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New Update - Weather Station


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
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If GI posted an option to 'back out' of the Weather Station update to Airport City, I would be delighted. I fail to see what advantages or enhancements the Weather Station have added to the game. All it does is block my flights, and prevent me from completing alliance tasks or event tasks. Given the poor drop rates for guest planes, it will take several more days for me to get weather station level 1 completed. As for gifts from neighbors, since there is no way in the game to send messages to neighbors stating what you need or what you can send, getting what you need from neighbors is left up to chance.

Already the turbo prop flight to the event destination is blocked and I have no way of 'fixing' it, unless I spend airport cash, which has to be saved for land expansions. So it looks like I will not be able to complete the event. (Sigh)

I suspect that soon other destinations will become blocked as I fly to mapped destinations, such as adventure destinations.

Eventually the only thing that I will be able to do is launch flights, since I do not have any way to fix blocked destinations.

I do not understand how other players can have a level 3 weather station so quickly, unless they are spending airport cash to speed things up. I know there are a lot of players out there who have much more complicated and better developed cities than I have. Maybe for them this update is fun. For a 'play a few hours a day' player like me though, this update adds nothing to the game. It makes the game more complicated, difficult, confusing and much less fun.

If we were taking a pole. I would vote to have GI 'remove' the weather station from the game. This is only my opinion.
Most of them have great neighbors. You need to let your neighbors know. Thats why most people only have neighbors in the forum, so that they can communicate. Also, in the title of your profile, you can put abbreviations of what you're looking for. E.g: "wthrlv1" would let your neighbors know that youre looking for weather level 1 items


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
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That's great that they extend it, but you still can't get the build items needed from iOS & Android neighbors who will have already completed the weather station and lose their gifting capability!!
And thats the issue. I would advise you to accept all gifts from all levels to make your growth easier...and link up with other windows neighbors.


350+ Star Club
  1. iPhone
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If GI posted an option to 'back out' of the Weather Station update to Airport City, I would be delighted. I fail to see what advantages or enhancements the Weather Station have added to the game. All it does is block my flights, and prevent me from completing alliance tasks or event tasks. Given the poor drop rates for guest planes, it will take several more days for me to get weather station level 1 completed. As for gifts from neighbors, since there is no way in the game to send messages to neighbors stating what you need or what you can send, getting what you need from neighbors is left up to chance.

Already the turbo prop flight to the event destination is blocked and I have no way of 'fixing' it, unless I spend airport cash, which has to be saved for land expansions. So it looks like I will not be able to complete the event. (Sigh)

I suspect that soon other destinations will become blocked as I fly to mapped destinations, such as adventure destinations.

Eventually the only thing that I will be able to do is launch flights, since I do not have any way to fix blocked destinations.

I do not understand how other players can have a level 3 weather station so quickly, unless they are spending airport cash to speed things up. I know there are a lot of players out there who have much more complicated and better developed cities than I have. Maybe for them this update is fun. For a 'play a few hours a day' player like me though, this update adds nothing to the game. It makes the game more complicated, difficult, confusing and much less fun.

If we were taking a pole. I would vote to have GI 'remove' the weather station from the game. This is only my opinion.

Most of my neighbors are forum users so communication is quite easy. I am sending the tesla lightning rod to almost all of them as that is what they have asked me for. Send me an invite and I will fit you into my gifting list if you like. This update has certainly been stressful, especially when GI threw an event on top of it, but I think the key is to just keep on keepin' on the best you can. I doubt GI will be removing it anytime soon. If you find some neighbors to gift you weather items, before long you will have a stash of them and weather won't be an issue, kind of like LL or spare prop. Good luck with your city!
  1. Android
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Cowboy Roper
Well that explains it. Thank you.

Most of them have great neighbors. You need to let your neighbors know. Thats why most people only have neighbors in the forum, so that they can communicate. Also, in the title of your profile, you can put abbreviations of what you're looking for. E.g: "wthrlv1" would let your neighbors know that youre looking for weather level 1 items
My one android account is getting smacked all over by weather. Expecting big fail on the event as a result.

Startup into weather proofing is way too slow to avoid serious blockages. Timing of event on top of weather is ... careless.
I agree, they should have given at least a week before they started a new event, especially one I like.
If GI posted an option to 'back out' of the Weather Station update to Airport City, I would be delighted. I fail to see what advantages or enhancements the Weather Station have added to the game. All it does is block my flights, and prevent me from completing alliance tasks or event tasks. Given the poor drop rates for guest planes, it will take several more days for me to get weather station level 1 completed. As for gifts from neighbors, since there is no way in the game to send messages to neighbors stating what you need or what you can send, getting what you need from neighbors is left up to chance.

Already the turbo prop flight to the event destination is blocked and I have no way of 'fixing' it, unless I spend airport cash, which has to be saved for land expansions. So it looks like I will not be able to complete the event. (Sigh)

I suspect that soon other destinations will become blocked as I fly to mapped destinations, such as adventure destinations.

Eventually the only thing that I will be able to do is launch flights, since I do not have any way to fix blocked destinations.

