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Can we get upgrades to game (change trading limits, open new levels/flights/collections, etc.)

Do you think the following upgrades should occur?

  • Increase the number of neighbors we can send gifts to every day. (Many of us receive gifts from more

    Votes: 13 56.5%
  • Allow us to trade items in our inventory. (For example, I have 84 paint in my inventory but cannot g

    Votes: 18 78.3%
  • Allow us to construct more than 5 buildings of the same type (I think this would be especially helpf

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Allow us to purchase airport cash with coins. Another member suggested the option of constructing a

    Votes: 19 82.6%
  • Create more levels (35+). We should continue to be awarded with airport cash as we level up. (Many o

    Votes: 20 87.0%
  • Create more collections. (For example, if we can earn a bonus that increases the availability of pas

    Votes: 13 56.5%
  • Create more flight destinations. Tokyo unlocks at level 35 / 69 stars. We need more destinations to

    Votes: 16 69.6%
  • Tell us what the caskets are for!!! We've been receiving strange items & don't know why :)

    Votes: 13 56.5%
  • Create more "missions" for the new levels & flight destinations.

    Votes: 13 56.5%
  • Give us the option to remove ("sell") the fuel station. We are currently unable to do so.

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • ORGANIZE our neighbors alphabetically by user name!!!

    Votes: 3 13.0%

  • Total voters
Do you think we can get changes to the game if enough people respond???

I'm sure we can all agree we need some game/app upgrades. Please let me know if you agree with any or all of these changes. I have no idea whether this is a waste of time, but I think many of you are experiencing some of the same frustrations at this point.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to add any other changes you would like to see. I will in turn add them to the choices in the poll.
  1. Android
Friend Code
c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
I've actually sent emails to Game Insight asking them to offer a Bank to be one of the buildings you can purchase a few months ago. No coins given out, just a place where people can exchange coins for cash and vice versa.
I've actually sent emails to Game Insight asking them to offer a Bank to be one of the buildings you can purchase a few months ago. No coins given out, just a place where people can exchange coins for cash and vice versa.

You are the reason I put that on as an option. I remember reading your idea & thought it was AWESOME!!! I just revised that choice on the poll to specify your request for a bank...
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Vangees (iPad) Gifts-Send2iPad (Android)
I think we should also be able to either gift items for buildings/missions or make them more accessible. I'm trying to complete the Hotel but in order to get the a.i. bracelets I have to purchase them. I'm sure the same thing is happening to a lot of players since they're most are pretty much asking for these bracelets.
  1. Android
Friend Code
c1k0mq (that's a zero, not a letter)
BEW0072 Airport
I wish Game insight could automatically sort your neighbors alphabetically instead of randomly, and allow us to tag our favorite neighbors. It is a pain to search through the list of neighbors when you are sending gifts.

Oh sign me up for this change!!!! I can't keep track of anyone anymore!!!
The organised neigbours would be great but some of us benefit from 500 disorganised neigbours too. I answered yes to all the questions so almost everybody else rejected the ideas or the percentages are wrong.
  1. Android
  2. iPad
Friend Code
Vangees (iPad) Gifts-Send2iPad (Android)
Another cool "upgrade" on my behalf would be a gift refresher counter. I would love to visibly see how long before I can send out new gifts...

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