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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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View My Signature - Vangees

Username: Vangees
Level: 26, maybe showing up as 15...

Items I need: Pruning Shears, Landing Lamp, Fuel additives Additional Radar.

Items I can send: Fuel, Bright Lantern, Video Board, Air Conditioner, Single-Malt Whiskey, Cockpit Glass, Welder, Landing Lamp, Projector, Channel Bar, Do Not Disturb Sign, Passengers, Powerful Radio Transmitter, POS Terminal , Cognac, Fuel Supply, Jet Engine, Wide-angle Binoculars, Fuel Additives, Drill Machine, Additional Radar, Makeup, Cash Counter, Spare Wire, Lining Plate, Landing Gear, Flight Catering, Oscillating Beacon, Cooling Chamber, Navigation Module, Master Plan, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope, Spare Propeller.
Username: Gifts-Send2iPad
Friend code: a4d2dws-new code!

Items I can send: Fuel(20), Passengers, Air Conditioner, Computer, Cockpit Glass, Paint, Welder, Generator, Landing Lamp, Radar, Copy Machine, Projector, Dispatcher Console, Powerful Radio Transmitter, Fuel Supply, Jet Engine, Aircraft Tire, Stapler, Wide-angle Binoculars, Whiteboard, Calculator, Fuel Additives, Power Source, Drill Machine, Insulation, Additional Radar, Amperemeter, Shredder, Cash Counter, Smoke Detector, Ergonomic Chair, Spare Wire, Laser Cutter, Hull Parts, Lining Plate, Server Rack, Stamp, Landing Gear, Passenger Seat, Oscillating Beacon, Flight Catering, Navigation Module, Archive Box, City Model, Master Plan, Transmitter, Fuel Hose, Gyroscope, Altimeter, Spare Propeller, Deicer, Grinding Machine, Air Vent Filter, Controller, TV Panels.
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