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All positions are now filled :)

Everybody please check to see if the changes suit you

Please adhere to the following rules to make it fair for everyone:
It is vital that Deetee04 joins every launch. If not, we can only have a launch every 2hrs 24 min.
The first 3 places are decided ahead of time. Stick to these positions and do not jump the queue.
First place is responsible for ensuring that All launches launch 10 minutes after start. This is vital if we want to keep the schedule. If you don’t launch at 10 minutes, Either Deetee04 or myself will be forced to fire large fuel and you could lose your position
If number 1 does not make the launch for whatever reason, number 2 takes over this role and All positions move up one place
All launches must not be quicker than 7 minutes, those in positions 4-19 should not load more than 56 fuel in the first 6 minutes. Position 1-3 should also not start using large fuel (120+360) in the first 5 minutes.
I will start All launches at the advertised time (every 15 min) and they will All be Red (Lunar Launches)
If for any reason whatsoever a launch gets delayed/cancelled/aborted. We will continue with the next time on the schedule. Any launches missed/skipped in the process will not take place. We can not push launches back causing confusion with later launches
Please look at the schedule. If you can not make a specified time then please let me know well ahead of time.
We are planning to do 30 launches.
Those with multiple accounts can decide which account of theirs takes the indicated position
All times are GMT for Sunday 29 June 2014 - Please ensure that you have the correct adjustment for your zone.
Number Start time Launch time Pos 1 Pos 2 Pos 3
1 07h00 07h10 greensmith Bali Hi melony
2 07h15 07h25 Deetee04 Suresh Pakman
3 07h30 07h40 Pavolko R3d_F1v3 InCoNvEnIeNtE
4 07h45 07h55 flip123 Juvenal Bali Hi
5 08h00 08h10 Chad Ladwig Gt city R3d_F1v3
6 08h15 08h25 Bali Hi Cosmic Blue Pakman
7 08h30 08h40 vayka1 greensmith Deetee04
8 08h45 08h55 melony Pavolko Juvenal
9 09h00 09h10 Gt city Bali Hi R3d_F1v3
10 09h15 09h25 flip123 Pakman InCoNvEnIeNtE
11 09h30 09h40 R3d_F1v3 Cosmic Blue Suresh
Lunch break from 09h45-10h45
12 10h45 10h55 Deetee04 greensmith melony
13 11h00 11h10 Pakman SamZee Bali Hi
14 11h15 11h25 Deetee04 Gt city Chad Ladwig
15 11h30 11h40 melony Bali Hi Pakman
16 11h45 11h55 nsari SamZee Juvenal
17 12h00 12h10 Deetee04 nsari greensmith
18 12h15 12h25 greensmith Bali Hi Ninalouettes
19 12h30 12h40 melony Pakman Cosmic Blue
20 12h45 12h55 Chad Ladwig Mrstepot Suresh
21 13h00 13h10 Chad Ladwig Cosmic Blue Bali Hi
22 13h15 13h25 Chad Ladwig Suresh Pakman
23 13h30 13h40 Suresh Deetee04 greensmith
24 13h45 13h55 vayka1 Mrstepot nsari
25 14h00 14h10 Long Chad Ladwig Mrstepot
26 14h15 14h25 greensmith Long Chad Ladwig
27 14h30 14h40 Long Mrstepot Juvenal
28 14h45 14h55 Chad Ladwig Long Bali Hi
29 15h00 15h10 Long Chad Ladwig Suresh
30 15h15 15h25 vayka1 Mrstepot Suresh

Chad Ladwig

700+ Star Club
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Hello Samzee, Everything looks good for me. I have schedule printed out, times converted and as soon as I get done typing I will set alarms on my phone. Looks like if I get any sleep tonight it will be on the couch. Don't want make the wife upset. LOL.

I also want to thank Samzee and Deetee04 for using there QL.

However I do have a question. What happens if you are not a neighbor with with the person providing the most points so far in the launch. Will that neighbor be able to get on the launch? Example- Lauch 20. I do not think I am a neighbor with mrstepot. Can mrstepot connect to the launch if I am providing the #1 spot and the most fuel so far and is not a neighbor? I only recognize 3 people that are not my neighbors and I will neighbor request now.

Thank You- Chad

Chad Ladwig

700+ Star Club
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Chad Ladwig since I am starting all launches, everybody involved must be a neighbour of mine to join the launches. They do not have to be neighbours with each other.

Ok Samzee. Maybe can you educate me here. Lets say on launch 5 when I am #1, lets say 1 minute to launch. When someone is trying to get on the launch will they see my name because I an #1 or will they see your name because you started the launch? Anyways I only have 3 not neighbors and have sent request. Example I am not a neighbor with Deetee04 but I am with Deetee03.
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I am neighbors with mrstepot. Her user name is beckyp So we are good to go.
@Chad Ladwig I just want to make sure you and all people with first places understand the following points

I alone will start All launches (that means initiate the launch on the pad)

Everyone must join my launch if they want to be part of this QL series.
First place must join quickly with small fuel (100 orless) and then wait for 6-7 minutes and then start using large fuel (120+360) to get first position and must make sure the full 3000 fuel is filled at 10 minutes so flight can launch into space

I Hope all first places understand this?

