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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

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Fuel Station Available!

  1. Android
  2. iPad
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Vangees (iPad) Gifts-Send2iPad (Android)
It requires 1 Winch and 1 Cable that you can get through Egypt, Malta (seldom) Rome, Dubai, Shanghai and Berlin (often)


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
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It requires 1 Winch and 1 Cable that you can get through Egypt, Malta (seldom) Rome, Dubai, Shanghai and Berlin (often)

I got both items from 1 flight to Malta lol :)

Size is 2x2. It takes one hour to build the fuel station, 75 coins to speed it up. Looks like you can only build one fuel station max.

The building generates fuel, and can be upgraded.

Lvl 1:
3 units of fuel, cost 10 coins, takes 10 minutes

Lvl 2: (upgrade costs 6000 coins)
10 units of fuel, cost 80 coins, takes 1 hour

Lvl 3:
15 units of fuel, cost 250 coins, takes 8 hours

Lvl 4:
20 units of fuel, cost 600 coins, takes 24 hours
guys plz i need help i updated mine again some of the collectins are lost..and still cant visit neighbours (not more than 5) although i have 32 in my list and cant collect my needs from them coz not everything is available when i log in at any of them....:-$
im really furious i thought this update will solve all my problems...
if anybody knows how to solve it plz let me know
thx all
  1. Android
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Deidei.item needed
Just updated the game.. beside we have fuel station, the good thing with the latest version is the required stars for jumbo flight has been reduced; I can fly to Hawaii now :)

Unfortunately, I still cannot visit my neighbors except Madlen Airborn. Funny thing, there is a task that we should find stabilizers in our neighbors' cardealership. So, how can I complete it???

O, I just realized when I visit Madlen, I can only collect items remaining in her city (yesterday I collected fuels from her hangars, and today the fuels are not available).
I think it is wise not to build the fuel station. It cant be deleted once built either. Maybe by going back a few versions you can get rid of it but I havent got into that. It doesnt seem a well thought out set of values, I cant see any value in using 4 squares to make 3 fuel in 10 minutes for 10 coins, The upgraded levels are even worse value.
  1. Android
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Deidei.item needed

Just found out if we tap the stamp of the destination flight, it will provide the information of our skill level and number of flights that we have to accomplish for each skill level.. Cool.. :)

is it something new of the latest version, or is it just me being late to know about this?

  1. Android
Friend Code
c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
Just found out if we tap the stamp of the destination flight, it will provide the information of our skill level and number of flights that we have to accomplish for each skill level.. Cool.. :)

AWESOME!!! That's a great feature!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1. Android
Friend Code
c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
thats good about the stamp thing, finally good to see how many i need to get the next stars, although not good when you realise its more than you hoped,haha

I laughed when I read this cause when I saw Moscow's and what I had left to go, all I could think was 'Aw crap!'


150+ Star Club
  1. Android
Friend Code
They also 'improved' the list of items that drop from flights. When you tapped the icon, you'd get the list of items, but it was always cut off at the top and bottom of the screen. So for some flights, you could never see the full list. Now they made it so you can scroll the list, only, the scrolling doesn't work! When you tap the list, or the up/down arrows, the list disappears lol.

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