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Dark Skies 2017 Event


350+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. iPad
Friend Code
JayJay(+urgent item needs)
Finally..... I got a piece of wood on my 2nd account :D...now I have completed the event on both of my games....whew :wtf:.... I will leave both opened for another few days so I can continue to gift...especially my main account that can gift Aerosol...I appreciate all gifts but please don’t send any event gifts back since I’m not using them...thanks everyone.
  1. Android
Friend Code
  • done


  • Screenshot_2.png
    987.6 KB · Views: 131
zfm account finished the event just in time with the help of videos otherwise it wouldn't have finished the event, this account runs jets, TPs & PPD this combination alone is a good recipe for during traum and post traumatic disorder. The aerosol drop rates on the 3 planes mentioned were pathetic. The drop rates from cemeteries was excellent hence it gained 5 cemeteries, drop rates from halloween shops was average towards frustrating hence 1 shop as for the pumpkin latch I won't comment as I still want to be a member of this forum.

Given the time frame and video bonuses this was an achievable feat unlike the last event.

As I've said before this account asked for nothing from no one it relied on some generous gifting from neighbour who gave out of the dark no knowing the story behind this account and the past 8 days needed planning as I still needed to banish 31 black wraiths, but it was done at last.
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