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COVID19/aka Corona Virus, What's Happening Around the World. ***KEEP COMMENTS CIVIL, PLEASE!

I wonder how other leaders around the world are reacting to this thing.
It seems POTUS isn't wanting to heed the advice of 'medical' experts.
I too would like this to be over by Easter.
I'm one of those in the category of being quite vulnerable to this thing and here with a headache, cough, scratchy throat, but mt temp is normal. However, a diabetic, hypertension, and on ACE inhibitors, I'm scared to venture away from home
Well stay safe and DONT venture away from home. You have one life, preserve it, and ignore your President, listen to the medical advice!

Deleted member 9675

On a positive note, it is nice that in our school district is doing breakfasts and bag lunches for the students at several schools around the district. LOL against the students wishes, I'm sure, the schools are handing out packets of schoolwork.

There are other places offering meals as well and some on fridays will send meals home for the kids to get through the weekend.

I told my daughter for every 4 pages she completes, front and back, she earns an hour of device time.


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evo - item needed
Schools closings as of today have been extended to end of April in Maryland. I hope they find a way to educate all of the kids still, I know it's definitely making it harder on all of the parents. As much as I would like this to be all over it seems it may take several months before we are on the down slope. I hope everyone is doing well! I have a 3D printer and am starting to print face shields for medical workers to help out. A lot are using the same mask for the entire shift still.

Deleted member 9675

families 1st bill just passed 96-0
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writing from israel, we are now under full lock down, anyone who is caught by the police leaving his house more then 100m, for no essential purpose such as food shopping or medical reasons, gets a fine of 500 NIS (100 GBP) or six months in jail!
Cars only 2 people in the same car.
if one goes shopping there has to be a 2m gap between them and temperature is taken before entering the store, etrnace to the store is limed to 10 persons at a time!
So far thank G-d only 5 dead but expecting many more

Deleted member 9675

The last two weeks, both my daughter and myself have been experiencing flu-like symptoms, and are just now showing some improvement. Some symptoms mimic COVID-19, while some did not.
The entire two weeks I have waited for doctor's office to return my calls, just to ask if we should be tested.
This is a fear many of us have, wondering if we can get tested in our hometowns.
Sad, living in the age of modernization around the globe and yet we experience such devastation.

But with my isolation also I had to resort to food delivery ppl such as uber eats, doordash, grub hub or other. There are services for grocery delivery but unless you as the customer are there, physically to buy groceries, it is a real battle, trying to get a delivery window/up to and beyond a 2 week wait time, it certainly makes for an upset child as well as lowers my resistance if I don't eat properly.

The good news is that my older sister who lives half the continent away, was concerned and had informed my niece close to where I live, that we were struggling. The niece reached out to my sister, here in my town and the two of them brought things from their homes as well as braved the grocery store for some things for Kendrah and I. Both of them, are also vulnerable to this virus, my sister having gone thru several years of cancer and the treatments, and my niece, although fairly in good health she has two lil ones at home, that we all love.

My thoughts and prayers go out to ALL HUMANITY, through this worldwide pandemic.
I pray that God keeps those safe that are working the frontlines such as first responders, police, fire and rescue/paramedics, as they are risking coming into your homes if anyone is sick; the nurses, doctors and other staff having close contact with the victims of this horrid virus. I pray for those who are working round the clock to keep up production on the medicines, the equipment needed, those who are working diligently to transport medical supplies around the globe.

With the exception of a few negative stories of humanity around the world, I am amazingly impressed overall, just how many of you, from all nations, have come together and helped one another thru this.

The littlest things, singing from the balconies of Italy, schools, teachers, and other educators helping our children via online classroom time; what ever that positive thing we have done for friends, neighbors, loved ones, the community, THANK YOU WORLD FOR COMING TOGETHER AND HELPING EACH OTHER.

Deleted member 9675

RE: Home Healthcare Workers.
Today when my aide showed up, it was after she had run an errand for me, I would never have asked, but I needed important meds picked up. Although they are not supposed to have complaints or show emotion, it is hard not to at a time like this.
They are just as vulnerable as anyone else and are protected less on the job than hospital staff.
So please, please show them respect as well for the job they do!
As I had some curtains I dont need I gave her one panel so she can make face masks to help protect her some.
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I’m from Malaysia. We’ve been put under Movement Control Order (MCO) since 18/3, and it was supposed to end today but our Prime Minister extended it for another 2 weeks.

