott (13 flights) - 2,210 resources - 16,500 coins - 2,250 experience and 21 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 5th - Harcourt (13 flights) - 2,166 resources - 15,250 coins - 2,150 experience and 15 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 6th - ItsRalphy (15 flights) - 1,516 resources - 6,750 coins - 1,250 experience and 15 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 7th - crescent moon (7 flights) - 1,142 resources - 8,500 coins - 1,050 experience and 7 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 8th - gorrion (6 flights) - 998 resources - 16,500 coins - 1,800 experience and 8 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - david smith (5 flights) - 902 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,200 experience and 5 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 10th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 10th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 11th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 12th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins - 500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 13th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 14th - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 15th - Radu81 (3 flights) - 404 resources - 6,500 coins - 700 experience and 4 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 16th - Phil G (2 flights) - 390 resources - 4,000 coins - 450 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 16th - Mike47 (3 flights) - 390 resources - 5,000 coins - 600 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 17th - Cats are Awaresome (3 flights) - 374 resources - 3,500 coins - 400 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 18th - Gyorgy kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 19th - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 20th - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 21st - kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 21st - wydaho (3 flights) - 230 resources - 750 coins - 150 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 22nd - gbswales (1 flight) - 188 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 23rd - cath (1 flight) - 168 resources - 500 coins - 100 experience and 2 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 24th - jimstreet (1 flight) - 132 resources - 500 coins - 100 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 25th - brycei (1 flight) - 90 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest
  • 25th - sunshine (1 flight) - 90 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest
  • 26th - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Seventeen Flights Completed
  • 1st - porvillewright (15 flights) - 3,076 resources - 37,750 coins - 4,050 experience and 17 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 2nd - Captain WH Rollins (15 flights) - 2,652 resources - 24,750 coins - 2,950 experience and 17 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 3rd - Wasted Eagle (13 flights) - 2,450 resources - 33,500 coins - 3,600 experience and 18 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 4th - Harcourt (14 flights) - 2,406 resources - 16,000 coins - 2,300 experience and 17 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 5th - Wired Parrott (14 flights) - 2,342 resources - 17,250 coins - 2,400 experience and 22 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 6th - ItsRalphy (17 flights) - 1,660 resources - 7,750 coins - 1,500 experience and 17 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 7th - crescent moon (8 flights) - 1,196 resources - 8,750 coins - 1,100 experience and 8 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 8th - gorrion (7 flights) - 1,148 resources - 17,500 coins - 1,850 experience and 9 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - david smith (5 flights) - 902 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,200 experience and 5 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 10th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 10th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 11th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 12th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins - 500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 13th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 14th - cats are awaresome (4 flights) - 536 resources - 6,500 coins - 700 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 15th - Radu81 (4 flights) - 524 resources - 7,000 coins - 800 experience and 6 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 16th - Mike47 (4 flights) - 474 resources - 5,250 coins - 650 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 17th - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 17th - Phil G (3 flights) - 454 resources - 7,000 coins - 750 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 18th - Gyorgy kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 19th - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 20th - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 21st - Kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 21st - wydaho (3 flights) - 230 resources - 750 coins - 150 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 22nd - gbswales (1 flight) - 188 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 23rd - cath (1 flight) - 168 resources - 500 coins - 100 experience and 2 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 24th - jimstreet (1 flight) - 132 resources - 500 coins - 100 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 25th - brycei (1 flight) - 90 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest
  • 25th - sunshine (1 flight) - 90 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest
  • 26th - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
Table updated on Saturday 4th June at 21.05pm

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Eighteen Flights Completed