I do not understand how other players can have a level 3 weather station so quickly, unless they are spending airport cash to speed things up. I know there are a lot of players out there who have much more complicated and better developed cities than I have. Maybe for them this update is fun. For a 'play a few hours a day' player like me though, this update adds nothing to the game. It makes the game more complicated, difficult, confusing and much less fun.

If we were taking a pole. I would vote to have GI 'remove' the weather station from the game. This is only my opinion.
I totally agree. And same here
  1. Android
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Cowboy Roper
Thank you all for the encouragement and suggestions on how to play Airport City and to manage the new enhancement, the Weather Station. I am sorry to have wasted your time though. This last update, the weather station, has crossed the line, as the expression goes. I have reached my limit.

I could go on an on about all the difficulties I have experienced in playing Airport City. Certainly the two recent game resets that impacted my game did not help. The bottom line is though, that Airport City is no longer 'fun to play'. I can better spend my time elsewhere having more fun playing other games.

I'll still be checking in here to read posts and I'll play Airport City at least once a day for a couple of hours, to check on things and do a few tasks, but that is all. The fun, for me, is gone. Other long time players here would strongly disagree with me I'm sure, which is one of the best things about this forum. We agree to disagree, and we don't fight about it.

Best of luck to all the players on this forum, and thanks for listening. I only wish GI would.
Thank you all for the encouragement and suggestions on how to play Airport City and to manage the new enhancement, the Weather Station. I am sorry to have wasted your time though. This last update, the weather station, has crossed the line, as the expression goes. I have reached my limit.

I could go on an on about all the difficulties I have experienced in playing Airport City. Certainly the two recent game resets that impacted my game did not help. The bottom line is though, that Airport City is no longer 'fun to play'. I can better spend my time elsewhere having more fun playing other games.

I'll still be checking in here to read posts and I'll play Airport City at least once a day for a couple of hours, to check on things and do a few tasks, but that is all. The fun, for me, is gone. Other long time players here would strongly disagree with me I'm sure, which is one of the best things about this forum. We agree to disagree, and we don't fight about it.

Best of luck to all the players on this forum, and thanks for listening. I only wish GI would.
I know the feeling. I have quit twice. First time was for only a week. Second time was for about 2 weeks, but I came back with only 1 active game, my alliance support game (android), and a whole new attitude. I'm having fun now - but then, again, I don't have the update yet. And fortunately, other than losing my neighbors, I have had no setbacks in my game.

I think I enjoy the comraderie here in the forum more than I enjoy the game. We can all vent and gripe together which kind of gives us a solidarity. My biggest goal now is 1 alliance mission per week, and flying for stars, plus a few launches. Maybe will try for more adventure buildings again after I get used to the weather station and finish the event. (if windows ever gets it :mad::mad::mad:) I spend no $$, (but I did get a $5.00 gift card so I bought 15 greenies and a Mystery City Square :D)

If you're looking for another game, @Mia (and many others) are quite excited about SimCity Build It. Might want to check with her.


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
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I agree, they should have given at least a week before they started a new event, especially one I like.
No I'd say at least 2 weeks. Weather occurs literally after every 3 to 5 flights, and not enough of a drop frequency to build up a healthy stash in a week. I'm basically doing weather collection and the event at once, which is why I probably wont be able to do this event. Its a shame, because I want those eggs more than anything else. However, weather is top priority, as I can't do anything else (including the event) if the weather is an issue. Actually, building the weather station isn't even top priority at this point. I NEED WEATHER FLIGHT ITEMS! A lot of them! Because the weather station only reduces the weather occurrence, not eliminate it. That can be built after the event.


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
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I hope G! releases an official explanation about weather and why it was done this way. I think that would put a lot more people at ease. Most players right now feel that this has hindered their game progress, and to no gain to anyone involved. I've heard rumblings that it was done to hinder cheaters, but cheaters can simply build up a stash like everyone else and then weather will lose its sting...just like flight items have. In other words, weather will just be another "item requirement" that everyone can easily overcome. With that being said...my question is "Is it really worth the hassle to use weather in this way? Why make it an item thing?" They couldve just made a penalty when there was bad weather (more fuel, less experience, less coins, longer flight time, etc) instead of requiring an item. Good weather gives an opposite effect of course.
And with that, I just gave a suggestion as to how weather really shouldve been implemented. Maybe I should put that in the G! suggestions...
  1. Windows PC
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Does anyone know whether these new items needed to combat the weather are classified as flight items, or something separate?
Specifically, I'm wondering whether they may appear in some of the gift boxes I have got accumulating in my warehouse.
Does anyone know whether these new items needed to combat the weather are classified as flight items, or something separate?
Specifically, I'm wondering whether they may appear in some of the gift boxes I have got accumulating in my warehouse.
They are flight items found in your Gift tab. And a player can have just one, which are any of these:
Tesla lightning rod
Spike tire
Massive spotlight
Ice reducer
Nano coating


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1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
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Does anyone know whether these new items needed to combat the weather are classified as flight items, or something separate?
Specifically, I'm wondering whether they may appear in some of the gift boxes I have got accumulating in my warehouse.
My guess is that they'll probably come up with a "weather box" of some sort. It would be the perfect opportunity for them to make money, and we all know how much they love that :rolleyes:
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