During MCO, schools/colleges/universities are closed. Non-essential fields are shut down. Majority of our people are (supposedly) working from home.

As a healthcare worker working at the frontline (Emergency Medical Officer), I’d say that move is very much welcomed by us. We’re trying our best to flatten the curve but we’re expecting a surge/peak of cases in the next few weeks to come.

Each time after work, I can’t help but feel scared that I may bring back any source of COVID-19 to my family. Last week when I was down with fever and URTI, I isolated myself from my husband and parents for almost a week. Turned out to be nothing, but yeah 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve always told my husband, I’m prepared for the possibility of getting the infection (because I chose this field), but I won’t be able to forgive myself if any of my family members (or him) get it from me, because they did not choose it. So here I am trying my best to give my all to my patients and protecting my loved ones at the same time.

Making continuous prayers and hoping that things won’t worsen too steep that we will be too overwhelmed by everything. Most of us are already tired with our back-to-back work/shifts, but still trying my best to keep myself positive (and COVID-19 negative!).

Stay home! Keep appropriate social distancing! Practice frequent proper hand hygiene!

Stay safe, all!


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PLMerry [what I need], PLM2, & PLM3
I’m from Malaysia. We’ve been put under Movement Control Order (MCO) since 18/3, and it was supposed to end today but our Prime Minister extended it for another 2 weeks.

During MCO, schools/colleges/universities are closed. Non-essential fields are shut down. Majority of our people are (supposedly) working from home.

As a healthcare worker working at the frontline (Emergency Medical Officer), I’d say that move is very much welcomed by us. We’re trying our best to flatten the curve but we’re expecting a surge/peak of cases in the next few weeks to come.

Each time after work, I can’t help but feel scared that I may bring back any source of COVID-19 to my family. Last week when I was down with fever and URTI, I isolated myself from my husband and parents for almost a week. Turned out to be nothing, but yeah 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve always told my husband, I’m prepared for the possibility of getting the infection (because I chose this field), but I won’t be able to forgive myself if any of my family members (or him) get it from me, because they did not choose it. So here I am trying my best to give my all to my patients and protecting my loved ones at the same time.

Making continuous prayers and hoping that things won’t worsen too steep that we will be too overwhelmed by everything. Most of us are already tired with our back-to-back work/shifts, but still trying my best to keep myself positive (and COVID-19 negative!).

Stay home! Keep appropriate social distancing! Practice frequent proper hand hygiene!

Stay safe, all!
I send you my heartfelt love from half a world away, Ohio, USA.

My wife serves meals in a nursing home and my daughter is a paramedic in an Emergency Room of a hospital in the US's 14th largest city. My 8 year old grandson and myself are doing everything we can to keep ourselves well and keep the family strong, so we don't accidentally get our mother/daughter/wife/grandma sick. We know the work you are doing is important, as I'm sure your family does as well. We love them & you for what you are doing and we know why you are doing it, and for this love you even more.

You stay strong and be as safe as you can, but we who love you would not want you to be any other way, than the you that you are.

Man that sounds so sappy, but it is from the heart.

Deleted member 9675

I’m from Malaysia. We’ve been put under Movement Control Order (MCO) since 18/3, and it was supposed to end today but our Prime Minister extended it for another 2 weeks.

During MCO, schools/colleges/universities are closed. Non-essential fields are shut down. Majority of our people are (supposedly) working from home.

As a healthcare worker working at the frontline (Emergency Medical Officer), I’d say that move is very much welcomed by us. We’re trying our best to flatten the curve but we’re expecting a surge/peak of cases in the next few weeks to come.

Each time after work, I can’t help but feel scared that I may bring back any source of COVID-19 to my family. Last week when I was down with fever and URTI, I isolated myself from my husband and parents for almost a week. Turned out to be nothing, but yeah 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’ve always told my husband, I’m prepared for the possibility of getting the infection (because I chose this field), but I won’t be able to forgive myself if any of my family members (or him) get it from me, because they did not choose it. So here I am trying my best to give my all to my patients and protecting my loved ones at the same time.

Making continuous prayers and hoping that things won’t worsen too steep that we will be too overwhelmed by everything. Most of us are already tired with our back-to-back work/shifts, but still trying my best to keep myself positive (and COVID-19 negative!).

Stay home! Keep appropriate social distancing! Practice frequent proper hand hygiene!