  • 1st - porvillewright (16 flights) - 3,244 resources - 40,750 coins - 4,350 experience and 18 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 2nd - Captain WH Rollins (16 flights) - 2,802 resources - 27,750 coins - 3,250 experience and 18 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 3rd - Harcourt (15 flights) - 2,640 resources - 17,000 coins - 2,500 experience and 18 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 4th - Wasted Eagle (14 flights) - 2,504 resources - 33,750 coins - 3,650 experience and 19 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 5th - Wired Parrott (14 flights) - 2,342 resources - 17,250 coins - 2,400 experience and 22 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 6th - ItsRalphy (18 flights) - 1,768 resources - 8,000 coins - 1,550 experience and 18 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 7th - crescent moon (9 flights) - 1,484 resources - 9,500 coins - 1,250 experience and 11 reward chest's (two game account)
  • 8th - gorrion (7 flights) - 1,148 resources - 17,500 coins - 1,850 experience and 9 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - david smith (5 flights) - 902 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,200 experience and 5 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 10th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 10th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 11th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 12th - Radu81 (5 flights) - 716 resources - 7,500 coins - 900 experience and 8 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 13th - Phil G (4 flights) - 634 resources - 13,000 coins - 1,350 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 14th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins -500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 14th - Mike47 (5 flights) - 612 resources - 6,250 coins - 800 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 15th - cats are awaresome (5 flights) - 590 resources - 6,750 coins - 770 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 16th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 17th - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 18th - Gyorgy kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 19th - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 20th - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 21st - jimstreet (2 flights) - 260 resources - 1,500 coins - 250 experience and 2 reward chest (one game account)
  • 22nd - Kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 22nd - wydaho (3 flights) - 230 resources - 750 coins - 150 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 23rd - gbswales (1 flight) - 188 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 24th - cath (1 flight) - 168 resources - 500 coins - 100 experience and 2 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 25th - brycei (1 flight) - 90 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest
  • 26th - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
Table updated on Saturday 11th June at 19.15pm

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Nineteen Flights Completed
  • 1st - porvillewright (17 flights) - 3,298 resources - 41,000 coins - 4,400 experience and 19 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 2nd - Captain WH Rollins (17 flights) - 2,892 resources - 28,000 coins - 3,300 experience and 19 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 3rd - Harcourt (16 flights) - 2,880 resources - 17,250 coins - 2,850 experience and 10 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 4th - Wasted Eagle (14 flights) - 2,504 resources - 33,750 coins - 3,650 experience and 19 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 5th - Wired Parrott (15 flights) - 2,438 resources - 17,750 coins - 2,500 experience and 23 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 6th - ItsRalphy (18 flights) - 1,768 resources - 8,000 coins - 1,550 experience and 18 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 7th - crescent moon (10 flights) - 1,712 resources - 11,000 coins - 1,500 experience and 13 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 8th - gorrion (8 flights) - 1,304 resources - 20,500 coins - 2,150 experience and 10 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - david smith (5 flights) - 902 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,200 experience and 5 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 10th - Radu81 (6 flights) - 890 resources - 8,000 coins - 1,000 experience and 10 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 11th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 11th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 12th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 12th - Phil G (5 flights) - 748 resources - 14,000 coins - 1,500 experience and 6 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 13th - cats are awaresome (6 flights) - 674 resources - 7,000 coins - 820 experience and 6 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 14th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins -500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 14th - Mike47 (5 flights) - 612 resources - 6,250 coins - 800 experience and 5 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 15th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 16th - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 17th - Gyorgy kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 18th - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 19th - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 20th - jimstreet (2 flights) - 260 resources - 1,500 coins - 250 experience and 2 reward chest (one game account)
  • 21st - gbswales (2 flights) - 254 resources - 3,250 coins - 350 experience and 2 reward chest (one game account)
  • 22nd - cath (2 flights) - 252 resources - 750 coins - 150 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 23rd - Kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum flyer) (one game account)
  • 23rd - wydaho (3 flights) - 230 resources - 750 coins - 150 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 24th - RavenENTP (1 flight) - 162 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's
  • 25th - brycei (2 flights) - 144 resources - 500 coins - 100 experience and 2 reward chest (one game account)
  • 26th - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
Table updated on Saturday 18th June at 11.30am

