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iPad Daily Trading Thread for November (Part 1)

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Waverly huff
Waverly huff
The latest BS from GI about the username problem:
Natalya Romanyuk, Nov 06 14:46 (MSK):
Thank you for reporting this matter and providing me with the details requested!
Our engineers have been informed and are taking necessary measures to troubleshoot the problem. Anticipating your question on the time when the issue is completely resolved I would like to let you know that it is expected to be eliminated in the nearest future.
As a note, I am going to mark the request as "solved" to avoid sending you system reminders asking to update the request. As mentioned above, fixing the issue is in the process, and it might take us some time to test the new version and make it available for you. Please, keep it in mind and check for the updates uploaded.
Thank you for choosing our application!
Natalya Romanyuk
Your Game Insight Support Team
I can't see any pumpkin patches or Halloween houses on any of my iPad user neighbours. This task is slow going - finished the 60 ghost planes, need one more - piece of wood to finish The Great Seal planes and have only 16 black wraiths. Just out of interest has anyone had anything drop from either pumpkin patches or halloween houses when they have visited my airport?

Pakman I got wax yesterday & a crystal shard today...that is all I have for the great seal. I can't believe how fast some of you guys are collecting these. I've still only 16 black wraiths & I'm becoming very disillusioned....that reply to Greensmith from GI sums it up!

So please send beacons & fuel supply. Thanks
hi all
i also wrote about the username, i got the answer, to reboot my device, be sure that i have a stable internet connection and make sure that my username is not username. After doing all of that i replied them back that everything is the same, so i think the next answer will be same as you got waverly.

so far no drops from my halloween shop, and i built it on sunday and only one drop from a friend halloween building, like this i will never finish the quest

as anyone else i need items for flight for the quest

thanks to all
  1. iPad
Can't believe how far some of you have gotten (y) still looking for fuel supply if possible. Also for those of you looking for ergo chairs and defrosters (jgottlieb ) I can send them from my android account so if you like to add me using a4v1unw I would gladly send you those items :)

Hi Vangees, any chance you could send me an ergo chair when you next refresh? Thanks for the defroster. I've added your iPad account too so will send you something to that when you accept. Cheers.
  1. iPad
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Hey guys

Just a suggestion, don't complete the challenge until the last minute. The collections for flying to the new destinations gives you 50'fuel bonus, so keep flying to Transylvania and build up the collections and you can the build up you fuel stash. I have being flying to Transylvania from day 1 with 3-6 planes and have accumulated quite a couple of fuel drums. You obviously need to fly to the Turkish coast as well.
  1. iPad
Vangees I have added you too both as android and ipad. If you are able to send ergonomic chair or deforstersover the next week or two if you can find me then I would much appreciate it. I am sending fuel supply to just about everybody at the moment so if I get either then I will know to return that to you. All gifts used up for today though. Will send the gifts to you on the ipad if I get to see your name!

I have got about half the black wraiths, and 3 things for the seal as well as completing the white ghost task. So with luck this should be the first challenge I actually complete. Thanks everyone for returning fuel supply. I get through a lot!
  1. iPad
Does anyone know the purpose of the Leyden Jars? I know it says it is used to store the plasma but is there any other purpose?

I am struggling to get aerosol cans. I have 8 soul nets waiting and just need the cans. I am flying non-stop to Transylvania with 6 planes almost every hour. Still can't seem to get anywhere!
  1. iPad
Magneto, the technique I am using is to wait for the refresh, use the soul net and visit neighbours. I hit as many black wraiths. As I can and this usually drops at least 4 aerosols. I then use another 2 soul nets to catch the wraiths on my town. I then use a crystal ball or 2 to land ghost planes and usually get another couple of soul nets or crystal balls. Although I fly to Transylvania as well , I find I get better return this way. I hope to have all but the last wraith collected by half way through the challenge leaving me 10 days to visit the Halloween shops etc to get the last 2 items of the soul collection. I understand the wax is very elusive. Leaving the last wraith is a good idea to continue to get fuel as johnnycash suggests. I wish I had done the same for the ghosts as I get nothing from them now.

In the meanwhile, if you can see them and need them I now have 6 Halloween houses.

Vangees thank you for the ergonomic chair. I thought I had 2 already from Sophie, but they seem to have disappeared so please can you keep sending?
Magneto, the technique I am using is to wait for the refresh, use the soul net and visit neighbours. I hit as many black wraiths. As I can and this usually drops at least 4 aerosols. I then use another 2 soul nets to catch the wraiths on my town. I then use a crystal ball or 2 to land ghost planes and usually get another couple of soul nets or crystal balls. Although I fly to Transylvania as well , I find I get better return this way. I hope to have all but the last wraith collected by half way through the challenge leaving me 10 days to visit the Halloween shops etc to get the last 2 items of the soul collection. I understand the wax is very elusive. Leaving the last wraith is a good idea to continue to get fuel as johnnycash suggests. I wish I had done the same for the ghosts as I get nothing from them now.

In the meanwhile, if you can see them and need them I now have 6 Halloween houses.

Vangees thank you for the ergonomic chair. I thought I had 2 already from Sophie, but they seem to have disappeared so please can you keep sending?
Great idea, never thought to do that however net result =0 aerosols, so frustrating!
Please keep sending beacons, fuel supply etc & thanks or all received.
  1. iPad
Updated my signature! Can use light beacons, fuel supply and landing lamps (in this order) for the Halloween mission.

Black wraths and aerosols drop rate is low, but I make progress every day.
  1. iPad
Very slow going for me.... 21 wraiths so far, with the aerosols are few and far between.

On a different note, has anyone been getting the Brazilian stuff drop from their buildings? I've just managed to collect items to build another stadium! Lol
  1. iPad
  2. iPhone
Very slow going for me.... 21 wraiths so far, with the aerosols are few and far between.

On a different note, has anyone been getting the Brazilian stuff drop from their buildings? I've just managed to collect items to build another stadium! Lol

Going even slower for me, I've only got a few wraiths and had no drops from my own Halloween shop or neighbours.
  1. iPad
Vind airport
I would surely recommend the method described by Dee140157 above. Interestingly, I got both wraiths and aerosols the first time I tried! But generally, the aerosols are really hard to get. And from the collections pendulums and magic bowls seem to be much less frequent than the other items.

For now, I mostly need landing lamps.
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