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SimCity Build It.

  1. Windows PC
Phyllo Game Over
Catastrophes are fine, they basically knock 3-5 buildings down then you rebuild them up with items you make (never difficult to do just takes a little bit of time)) and you also can collect gold keys from the rebuilds.

Yes, all the catastrophes are manageable and you gain the keys, so just enjoy them. Especially since you say you like the visuals, they are nicely animated.


150+ Star Club
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So apparently if we are not connected through Facebook the only way i can invite you is to visit you from the global trade centre. I have set a private club up called AC Migrants (name can be changed) so let me know what your game names are and put something in the trade centre then i can come visit you and invite you
My cities name is Falcons Roost. See if you can find me or let me know what to do to find you.
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  1. Windows PC
Phyllo Game Over
Does anybody know "Virtual City Playground"?
It seems to start similarly but I just did the first couple of rounds, can't say much on it yet.
What I noticed was that the download is pretty large, over 300 mb.
I also noticed that it tells you after the first steps "if you played the game on a different device before, enter your code here now." So it seems as though you can move hazzle-free between all offered devices without needing anyone from support.


150+ Star Club
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My game name is Falcons Roost. See if you can find me or let me know what to do to find you.

Blue Jay went beddy-bye. I think you need to be at a certain level before you can access the Mayor's Challenge. There are 2 islands, the large one is Mayor's and the small is how we are talking inside the club. If you can access the small island, look up AC Migrators at the top search and request to join, either of us can accept you.

Like I said, if you're looking for something multi-player and fast-paced, this isn't it. I'm drawn to the graphics, dolphins and other things, but what it isn't is AC. Don't know if I'll get bored looking at it just yet. :)
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Too bad about the FB account needed. I don't have one and I won't get one, I just don't see the need for it and if a game requires one, that's a no-go for me. Other than that, it sounds like a great replacement. Does anybody know of something similar that also requires a big friends base which we obviously have here but does not require an FB account and can be run on different platforms?
I should clarify that. You do NOT have to have fb account to play it. You can use google play account or local account. The problem is that with local accout, you are limited to free 9 friends. If you want more, you have to add friend slot with greenies. I didn't play with google play account so have no idea how many friend you can have there


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Blue Jay went beddy-bye. I think you need to be at a certain level before you can access the Mayor's Challenge. There are 2 islands, the large one is Mayor's and the small is how we are talking inside the club. If you can access the small island, look up AC Migrators at the top search and request to join, either of us can accept you.

Like I said, if you're looking for something multi-player and fast-paced, this isn't it. I'm drawn to the graphics, dolphins and other things, but what it isn't is AC. Don't know if I'll get bored looking at it just yet. :)

That's kind of what I figured. Right now I'm at level 10 and I think the small island requires level 15. I should get there tomorrow. I'm not sure if I'll get bored with it either but guess there's only one way to find out.

Blue Jay

600+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Have a look at AIRLINES MANAGER - TYCOON - only just started playing. Flights are real time, you pick your hub, you pick your planes (for differing costs), you pick you routes. It's not a click click click game it seems to be a management game. You can do R&D, get financial reports. Ive just put my game email in and there seems to be an Alliance as well. You even get a picture of the world and see where your planes are


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  1. Windows PC
Phyllo Game Over
I've started to play a bit with Virtual City Playground but not much yet. So far, I like it. Here are some first impressions and my understanding of the basics, I haven't read any guides on strategy yet, so I have probably done some things wrong but so what? ;)

You get a city that starts with a garage in the center. In this garage, all trucks need a place, so you need to upgrade the garage step by step as your city grows.
You start by byuing a farm, then a mill and you buy your first truck to drive from the farm to you set to drive from the farm to the mill.
Next comes a dairy and a bakery and you need trucks to drive milk and flour to the bakery.
Of course, you also need residents, so you also build residential buildings, a cinema to entertain them, a mall to buy stuff, a bus stop to get them from their houses to the cinema or the mall, ... For this, you obviously need to buy a bus.
You need to build parks and fountains as well to keep the city's air clean. You can also plant trees for that.
All houses produce litter, so you need a garbage truck that collects it from everywhere and brings it to the recycling center.
Buildings that need raw material like the dairy run out of that after using up their pile and you need to restock it manually but you can do that for free. Production just stops if the building runs out of it while you are not in the game.
Each producing building has a its own warehouse where it can store x items and it stops production when the warehouse is full until the truck comes again to pick up products. You can see nicely how the animation of that building stops then and you might want to upgrade the truck that picks up goods there then but you should keep a balance with the other bu ildings and trucks to keep production smooth.

