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New update on iOS 12/1/21


600+ Star Club
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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
The update did something to my city. It looks really bad. I’ve attached a screenshot. Not sure if it made it into the message.
Every time I open it, it starts the update all over again but doesn’t change anything.
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350+ Star Club
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They changed settings.

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The update did something to my city. It looks really bad. I’ve attached a screenshot. Not sure if it made it into the message.
Every time I open it, it starts the update all over again but doesn’t change anything.
No picture. Game cache might be corrupted. I recall something similar recently.
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1500+ Star Club
All New Tadashi
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Cause that's what the game really needed yet again, cosmetic changes; not bug fixes or new stuff :banghead: :facepalm:
we should not call it bugs - more "features". I only remember the great airplane stucking feature, which is active since 2019 ;-) until now: this features is still active.
we should not call it bugs - more "features". I only remember the great airplane stucking feature, which is active since 2019 ;-) until now: this features is still active.
Well yes, "undocumented features" is actually the term used in the computer software industry (a.k.a. "bugs") since not an actual bug like the original.


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  1. Android
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Something went awfully wrong with the android update. It jumbled my two accounts and now I do not know which is which, different stats but now with one (similar) friend code. Messy as hell. To add insult to injury, it keeps on prompting me what to use and now I am at a wit's end on what to do...


Active Member
  1. Android
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Something went awfully wrong with the android update. It jumbled my two accounts and now I do not know which is which, different stats but now with one (similar) friend code. Messy as hell. To add insult to injury, it keeps on prompting me what to use and now I am at a wit's end on what to do...
Uh uh. It got weirder, now one of my android account is missing and I now have similar profiles in my two android tablets. Shesshhh!!!!


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  1. Android
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Do you have 2 accounts with the same email address. If so that syour problem. One game, One device, One email. No reason for them to mix. Same account?
Yes, i have one google play account (hence 1 email account)but I am using two android tablets with different friend codes as the game accepted it. I did not encounter problems before so why now during the update? My thinking before was one profile for one device only. Anyways, the game should have detected this before and advised otherwise that this could create problems. Why should it let me go further on higher levels and now this update ruined it all. Apparently, this is not my problem but to due to lack of game oversight by the developer. They had seemed to lost track of the game programming along the way and created a messy update. Anyways, I requested a fix and hopefully they can remedy my missing profile in one of my tablets.

Will it be possible to create a different account in google play and have one of my missing profile transferred to this new account? I think that is the best option right now to preclude these issues due to the inherent flaws of the game.
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Yes, i have one google play account (hence 1 email account)but I am using two android tablets with different friend codes as the game accepted it. I did not encounter problems before so why now during the update? My thinking before was one profile for one device only. Anyways, the game should have detected this before and advised otherwise that this could create problems. Why should it let me go further on higher levels and now this update ruined it all. Apparently, this is not my problem but to due to lack of game oversight by the developer. They had seemed to lost track of the game programming along the way and created a messy update. Anyways, I requested a fix and hopefully they can remedy my missing profile in one of my tablets.
Maybe this?

This update maybe now enforces or perhaps slipped thru until now. The game should do more but can't do all plus we're talking G! who repeatedly can't provide a Windows update in a timely manner.

Likely need to open ticket with GI and have this discussion with them.


350+ Star Club
  1. Android
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Something went awfully wrong with the android update. It jumbled my two accounts and now I do not know which is which, different stats but now with one (similar) friend code. Messy as hell. To add insult to injury, it keeps on prompting me what to use and now I am at a wit's end on what to do...
This happened with me also.
My friend lists got exchanged and even alliances..

But after 2-3 reboots it got fixed on its own though i had to remark all the favourites Neighbours


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  1. Android
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Maybe this?

This update maybe now enforces or perhaps slipped thru until now. The game should do more but can't do all plus we're talking G! who repeatedly can't provide a Windows update in a timely manner.

Likely need to open ticket with GI and have this discussion with them.
Thanks for the advice! Unwittingly, I pushed for same email account and this created havoc in my games. Anyways, this clears up the issue and GI should include a program to visibly warn the user on multiple app accounts on one platform and should not proceed with another installation unless you are transferring your game profile. I had opened a ticket and hopefully they can transfer the missing profile in a another google play account. I wonder if using the Galaxy Store app constitute a different account (with the same email address) from Google Play store so that I will retain the same email address present in my tablets? Will include this inquiry in the ticket. and... there goes again my wasted time and resource competing in the current event. This really sucks big time...
Thanks for the advice! Unwittingly, I pushed for same email account and this created havoc in my games. Anyways, this clears up the issue and GI should include a program to visibly warn the user on multiple app accounts on one platform and should not proceed with another installation unless you are transferring your game profile. I had opened a ticket and hopefully they can transfer the missing profile in a another google play account. I wonder if using the Galaxy Store app constitute a different account (with the same email address) from Google Play store so that I will retain the same email address present in my tablets? Will include this inquiry in the ticket. and... there goes again my wasted time and resource competing in the current event. This really sucks big time...
1 email for 2 games counts as 1 account so 1 game. Change he email of 1 or you will be accused of cheating. One game, 1 account, 1 email.
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