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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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New Update - The Phantom Menace

  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
aruc5di - Adroid / Flyerduck - iPad
OBD - Android / Flyerduck - iPad
Y'all mind if I add you fom my Stan Breckner account?
Most don't mind if you add them, just post something here with a tag Brexter < Like that or send them a PM to let them know you have sent them a request, and they will happily add you.

In fact, i sent you a friend request from my iPad game just now, Flyerduck is the name. :)
I have now completed all the small tasks set by the mad scientist.

At the end, the status of the items requiref for completing MCC2 changes to

Available from flights to Canary islands, nice, shanghai and berli.

I think you need to complete all the tasks though.

I updated all the subtasks if you are interested in

  1. Android
Friend Code
You are right lkoo, in my game those flight destinations do not say I can get that item. That's actually very smart from GI, in past missions I didn't bother to complete these little useless quests.
  1. None of the above
I have now completed all the small tasks set by the mad scientist.

At the end, the status of the items requiref for completing MCC2 changes to

Available from flights to Canary islands, nice, shanghai and berli.

I think you need to complete all the tasks though.

I updated all the subtasks if you are interested in

This is very good info! Thanks lkoo!!
That's a great relief there, considering I see no one here that can gift Spaceship Launch Console!


I would like to ask if in the mission u have to launch for yourself or if u join another lauch counts also?
  1. Android
Friend Code
lister:Item needed
Wait. How are we going to get the launch console? It's a rare item..
As has been mentioned, by completing several klandau missions to unlock them from four flights. Been flying non-stop to nice and canary islands for one and a half days, all 8 planes and used 40 50xfuels, and managed to get two SLCs so far, looks like it will take a lot of flights, not as many as the kangaroo though!
  1. Android
Friend Code
air canillas
lister0f5meg, I got them activating a spyglass and, of course, with lots of fuel. I just launched my prometheus and got the astronaut academy, but one more task appears, I must visit four neighbours searching Mitchell.
  1. Android
Friend Code
lister:Item needed
lister0f5meg, I got them activating a spyglass and, of course, with lots of fuel. I just launched my prometheus and got the astronaut academy, but one more task appears, I must visit four neighbours searching Mitchell.
yea i ran out of spyglasses a while ago, been struggling to get Bali crests though as I always like to have some for situations like this! Would be interested to know if you see drop rates decline from friends research labs or from observatory flights, cheers
  1. Android
Friend Code
air canillas
yea i ran out of spyglasses a while ago, been struggling to get Bali crests though as I always like to have some for situations like this! Would be interested to know if you see drop rates decline from friends research labs or from observatory flights, cheers

Around 1 hour I'll visit them.

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