Another key element in the game is energy.
You gain one point of energy every 5 minutes and can then use it on whatever you think is most important.
When you buy something, you need cash and to then build it, you need energy.
When you buy a truck, you need energy to setup a route for it.
When you upgrade a building or a truck, you need energy.
When you want to move a building, you need energy as well, so it pays to think about which building produces what to keep those related close to each other to keep the truck driving times low. I had not thought of that because it was all new and I'll need to use a pile of energy to reorganize my city. That is why I won't build any new buildings for a while now until I sorted out how to best organize my buildings without having to move too many.
The nice thing about the game is that the energy simply piles up and you do not need to be there right when the 5 minutes are up but can simply build a pile of it for whenever you have time again. To me, this is more relaxing than AC where I was also frustrated because my productions kept moving further back since e.g. catering was due every 12 hours and I needed to be there right then or the next would only come later. You also earn money while you are not in your city since the trucks simply keep driving their routes and earning money for you even when you're asleep.

You can buy slices of land for cash and diamonds and you earn diamonds by completing side tasks and leveling up. There are also side tasks that cost diamonds like "remove a hill" which costs 3 diamonds and then 3 energy but it gives you more land to build on.

You can build monuments like big ben which give you 1-3 extra energy every 5 minutes depending on the type of building. As a side quest, you should buy big ben for a rebated price of 3 instead of 30 diamonts and since it doubles your energy from 1 to 2 every five minutes, those are well spent diamonds.

You can also build special buildings like an airport, a big stadion, a casino, a skyscraper, a hangar, a space pad and so on later but I don't have any of them yet so I don't knnow what they offer.

It can happen that a building starts to burn and you need to extinguish the fire. I just spent 500 coins on that which is ridiculous since I have over 300k already but it stops the production of that building of course until I get into the game to extinguish it. To extinguish it, a red helicopter flew in and threw water on the building - and as my reward for extinguishing it, I can now build a fire brigade. :) There is also the option to use a protective shield to prevent any fires for the next 24 hours but I don't know yet how to obtain this so I did not yet complete the side task to do that with the one I got for free.

Similarly, a truck can break down and you can use a protective shield against that for 24 hours. None of mine broke down so far but after the experience with the fire, I assume I can build a garage once I repaired the first.

I haven't found anything like collections yet but maybe I'm too early in the game for that - or they might introduce collections later - but I can live without them as well.

You can invite friends, either existing, anonymous players or players you know by nickname and send them gifts. I haven't any yet since I would prefer to know the friends I add like I did in AC.
You can send gifts to friends and "with the next update", you can also visit your friend's city. A big bonus is that you can chat with your friends in game and do not need to rely on a forum for that. I do not plan to leave the forum but I would always have loved to have this feature in AC even though the forum offers the option to talk with your friends.
If anyone wants to give it a try and add me, I'm "Phyllo E" since "Phyllo" was already taken by whomever, so that is NOT me.

The game is being developed by G5 Entertainment which somehow reminds me of another company's name ;) and the names of the developers sound Russian, too. I don't know if the two companies are related in any way though.

Here is a screenshot of my still tiny town and yes, you see the trucks driving around all the time, gather products in one building and unloading them in another, you'll like it, @Mia. :) In this view, you see the list of my trucks at the bottom, they even change their looks in this selection line depending on their load, e.g. the third was empty when I took this screenshot.

Level 11.jpg
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150+ Star Club
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@Blue Jay since @Dave (thank you) has made a new forum for alternate games, put that Airline Manager in a new thread. I thought I looked at all the airline games also, so please add link.
If we could cut out the "other game posts" and paste them to new threads, we could keep all info separate and easier to follow.


150+ Star Club
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Ah well, talking to a post again. :banghead::banghead::bag:

@Blue Jay, thought you were going to show your screenshots here. Just saw your train, is it for trade also? When you get a chance, do you have any idea how the speedups refresh?


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
The list of people they have coming to this concert is just stunning.(y)

And to our British Anglophile brothers; Compassion and respect coming from all over the USA. I live Columbus Ohio, I had a vehicle attack a couple miles away. We all stand with you. We stand against discrimination. We stand against prejudice. But we stand equally as strong for justice.
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Blue Jay

600+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
Ah well, talking to a post again. :banghead::banghead::bag:

@Blue Jay, thought you were going to show your screenshots here. Just saw your train, is it for trade also? When you get a chance, do you have any idea how the speedups refresh?
Photos of my Ice Hockey arena :), Eiffel Tower and Dolphins and Whales.

You need to expand you buildings to get the refresh stars through Epic Projects. When you start an epic project you have to manufactuer stuff to get points (awarded 1 thou 3 points for each task) 10 points awards the building a bronze star, 80 points silver star, 160 points gold star (never got to a gold star yet) and you only have 24 hours to complete the project.
Train is just for decoration, no trading through that :-( although great idea especially for the club !!


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150+ Star Club
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Too bad you didn't wait for full sunlight to see your dolphins, they are cute. I want the hot air balloons!

My airport is operational & started 3 Parisian Homes, can't wait to see them. I did my first catastrophe today, meteor strike, thankfully easy to restore. Placed #12 in Neighborhood league, promoted to Suburban league. New Mayor's tasks begin tomorrow. I like the pace, don't have to sit glued to the screen.
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