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A rant about alliances

Forgive me if I'm ramblings and I'm NOT even sure I'm asking a question. I'm NOT complaining about a particular alliance but rather tying to make some point somehow -- I don't know.

It seems to me like many gamers and their alliances want top prizes (the black planes, high PAX counts, expertise stars, nicer buildings, or simply to "get ahead"). But there is something that NO gaming wiki or even these forums can EVER cover, and even the AC developers can NEVER do anything about, the people, the players.

I mean, I was shocked when I was point blank what my PAX count was. At one level, I was shocked to realize that alliance leaders when trying to recruit didn't even bother ACTUALLY reading what I was saying when answer my "alliance wanted" posts. I was also shocked that I would be recruited sight unseen except for something like "PAX counts". It was so brutal that I actually developed a little trick just to see if a recruiter would even bother seeing what I actually had. You can look at a player's community without taking anything and it would count as a "visit".

I was in once in a top 100 alliance that was getting "Alliance Flight Maps" and some relationship in the alliance went bad (in some ways, it was my doing). I had click "Leave" forgo these top 100 prizes for an intangeable prize (the ability to sleep with a clear conscience) knowing that my choice was probably best for myself and everyone else in the allince (no sense in extending the agony). I wonder too if in our quests, we are using people like disposable napkins (soak up spilled coffee and throw it in the trash).

Then another time, I was offered a position in an alliance so I wanted to to, mention to my current leader, and ask questions ( no reply until a commitment was made to someone else) and was thinking, if I clicked "Leave", I would be the lurch without an alliance while waiting for the invite will NEVER come. Luckily, I didn't click "Leave".

I guess my question is this, "Do we even know what we really are doing"?
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JPM you clearly have what it takes to make it into a top 100 based on your passenger stats and the willingness and ability to complete all 3 alliance tasks each and every week.

Yes a lot of alliance leaders do look at primarily how many passengers you can fly. Passengers are needed in order to remain competitive for the top alliances and get the rewards that those positions offer. Top alliances can be selective because they immediately have a reward to offer for your position and they are interested in your weekly passengers. Many people have the desire to be in a top alliance so again they can be selective because of the amount of people that want in.

I would recommend that you look for a small casual alliance where all the players are interested in the team and the commitment to the team, and not necessarily any reward that may come from the teams collective output, but working together. And honestly what might be the best fit for both you and a new/different alliance is one that is always striving for (accomplishing) 100% task completion rate. They are out there, and any of them that are not 100% full would be foolish to not accept an additional player in order to help ease the passenger load and make it easier to achieve 100% task completion.


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
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Forgive me if I'm ramblings and I'm NOT even sure I'm asking a question. I'm NOT complaining about a particular alliance but rather tying to make some point somehow -- I don't know.

It seems to me like many gamers and their alliances want top prizes (the black planes, high PAX counts, expertise stars, nicer buildings, or simply to "get ahead"). But there is something that NO gaming wiki or even these forums can EVER cover, and even the AC developers can NEVER do anything about, the people, the players.

I mean, I was shocked when I was point blank what my PAX count was. At one level, I was shocked to realize that alliance leaders when trying to recruit didn't even bother ACTUALLY reading what I was saying when answer my "alliance wanted" posts. I was also shocked that I would be recruited sight unseen except for something like "PAX counts". It was so brutal that I actually developed a little trick just to see if a recruiter would even bother seeing what I actually had. You can look at a player's community without taking anything and it would count as a "visit".

I was in once in a top 100 alliance that was getting "Alliance Flight Maps" and some relationship in the alliance went bad (in some ways, it was my doing). I had click "Leave" forgo these top 100 prizes for an intangeable prize (the ability to sleep with a clear conscience) knowing that my choice was probably best for myself and everyone else in the allince (no sense in extending the agony). I wonder too if in our quests, we are using people like disposable napkins (soak up spilled coffee and throw it in the trash).

Then another time, I was offered a position in an alliance so I wanted to to, mention to my current leader, and ask questions ( no reply until a commitment was made to someone else) and was thinking, if I clicked "Leave", I would be the lurch without an alliance while waiting for the invite will NEVER come. Luckily, I didn't click "Leave".

I guess my question is this, "Do we even know what we really are doing"?
Different alliances have different objectives. Some care only about pax, some care about tasks, some care about both, and some care about neither.
Bottom Line: Find an alliance that fits your playing style and willing to accept you as you are. If no alliance fits your playing style, start your own and recruit players that fit your style. No agony required.