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Twenty Flights Completed
  • 1st - porvillewright (18 flights) - 3,396 resources - 41,250 coins - 4,450 experience and 20 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 2nd - Captain WH Rollins (18 flights) - 3,030 resources - 28,500 coins - 3,400 experience and 20 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 3rd - Harcourt (17 flights) - 3,000 resources - 17,500 coins - 2,900 experience and 11 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 4th - Wasted Eagle (15 flights) - 2,696 resources - 36,750 coins - 3,950 experience and 20 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 5th - Wired Parrott (16 flights) - 2,582 resources - 18,500 coins - 2,650 experience and 25 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 6th - ItsRalphy (19 flights) - 1,924 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,700 experience and 19 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 7th - crescent moon (11 flights) - 1,796 resources - 11,500 coins - 1,600 experience and 15 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 8th - gorrion (9 flights) - 1,478 resources - 21,500 coins - 2,300 experience and 11 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - Radu81 (7 flights) - 1,000 resources - 8,500 coins - 1,100 experience and 12 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 10th - Phil G (6 flights) - 964 resources - 20,000 coins - 2,100 experience and 8 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 11th - david smith (5 flights) - 902 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,200 experience and 5 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 12th - Mike47 (6 flights) - 786 resources - 9,250 coins - 1,100 experience and 6 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 13th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 13th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 14th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 15th - cats are awaresome (6 flights) - 674 resources - 7,000 coins - 820 experience and 6 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 16th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins -500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 17th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 18th - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 19th - Gyorgy kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 20th - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 21st - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 22nd - jimstreet (2 flights) - 260 resources - 1,500 coins - 250 experience and 2 reward chest (one game account)
  • 23rd - gbswales (2 flights) - 254 resources - 3,250 coins - 350 experience and 2 reward chest (one game account)
  • 24th - cath (2 flights) - 252 resources - 750 coins - 150 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 25th - Kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 25th - wydaho (3 flights) - 230 resources - 750 coins - 150 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 26th - RavenENTP (1 flight) - 162 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's
  • 27th - brycei (2 flights) - 144 resources - 500 coins - 100 experience and 2 reward chest (one game account)
  • 28th - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
Table updated on Saturday 25th June at 12.30pm

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Twenty One Flights Completed
  • 1st - porvillewright (19 flights) - 3,564 resources - 44,250 coins - 4,750 experience and 21 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 2nd - Harcourt (19 flights) - 3,186 resources - 18,000 coins - 3,000 experience and 13 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 3rd - Captain WH Rollins (19 flights) - 3,168 resources - 29,500 coins - 3,550 experience and 21 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 4th - Wasted Eagle (16 flights) - 2,828 resources - 37,250 coins - 4,050 experience and 21 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 5th - Wired Parrott (17 flights) - 2,756 resources - 21,500 coins - 2,950 experience and 26 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 6th - ItsRalphy (20 flights) - 2,020 resources - 9,250 coins - 1,750 experience and 20 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 7th - crescent moon (11 flights) - 1,796 resources - 11,500 coins - 1,600 experience and 15 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 8th - gorrion (10 flights) - 1,658 resources - 27,500 coins - 2,900 experience and 13 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - Phil G (8 flights) - 1,126 resources - 21,000 coins - 2,250 experience and 8 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 10th - Radu81 (7 flights) - 1,000 resources - 8,500 coins - 1,100 experience and 12 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 11th - david smith (5 flights) - 902 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,200 experience and 5 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 12th - Mike47 (7 flights) - 894 resources - 9,750 coins - 1,200 experience and 7 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 13th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 13th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 14th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 15th - cats are awaresome (7 flights) - 728 resources - 7,250 coins - 870 experience and 7 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 16th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins -500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 17th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 18th - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 19th - wydaho (4 flights) - 322 resources - 1,000 coins - 200 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 20th - Gyorgy kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 21st - jimstreet (3 flights) - 314 resources - 1,750 coins - 300 experience and 3 reward chest (one game account)
  • 22nd - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 23rd - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 24th - gbswales (2 flights) - 254 resources - 3,250 coins - 350 experience and 2 reward chest (one game account)
