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Multiple QL Red Party on Saturday Sept 6th

Chad Ladwig

700+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Android
Friend Code
so was I !
but, session #3 starts at 4:00 GMT :), that's like ? 10 or something hours from now.

Ok, I see now. You will have problems with that if you don't get all 4 QL on the launch. I didn't notice the huge time difference. For me it means it starts up again at 10:00 PM. I will not be able to make very many flights is session 3, maybe just the first or #23.
I will post it here couple minutes before the session 2 after party starts.

Thank you guys for all the cooperation and support.
Don't forget tomorrow there will be session 3 start at 4:00 GMT.
There are still room left to join at session 3.

Juvenal, are you going to be the starter of these bonus launches?
  1. Android
  2. iPad
  3. iPhone
Friend Code
Massimo4256 ; LauraB72 ; axigog4
Massimo4256 ; LauraB72 ; Scorpion73
Sorry, I didn't recognize that Knut were you: I see only now from your signature.
I was convincend you didn't attend the launch because I didn't see you (I wal looking for hansle) and for this reason I post the message.
So sorry again!!!!

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