1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. iPhone
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I guess my question is this, "Do we even know what we really are doing"?

I believe you should play the game for your own enjoyment. I believe that many players of this game play in a way that I find distasteful, and against my game playing principles. I play the game by setting strategic objectives, and achieving them. My current objective is to obtain S3 aircraft to enhance my game. To get those you need Alliance maps. To get those you need to be in a Top 100 alliance and the only thing that counts for that is PAX. So that is what I have done - the alliance I belong to regularly gets a Top 20 position = 3 Alliance maps each week.

I have no interest in the bonuses we get from completing tasks - I am level 80 and have plenty of gold coins. However, to upgrade our Alliance to level 10 we need to complete tasks - so I do two every week.

There are thousands of alliances out there with differing approaches to the alliance side of the game - players need to find one that matches their objectives and gameplay.

Nothing wrong with having a rant, But not everyone is looking for the same thing from playing this game. :)


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
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I value working relationships, growth, as well as task completion for the 50% Alliance Mission Prize.
Well then you may want to focus on alliances in the top 100, but not getting closer to the top 50. Alliances gunning for the top 50 want more than one map a week, so they're going to have a pax requirement. Also, you may also seek a younger alliance with younger members, who would want the bonuses to grow their games quickly


1100+ Star Club
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Different alliances have different objectives. Some care only about pax, some care about tasks, some care about both, and some care about neither.
Bottom Line: Find an alliance that fits your playing style and willing to accept you as you are. If no alliance fits your playing style, start your own and recruit players that fit your style. No agony required.
Yeah, this is how I see it too. There was a period where I was very serious about my alliance, and now not so much. Just join one that has the same goals as you.
Yeah, this is how I see it too. There was a period where I was very serious about my alliance, and now not so much. Just join one that has the same goals as you.

I think part of this is also what point are in the game? If you are at lower levels or a high-level, you want to build things up. To do that, you have to be somewhat of an aggressive "go getter" with high PAX counts, captaining lots of space launches on Green, Blue, and Red as well as probably some other things. You might want the prizes for the alliance rankings.

But if you have hit various ceilings; 6 alien legacies, 6 space travel monuments, and 6 rocket gardens, you might not as aggressive. or you might be totally indifferent. I noticed that even some events.


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
Friend Code
I think part of this is also what point are in the game? If you are at lower levels or a high-level, you want to build things up. To do that, you have to be somewhat of an aggressive "go getter" with high PAX counts, captaining lots of space launches on Green, Blue, and Red as well as probably some other things. You might want the prizes for the alliance rankings.

But if you have hit various ceilings; 6 alien legacies, 6 space travel monuments, and 6 rocket gardens, you might not as aggressive. or you might be totally indifferent. I noticed that even some events.
Even at higher levels, doing red launches is something a lot of players focus on...they just tend to launch with their own alliance or using their support accounts. They do it for the Waterworld collection, which gives gold tokens. These tokens are what a lot of higher level players are after because they are used for the most coveted items in the game, which include the reserve hangar higher levels, the autocollect items, and for the true vets from years ago....the CBM which genrates greenies upon reset. They may not care about the bonuses in the alliance tasks, but they want the alliance maps, super bonuses, and the rewards for being in the top 100 ranking.

Barkmi4 (Mike)

1000+ Star Club
Wiki Editor
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Barkmi4 *items*
Even at higher levels, doing red launches is something a lot of players focus on...they just tend to launch with their own alliance or using their support accounts. They do it for the Waterworld collection, which gives gold tokens. These tokens are what a lot of higher level players are after because they are used for the most coveted items in the game, which include the reserve hangar higher levels, the autocollect items, and for the true vets from years ago....the CBM which genrates greenies upon reset. They may not care about the bonuses in the alliance tasks, but they want the alliance maps, super bonuses, and the rewards for being in the top 100 ranking.
True. 90% of my focus is token generation. Pretty much everything else is second fiddle.


1000+ Star Club
VIP Flyer
  1. Windows PC
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Forgive me if I'm ramblings and I'm NOT even sure I'm asking a question. I'm NOT complaining about a particular alliance but rather tying to make some point somehow -- I don't know.

