This I know, but what would the logic behind buying coins with real money be? Coins are easily produced there's commercial buildings, landing guest planes, landing your planes, landing your helicopters, launches and numerous collections form landing planes all these produce coins then add bonuses to the mix... @Chloe11111 said the other day she landed guest planes all day and made a million coins and I agree with her I have over 5 million coins from uncollected collections.real money for in-game coins and cash( airport cash )
1 mistake I ever did in this game was buying coins with my real money but that was way back I think it was my 2nd week playing this game and soon after the purchase I felt annoyed for even making that choice because this is easily achievable with some planning and a bit of strategising.
Coins are nothing but AC cash and gold tokens are something but even these are easy to make: strategise and ask questions... You will get the answers...