  • 25th - cath (2 flights) - 252 resources - 750 coins - 150 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 26th - Kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 27th - brycei (3 flights) - 206 resources - 750 coins - 150 experience and 3 reward chest (one game account)
  • 28th - RavenENTP (1 flight) - 162 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's
  • 29th - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
Table updated on Saturday 2nd July at 08.55am

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Twenty Two Flights Completed
  • 1st - porvillewright (20 flights) - 3,728 resources - 44,750 coins - 4,850 experience and 22 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 2nd - Harcourt (19 flights) - 3,186 resources - 18,000 coins - 3,000 experience and 13 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 3rd - Captain WH Rollins (19 flights) - 3,168 resources - 29,500 coins - 3,550 experience and 21 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 4th - Wasted Eagle (17 flights) - 3,068 resources - 43,250 coins - 4,650 experience and 23 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 5th - Wired Parrott (18 flights) - 2,844 resources - 22,000 coins - 3,050 experience and 27 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 6th - crescent moon (12 flights) - 2,210 resources - 17,500 coins - 2,200 experience and 16 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 7th - ItsRalphy (21 flights) - 2,110 resources - 9,500 coins - 1,800 experience and 21 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 8th - gorrion (11 flights) - 1,826 resources - 28,500 coins - 3,050 experience and 14 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - Phil G (8 flights) - 1,126 resources - 21,000 coins - 2,250 experience and 8 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 10th - Mike47 (8 flights) - 1,086 resources - 10,750 coins - 1,350 experience and 8 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 11th - Radu81 (7 flights) - 1,000 resources - 8,500 coins - 1,100 experience and 12 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 12th - david smith (5 flights) - 902 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,200 experience and 5 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 13th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 13th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 14th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 15th - cats are awaresome (7 flights) - 728 resources - 7,250 coins - 870 experience and 7 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 16th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins -500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 17th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 18th - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 19th - jimstreet (4 flights) - 354 resources - 2,250 coins - 400 experience and 4 reward chest (one game account)
  • 20th - wydaho (4 flights) - 322 resources - 1,000 coins - 200 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 21st - Gyorgy kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 22nd - brycei (4 flights) - 300 resources - 1,000 coins - 200 experience and 4 reward chest (one game account)
  • 23rd - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 24th - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 25th - gbswales (2 flights) - 254 resources - 3,250 coins - 350 experience and 2 reward chest (one game account)
  • 26th - cath (2 flights) - 252 resources - 750 coins - 150 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 27th - Kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 28th - RavenENTP (1 flight) - 162 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's
  • 29th - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
Table updated on Saturday 9th July at 11.30am

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Twenty Three Flights Completed
  • 1st - porvillewright (21 flights) - 3,932 resources - 50,750 coins - 5,450 experience and 24 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 2nd - Harcourt (20 flights) - 3,444 resources - 19,250 coins - 3,200 experience and 15 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 3rd - Captain WH Rollins (20 flights) - 3,330 resources - 32,500 coins - 3,850 experience and 22 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 4th - Wasted Eagle (18 flights) - 3,122 resources - 43,500 coins - 4,700 experience and 24 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 5th - Wired Parrott (19 flights) - 2,964 resources - 22,250 coins - 3,100 experience and 28 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 6th - crescent moon (13 flights) - 2,416 resources - 19,000 coins - 2,450 experience and 18 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 7th - ItsRalphy (21 flights) - 2,110 resources - 9,500 coins - 1,800 experience and 21 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 8th - gorrion (11 flights) - 1,826 resources - 28,500 coins - 3,050 experience and 14 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 9th - Mike47 (9 flights) - 1,290 resources - 13,750 coins - 1,650 experience and 9 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 10th - Phil G (8 flights) - 1,126 resources - 21,000 coins - 2,250 experience and 8 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 11th - Radu81 (7 flights) - 1,000 resources - 8,500 coins - 1,100 experience and 12 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user)
  • 12th - david smith (5 flights) - 902 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,200 experience and 5 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 13th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 13th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 14th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 15th - cats are awaresome (7 flights) - 728 resources - 7,250 coins - 870 experience and 7 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 16th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins -500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 17th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account)
