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Shame on you Game insight!

Air Colonia

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Air Cologne
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Airport City Support Team
December 27, 2020, 13:34 +0100
I'm sorry for such a late answer!

According to our data, you've completed several flights for a too short period of time. In addition, previously you used backups for time cheating. That's why your game's blocked now and the ban cannot be removed.

Should you come across any other concern, just write me back!
Man that is NOT TRUE. I told you in March (the 1st ban for time travel) that time zone is always on auto and it is the same now! And I don’t even know how to cheat or something, but what does „final ban“ mean exactly? YOUR EMPLOYEES will not remove it or the system blocks it so the employees want to remove it but can not? Answers please. 4 MONTHS MAN THINK ABOUT THAT IM SO PISSED OFF
———end of the email

Random bans are a major problem in AC, maybe we can do something together against that as some people suggested in the reply section...sooner or later you will be banned even though if you play fair and if you request your money back after 2 bans and a hopeless situation they just ignore that...it’s unbelievable! 🤬🤬🤬
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Air Colonia

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Air Cologne
Correct, @Gt city is a normal player with no association to G!.

This whole forum is independent of staff at G! On occasion, one of the developers posts about a new update, but they never respond to game issues. You may have more luck on the facebook group than here.
Really?! I had a conversation with him and he contacted the team somehow but I got no update since 3 weeks...someone told me to ask him or something

Air Colonia

150+ Star Club
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Air Cologne
Isn't @Gt city just a normal player and not associated with the game in any sight?

And I can understand your frustration, but how many threads with your personal problems with the game you will open? This is already No.3!
Dude normally this ban stuff gets done in 5 days or a week yes that might be too much but what would you do? Im just searching for help here or suggestions on what I could do, these are not only emotional problems or something they basically „stole“ me more than 120€! You’re a happy player who can play every day, you just do not understand what it means to be in this situation. You would probably do the same stuff as I’m doing here.
Well, if everyone on this forum bands together to boycott G!, they will either have a change of heart, or they will ban us all. If they do the latter, they will lose a LOT of income.
There are about 3-4000 people registered on here i think. AC has over a million worldwide. Don’t think a boycott by here would make a drop of difference. They think he did something. He has to show he didn’t. Guilty till proved innocent. So either prove he’s innocent, or give up. One of many in that first wave of bans.

Air Colonia

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Air Cologne
There are about 3-4000 people registered on here i think. AC has over a million worldwide. Don’t think a boycott by here would make a drop of difference. They think he did something. He has to show he didn’t. Guilty till proved innocent. So either prove he’s innocent, or give up. One of many in that first wave of bans.
And it is the 2nd time I got banned as you may have noticed...so many people use chats and pax hacks etc and get away with that/get banned after a thousand reports! Random bans are a major problem, it has to stop, we have to do something not only to help me but to make the game fair! I’m just an example for that...they wonder why people quit and still have their stupid anti cheat...

Air Colonia

150+ Star Club
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Air Cologne
I find the answer from GI is really weird. If you play on your iPad, how can you use your backup to restore the time cheating ban?
It doesn't even make sense. I don't think iPad can use backup as Windows game.
Yeah it makes no sense I also proofed Them that my time zone is auto but 6 months later next ban...first they said there’s no ban in the files, then they said something like oh you use backups and now I’m time traveling AND using backups?! And also it seems to be a weird kind of ban...I can still do space launches (alone, all neighbours gone) and if I click on this competition ranking thing whatever it doesn’t say „time travelers can’t participate“ or something no no I can see the whole ranking. But if I try to visit one player from that ranking it says „this Player has been blocked for cheating“. What the...?

Air Colonia

150+ Star Club
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Air Cologne
I would suggest you to contact Walter (AC official FB moderator) and try to explain it calmly. He might be able to help escalate your problem to GI directly.

According to my experience, GI customer service (via their in-game chat) is not the best.
Ok thank you 😃 I’ll contact him in the next days, first I’m waiting for the support answer. I hope he can convince the person who’s responsible for that mess 😩

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