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Chad Ladwig

700+ Star Club
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Hello Samzee, yes everything is good. If more people want a #1 spot I am fine to move out ( I want to be fair with everyone). You picked a good weekend for this. My wife is working on Sunday which makes this MUCH EASIER for me. LOL-

Gt city

1000+ Star Club
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Gt city 5 | Gt city 3
SamZee sounds good for me, only not sure for launch #14, not sure if i will be at home.
Of course i will do my best, also with catching 4th or 5th places. If i will know i cannot join, will post it here...
Thanks a lot!
  1. Android
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SamZee sounds good for me, only not sure for launch #14, not sure if i will be at home.
Of course i will do my best, also with catching 4th or 5th places. If i will know i cannot join, will post it here...
Thanks a lot!
Ok, if you want you can swap your place in launch 14 with any of my places. Just let me know which one and I will swap it
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04m479so + almjced + aaa3pr1 + 0400ag7m
vayka1 + noya12 + ayon1 + kaito1
I want also to join with my accounts VAYKA1 and NOYA12.
NOYA12 wants to take 1st place on launch 24/ 13h45 ( need 8 gold and 20 silver for the Casino)
VAYKA1 wants to take 1st place on launch 30/15h15
Is that alright with you???
Further i will participate some launches, but i don't know yet which ones for 4rd or 5th place.
PLZ. let me know
  1. Android
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I want also to join with my accounts VAYKA1 and NOYA12.
NOYA12 wants to take 1st place on launch 24/ 13h45 ( need 8 gold and 20 silver for the Casino)
VAYKA1 wants to take 1st place on launch 30/15h15
Is that alright with you???
Further i will participate some launches, but i don't know yet which ones for 4rd or 5th place.
PLZ. let me know
Thanks I have changed launch 24 and 30 as requested


600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
Here's a new Excel spreadsheet based on SamZee's latest revisions. It's personalized for me and California Time but it's easy to change for your own time zone.


  • Quantum Leap 6-29-2014 - Copy.zip
    14 KB · Views: 162


150+ Star Club
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Hii samzee i just woke up. A brilliant idea!!! On my phone unable to see what rank , position u gave n its conversion to indian time ( its 5 am here in india) will check shortly on my lappy n will confirm . Are 1st places all taken up ? If still vacancy then do allocate me one. Otherwise i am more than happy just to be a part of this global huge launch party
  1. Android
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ayvpwbz ; ar5a79u ; avyss2h
hello to all, i going only for the top 1,or,2,or 3 with inconew that is my phone game and i need "only" 10 gold coin to the casino, lol, so is not the end of the world if i cant :)
  1. Android
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Iphone: Jpjpjp999; Ipad: Jpjpjp4; Android: Jpjpjp2
Ok Another new update

Sorry greensmith :)

Please adhere to the following rules to make it fair for everyone:
It is vital that Deetee04 joins every launch. If not, we can only have a launch every 2hrs 24 min.
The first 3 places are decided ahead of time. Stick to these positions and do not jump the queue.
First place is responsible for ensuring that All launches launch 10 minutes after start.
If number 1 does not make the launch for whatever reason, number 2 takes over this role.
All launches must not be quicker than 7 minutes, those in positions 4-19 should not load more than 56 fuel in the first 6 minutes. Position 1-3 should also not start using large fuel (120+360) in the first 5 minutes.
I will start All launches at the advertised time (every 15 min) and they will All be Red (Lunar Launches)
Please look at the schedule. If you can not make a specified time then please let me know well ahead of time.
We are planning to do 30 launches.
Those with multiple accounts can decide which account of theirs takes the indicated position
All times are GMT. for Sunday 29 June 2014 - Please ensure that you have the correct adjustment for your zone.

Number Start time Launch time Pos 1 Pos 2 Pos 3
4 07h45 07h55 flip123 Juvenal Bali Hi
16 11h45 11h55 flip123 SamZee Juvenal

Plenty Launches are not allocated yet, so Please I need volunteers for the first 3 places in those launches. We have 1 day to sort them out. If anyone else is unable to fill a place/time I have allocated – Please let me know ASAP so we can change it.
Flight 4 07h45 = 09h45 CEST, no problem
Flight 16 11h45= 13h45 CEST, will be out (no WiFi)

If you could put me on a flight before 10h30 GMT it would be nice, if not no problem and please assign the spot to someone else :)

I really hope the trick with 2 QL works.
Did you read the post of DarekK? He activated QL after launch and it looks like it worked....
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