Second + third places must do the same as first, but also wait 6-7 minutes before using large fuel and don't overtake first unless more than 10 minutes have passed and we are running late

The rest (places 4-19) must join ASAP a d not spend more than 56 fuel in first 6 minutes. Only thereafter can they use more fuel whilst making sure they don't overtake top 3.

Chad Ladwig

700+ Star Club
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@Chad Ladwig I just want to make sure you and all people with first places understand the following points

I alone will start All launches (that means initiate the launch on the pad)

Everyone must join my launch if they want to be part of this QL series.
First place must join quickly with small fuel (100 orless) and then wait for 6-7 minutes and then start using large fuel (120+360) to get first position and must make sure the full 3000 fuel is filled at 10 minutes so flight can launch into space

I Hope all first places understand this?

Second + third places must do the same as first, but also wait 6-7 minutes before using large fuel and don't overtake first unless more than 10 minutes have passed and we are running late

The rest (places 4-19) must join ASAP a d not spend more than 56 fuel in first 6 minutes. Only thereafter can they use more fuel whilst making sure they don't overtake top 3.

Sounds good. That's why I was wondering if someone tries to get on in the last minute.

Chad Ladwig

700+ Star Club
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@Chad Ladwig I just want to make sure you and all people with first places understand the following points

I alone will start All launches (that means initiate the launch on the pad)

Everyone must join my launch if they want to be part of this QL series.
First place must join quickly with small fuel (100 orless) and then wait for 6-7 minutes and then start using large fuel (120+360) to get first position and must make sure the full 3000 fuel is filled at 10 minutes so flight can launch into space

I Hope all first places understand this?

Second + third places must do the same as first, but also wait 6-7 minutes before using large fuel and don't overtake first unless more than 10 minutes have passed and we are running late

The rest (places 4-19) must join ASAP a d not spend more than 56 fuel in first 6 minutes. Only thereafter can they use more fuel whilst making sure they don't overtake top 3.

It would be helpful if everyone from 4-19 would put on 50 or more fuel. Because if get down to only 3 minutes to launch and everybody total has only provided 400 fuel it is going to be pretty hard for the top 3 spots to put on 2600 fuel in the last 3 minutes. Should have somewhat of a guideline for each position. just an Idea


#1 1000 fuel
#2 500 fuel
#3 400 fuel

The rest will provide the other 1100 fuel.
I think we might have some problems trying to dump that much fuel within only 3 minutes.
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Sounds good. That's why I was wondering if someone tries to get on in the last minute.

Ok but everybody should know that I have more than 180 neighbours (many not on here) so there is a chance one, not on this site, might join and try to take top spots. This will obviously accelerate a launch, but we can only hope that doesn't happen. So be prepared and get on board ASAP.

Chad Ladwig

700+ Star Club
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Ok but everybody should know that I have more than 180 neighbours (many not on here) so there is a chance one, not on this site, might join and try to take top spots. This will obviously accelerate a launch, but we can only hope that doesn't happen. So be prepared and get on board ASAP.

Not a problem, as soon as you start launch.
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It would be helpful if everyone from 4-19 would put on 50 or more fuel. Because if get down to only 3 minutes to launch and everybody total has only provided 400 fuel it is going to be pretty hard for the top 3 spots to put on 2600 fuel in the last 3 minutes. Should have somewhat of a guideline for each position. just an Idea


#1 1000 fuel
#2 500 fuel
#3 400 fuel

The rest will provide the other 1100 fuel.
I think we might have some problems trying to dump that much fuel within only 3 minutes.
not really 1 person can dump 1680 in 2 minutes 2x 120 (1 min each) and 4x360 (30 seconds each)

Plus if 19 people start with 56 each then you will have about 1000 points after 5-6 minutes. Then positions 1-3 use big fuel and the rest use small fuel for places 4-7 and you will get 3000 quickly.

Chad Ladwig

700+ Star Club
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not really 1 person can dump 1680 in 2 minutes 2x 120 (1 min each) and 4x360 (30 seconds each)

Plus if 19 people start with 56 each then you will have about 1000 points after 5-6 minutes. Then positions 1-3 use big fuel and the rest use small fuel for places 4-7 and you will get 3000 quickly.

It should be no problem. See you later tonight for some launches. Well for you it will be tomorrow morning.


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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
Here's an updated Excel spreadsheet listing start times, launch times and first/second/place. Remember that the times are California Time. If you like, replace my times with your times and you will have a handy, printable schedule.


  • Quantum Leap 6-29-2014 - Copy.zip
    13.8 KB · Views: 208

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
If there are any last minute drop outs for 1-3, I would like to submit myself for consideration.
Ok, SamZee i will try to do my best to participate most of launches. Especially those where i am involved on places 1-3.
If will not be possible, will publish here or R3d_F1v3 can take my places.
Cya in morning (y)
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04m479so + almjced + aaa3pr1 + 0400ag7m
vayka1 + noya12 + ayon1 + kaito1
Hi all and SamZee,
I'm also going to be in with 2 accounts, VAYKA1 and NOYA12.
So don't be confused if you see NOYA12 is taking 1st place (Launch 7, 24 or 30) and the other way around VAYKA1.
Thanks to everyone who is going to join the launches and good luck!!(y)(y)
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