  • 18th - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 19th - jimstreet (4 flights) - 354 resources - 2,250 coins - 400 experience and 4 reward chest (one game account)
  • 20th - wydaho (4 flights) - 322 resources - 1,000 coins - 200 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 21st - Gyorgy kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
  • 22nd - RavenENTP (2 flights) - 314 resources - 6,500 coins - 700 experience and 3 reward chest's
  • 23rd - brycei (4 flights) - 300 resources - 1,000 coins - 200 experience and 4 reward chest (one game account)
  • 24th - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 25th - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account)
  • 27th - gbswales (2 flights) - 254 resources - 3,250 coins - 350 experience and 2 reward chest (one game account)
  • 28th - cath (2 flights) - 252 resources - 750 coins - 150 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts)
  • 29th - Kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum member) (one game account)
  • 30th - Airport Arne (1 flight) - 144 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest
  • 31st - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account)
Table updated on Saturday 16th July at 19.55pm

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Guide Writer
Wiki Editor
Top Poster Of The Month
  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Spaceship Launches: Using Up Smaller Resource Items

Flyers League Table - Twenty Four Flights Completed
  • 1st - porvillewright (22 flights) - 4,100 resources - 56,750 coins - 6,050 experience and 26 reward chest's (one game account) (no position change)
  • 2nd - Harcourt (21 flights) - 3,606 resources - 20,250 coins - 3,350 experience and 16 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user) (no position change)
  • 3rd - Captain WH Rollins (21 flights) - 3,486 resources - 33,500 coins - 4,000 experience and 23 reward chest's (one game account) (no position change)
  • 4th - Wasted Eagle (18 flights) - 3,122 resources - 43,500 coins - 4,700 experience and 24 reward chest's (two game accounts) (no position change)
  • 5th - Wired Parrott (20 flights) - 3,090 resources - 22,750 coins - 3,200 experience and 30 reward chest's (two game accounts) (no position change)
  • 6th - crescent moon (14 flights) - 2,596 resources - 19,500 coins - 2,550 experience and 19 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user) (no position change)
  • 7th - ItsRalphy (21 flights) - 2,110 resources - 9,500 coins - 1,800 experience and 21 reward chest's (one game account) (no position change)
  • 8th - gorrion (12 flights) - 1,988 resources - 31,500 coins - 3,350 experience and 15 reward chest's (one game account) (no position change)
  • 9th - Mike47 (10 flights) - 1,452 resources - 16,750 coins - 1,950 experience and 10 reward chest's (one game account) (no position change)
  • 10th - Phil G (8 flights) - 1,126 resources - 21,000 coins - 2,250 experience and 8 reward chest's (one game account) (no position change)
  • 11th - Radu81 (7 flights) - 1,000 resources - 8,500 coins - 1,100 experience and 12 reward chest's (two game accounts - QL user) (no position change)
  • 12th - david smith (5 flights) - 902 resources - 9,000 coins - 1,200 experience and 5 reward chest's (two game accounts) (no position change)
  • 13th - orion (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account) (no position change)
  • 13th - samzon (1 flight) - 752 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account) (no position change)
  • 14th - SactoDave (1 flight) - 748 resources - 9,000 coins - 900 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts) (no position change)
  • 15th - cats are awaresome (7 flights) - 728 resources - 7,250 coins - 870 experience and 7 reward chest's (one game account) (no position change)
  • 16th - jimstreet (5 flights) - 618 resources - 3,000 coins - 550 experience and 6 reward chest (two game accounts) (moved three positions up)
  • 17th - andreasmrg (4 flights) - 612 resources - 3,250 coins -500 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account) (moved one position down
  • 18th - tanmaya mahapatra (1 flight) - 544 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 rewards chest's (one game account) (moved one position down)
  • 19th - Frank (1 flight) - 454 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (non forum member) (one game account) (moved one position down)
  • 20th - wydaho (4 flights) - 322 resources - 1,000 coins - 200 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account) (no position change)
  • 21st - Gyorgy kutsera (1 flight) - 316 resources - 3,000 coins - 300 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account (no position change)
  • 22nd - RavenENTP (2 flights) - 314 resources - 6,500 coins - 700 experience and 3 reward chest's (one game account) (no position change)
  • 23rd - brycei (4 flights) - 300 resources - 1,000 coins - 200 experience and 4 reward chest (one game account) (no position change)
  • 24th - Airport Arne (2 flights) - 294 resources - 750 coins - 150 experience and 2 reward chest (one game account) (moved five positions up)
  • 25th - Comet18 (4 flights) - 282 resources - 1,250 coins - 250 experience and 4 reward chest's (one game account) (no position change)
  • 26th - Blue Aero (1 flight) - 268 resources - 6,000 coins - 600 experience and 2 reward chest's (one game account) (no position change)
  • 27th - gbswales (2 flights) - 254 resources - 3,250 coins - 350 experience and 2 reward chest (one game account) (no position change)
  • 28th - cath (2 flights) - 252 resources - 750 coins - 150 experience and 3 reward chest's (two game accounts) (no position change)
  • 29th - Kurimother (1 flight) - 230 resources - 1,000 coins - 150 experience and 1 reward chest (non forum member) (one game account) (no position change)
  • 30th - PeterNL (1 flight) - 78 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account) (new entry)
  • 31st - OVA international (1 flight) - 24 resources - 250 coins - 50 experience and 1 reward chest (one game account) (no position change)
Table updated on Saturday 23rd July at 18.25pm
Last edited:
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