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Items for Control Tower Lv. 8 [Completed, thanks!]

  1. Android
Friend Code
Good day.
Upgrading control tower to level 8 and would very much appreciate if anyone can send the items listed here:
  • Airline Route Map x3
  • Headset x3
  • Walkie-talkie x3
  • Monitor x2
I can send back any items requested depending on my inventory.


150+ Star Club
Knight Fliers Alliance
  1. Windows PC
Friend Code
Flyer-Items which I need
Thanks @Flyer , that'd help a lot.
Been sending you what's in your game name so let me know if you need anything else.
Can you send me the items which you need like the airline route Map. I'll return them to you then. It isn't coming in my menu. You can send fuel Supply after you receive all the items you need. :)
Can you send me the items which you need like the airline route Map. I'll return them to you then. It isn't coming in my menu. You can send fuel Supply after you receive all the items you need. :)
If you don’t have it, yyou can’t send it! IF you are building the same building then you will be able to gift 1 of the 4 items, but if it’s not on your gift list then you can’t send it back. You have finished level 8 so will have items now for level 9 at the top of the gift list. As soon as you click the “finish” button, the gifting item disappears.

If you don’t have any items to gift for level 9 then you need to finish some tasks in the CT side missions. That sets off the items in the warehouse.
Oh ok @Madge59230
Can't we return the gifts even if we don't have them in the send gifts tab?
No. You can only send what is in your gift list. When you accept a gift then there is a return gift option but it only shows the return gift you have in your gift list. F20 everyone can send so the return is F20. If you can gift (for CT8) an airline map and someone sends you a headset, you can only gift back an airline map. It’s all you have.

Some standard gifts are paired meaning you have one or the other - altimeter/gyroscope, jet engine/passenger seat….
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