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Red Launch Hi Jacker


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AKryztov, Azure
Did you make sure to add at least 1680 to the launch? That's the only way to guarantee first place... so it's not a hijacking if you didn't add enough points.
Actually, it is a hi-jacking. True that putting in 1680 would have prevented any hi-jacking. By taking 1st place from the person who started the launch (who also had put in over half the points) - that is hi-jacking.
Many players agree that once you have put in 576 points you have "claimed" 1st place, while other players choose a higher number of points (616 - 1680).
The real issue is Respect. If a player takes 1st place from any other player who started the launch (and put in 576 or more), they have hi-jacked the launch and deserve to get booted.
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Happy Helen
Actually, it is a hi-jacking. True that putting in 1680 would have prevented any hi-jacking. By taking 1st place from the person who started the launch (who also had put in over half the points) - that is hi-jacking.
Many players agree that once you have put in 576 points you have "claimed" 1st place, while other players choose a higher number of points (616 - 1680).
The real issue is Respect. If a player takes 1st place from any other player who started the launch (and put in 576 or more), they have hi-jacked the launch and deserve to get booted.
Thank you, that’s exactly how I feel. It’s about respect.
I have been playing AC maybe 10 years, with many original neighbours.
I had placed 1616 points
Thankfully I have many good neighbours!
I appreciate your inpu

Captain WH Rollins

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Captain WH Rollins
I have only ever been hi-jacked once and it was, in all honesty, my own fault for not investing enough resource points, and allow a non forum member, the opportunity to take control of my red launch. Because of this early game play experience, I invest resource points which take me beyond any possibility of being hi-jacked. This is the only way to prevent hi-jacking from taking place, never ever give a player the opportunity to hi-jack your launch. Always make sure to invest resource points, as quickly as you can, and reach your desired points level.

Captain WH Rollins


350+ Star Club
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Paula [items needed]
Actually, it is a hi-jacking. True that putting in 1680 would have prevented any hi-jacking. By taking 1st place from the person who started the launch (who also had put in over half the points) - that is hi-jacking.
Many players agree that once you have put in 576 points you have "claimed" 1st place, while other players choose a higher number of points (616 - 1680).
The real issue is Respect. If a player takes 1st place from any other player who started the launch (and put in 576 or more), they have hi-jacked the launch and deserve to get booted.
Yes, I agree that it's a hijacking if they weren't a forum member.
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I had a person, who never used discord, forums or any other form of communication with other players and even if I changed my username, in the launch, as quite often, its easier to do, and would have rules in place. But 3 strikes and not only did she get booted from the 3rd launch attempt but lost a reliable fuel source.

And if I see the rules not being followed in other games with launch capabilities, but if the person gets fuel support from me, they get booted from all my lists.

As for the amount of points added to ensure 1st place, if half the points are already in the pot, then DO NOT pass them.

There are other situations such as how long has the launch been sitting before you join another. If there is less than 10 hours remaining and they've added less than half then most likely the top seats are open


1000+ Star Club
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AKryztov, Azure
I don't believe they were a forum member so they might've not known... but common sense and respect should take over.
I totally agree. Unfortunately, there are some players out there who purposefully hi-jack.
Like Captain WH Rollins, we try to conduct our launches in smart and respectful ways. That said, we have had non-forum players who have put in just enough to stay in 2nd or 3rd place, and then would put in an outrageous amount to take 1st and launch it at the same time. It doesn't happen often, but when it does seem purposeful, we remove that player from our neighbors list.
Unlike Cpt Rollins, we have many non-forum members. Most of them are good players who are respectful and there's no problem. It's a chance we take, and we know the risks. It really hasn't been too bad. Over the years we've only had a few attempts, and even fewer successful hi-jacks.
We have had 2 forum members try to hi-jack. One was a misunderstanding, and the other was a new forum member who hadn't read any of the guides. He was quickly advised to read the guides. :)

Captain WH Rollins

150+ Star Club
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  1. Windows PC
Captain WH Rollins
Hi-jackers are short sighted players who are only interested in themselves and their own games. It is a great shame they are the way they are, and not able to see that there is a better and smarter way of playing the game of Airport City.

Captain WH Rollins
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