Stay safe, all!
THANK YOU for the work, strength, and courage, that you would do normally, on a typical workday, and especially now through this terrible illness that has struck so many, globally.
It should no longer be separate nations, struggling individually through this crisis.
Just as we here in this virtual community, AC game, unites us all, so should it be like this out there in the real world.

Deleted member 9675

I send you my heartfelt love from half a world away, Ohio, USA.

My wife serves meals in a nursing home and my daughter is a paramedic in an Emergency Room of a hospital in the US's 14th largest city. My 8 year old grandson and myself are doing everything we can to keep ourselves well and keep the family strong, so we don't accidentally get our mother/daughter/wife/grandma sick. We know the work you are doing is important, as I'm sure your family does as well. We love them & you for what you are doing and we know why you are doing it, and for this love you even more.

You stay strong and be as safe as you can, but we who love you would not want you to be any other way, than the you that you are.

Man that sounds so sappy, but it is from the heart.

No it's not sappy. It just goes to show you have compassion. You are human and in all reality, male or female, young or old, it is okay to cry as this is too much for anyone to bear.

I will admit, I cried, have cried alot, and cry each passing day, just as my healthcare worker yesterday, cried.

Deleted member 9675

Wisconsin has many cases of COVID-19 with fatalities below 50.
However despite Gov. Evers 'Safer at Home' orders and HIS push to delay primary elections on Tuesday, and or send out absentee ballots to every voter, its the Legislators who are opposed to that idea.
Unless I can find a witness to sign my absentee ballot, I wont be voting this year.
What with many elderly working the polls, this is only going to exacerbate the crisis here 1000 times worse
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I send you my heartfelt love from half a world away, Ohio, USA.

My wife serves meals in a nursing home and my daughter is a paramedic in an Emergency Room of a hospital in the US's 14th largest city. My 8 year old grandson and myself are doing everything we can to keep ourselves well and keep the family strong, so we don't accidentally get our mother/daughter/wife/grandma sick. We know the work you are doing is important, as I'm sure your family does as well. We love them & you for what you are doing and we know why you are doing it, and for this love you even more.

You stay strong and be as safe as you can, but we who love you would not want you to be any other way, than the you that you are.

Man that sounds so sappy, but it is from the heart.

Not sappy at all! We need all the support, especially emotionally, very much! And I appreciate your understanding of your wife and daughter’s nature of work! I’m super proud of my husband for being supportive and understanding in times like this. Trust me, it means the world to us knowing that we have our families and loved ones waiting safely for us at home. It’s the one thing that keeps me fighting everyday 💕
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THANK YOU for the work, strength, and courage, that you would do normally, on a typical workday, and especially now through this terrible illness that has struck so many, globally.
It should no longer be separate nations, struggling individually through this crisis.
Just as we here in this virtual community, AC game, unites us all, so should it be like this out there in the real world.

True! I find myself trying not to think about work when I finally get off work, and so by playing this and also some other games, help to keep my mind sane and at peace (and able to rest before returning to the real situation again the next day).

Everybody has their own part to play, sounds super cliche but seriously, we’re all in this together!
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Help me again.
Wow it seems so interesting how different countries are dealing with it. I am going shopping tomorrow, As I have heard we are basically missing eggs. But we shall wait and see. have not been out in over 2 weeks.

Deleted member 9675

This is very, very frustrating that in order to get the stimulus check from the gov't that people on SS of any sort have to jump through multiple hoops to get it.
IRS now states that everyone who hasnt filed within the last few years, needs to file a 'SIMPLE TAX FORM'!

WELL!! It is NOT that simple. I have tried to file a return with 3 different e-file websites.
One automatically signed me up for the 'DELUXE deal at 39.95, another at 29.95 and the third cut my session short because my income WAS SSDI and it told me I dont need to file.

This is just so wrong that we have to jump thru hoops like this.
This is very, very frustrating that in order to get the stimulus check from the gov't that people on SS of any sort have to jump through multiple hoops to get it.
IRS now states that everyone who hasnt filed within the last few years, needs to file a 'SIMPLE TAX FORM'!

WELL!! It is NOT that simple. I have tried to file a return with 3 different e-file websites.
One automatically signed me up for the 'DELUXE deal at 39.95, another at 29.95 and the third cut my session short because my income WAS SSDI and it told me I dont need to file.

This is just so wrong that we have to jump thru hoops like this.
I wonder whatever happened to the "we'll get the information from your 1099"?
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