It seems to me like many gamers and their alliances want top prizes (the black planes, high PAX counts, expertise stars, nicer buildings, or simply to "get ahead"). But there is something that NO gaming wiki or even these forums can EVER cover, and even the AC developers can NEVER do anything about, the people, the players.

I mean, I was shocked when I was point blank what my PAX count was. At one level, I was shocked to realize that alliance leaders when trying to recruit didn't even bother ACTUALLY reading what I was saying when answer my "alliance wanted" posts. I was also shocked that I would be recruited sight unseen except for something like "PAX counts". It was so brutal that I actually developed a little trick just to see if a recruiter would even bother seeing what I actually had. You can look at a player's community without taking anything and it would count as a "visit".

I was in once in a top 100 alliance that was getting "Alliance Flight Maps" and some relationship in the alliance went bad (in some ways, it was my doing). I had click "Leave" forgo these top 100 prizes for an intangeable prize (the ability to sleep with a clear conscience) knowing that my choice was probably best for myself and everyone else in the allince (no sense in extending the agony). I wonder too if in our quests, we are using people like disposable napkins (soak up spilled coffee and throw it in the trash).

Then another time, I was offered a position in an alliance so I wanted to to, mention to my current leader, and ask questions ( no reply until a commitment was made to someone else) and was thinking, if I clicked "Leave", I would be the lurch without an alliance while waiting for the invite will NEVER come. Luckily, I didn't click "Leave".

I guess my question is this, "Do we even know what we really are doing"?

Hi VW,

I think I know what you're getting at but you don't make it easy for a guy. :)

When playing a game you need to know what you want out of it initially for your own pleasure and advancement. The mainstay of enjoying a game is self-fulfillment which comes out of self-challenge in order to beat the odds and stretch oneself, quintessentially that is the object and meaning of any game. Without these parameters, a game, or elements of said game, cease to be fun and become a chore and you'll get frustrated and fed up with it, with people, and with yourself, and so give up. If any game captures your interest, even if the challenge is annoying at times and people upset you, one tends to stick at it if one is willing to be part of a team warts and all. If you are willing to be part of a team then you will have to compromise somewhere at some stage.

As I am sure you are aware, Airport City is designed primarily to be a team game where people help each other to attain their joint and singular goals over a very prolonged period of time--patience and the skin of a rhino is required to succeed in this type of game. As in life, your hopes and incentives should balance your needs and aims, ie: what you are comfortable with at any given time. In order to progress in AC, an Alliance membership is extremely useful and is a must if you wish to complete the game on GI's terms. Members work as a team as well as aim for their own gaming needs. I have never been a team player, but in order to attain my goals in AC I am quite happy to join with other folks so that we can all achieve our goals, and each is often different. AC is a game where you can't have your cake and eat it all the time, and people being people our agendas and relationships will clash at some point, and as in life, there will be a few people who are just pigheaded and you have to live with that and allowances must be made for them. You must work out what suits your character traits because any competitive game will unearth them and show to you and others your true character. You may well have to adjust your attitude if you want to get all the enjoyment that you can out of the game and accomplish all your goals, which is the object is it not?

Look for an alliance that suits your game needs and theirs, but no Alliance will be perfect. You must learn to make allowances for your self and those who are members of it. If you keep chopping and changing or causing upset because you're not getting what you want all the time or people are winding you up, then you will find yourself without an Alliance at all. If you're not predominately a team person and want to go your own way, then start your own Alliance and apply your own rules and guidelines, but people are people so don't expect an easy ride forever.

If your argument is simply with the way people behave toward you, then I'm afraid this game or any sort of multiplayer game is going to get right up your nose ad infinitum.

I would suggest you stretch yourself and explore areas with the game and players where you have never stepped before, and open up new doors of enjoyment and relationships.

Baz :)

I would suggest you stretch yourself and explore areas with the game and players where you have never stepped before, and open up new doors of enjoyment and relationships.

Baz :)

Alright, just to let everyone know, I did find an alliance that I can work with and that involves RELATIONSHIPS with other people. I was NOT expecting perfection. Throughout my life, I hurt people and people hurt me (that's the way it goes and I get it). But I felt the need to speak up because of some things that I was seeing and I was partly inspired by one incident (the star that broke the camel's back).

After I asked some questions, I didn't hear back for a day and they found someone in the meantime I followed up and they said, "we found someone else but ...." and I then, I went to forums looking for an alliance. I heard back from someone else from alliance saying the same that I was told in a private correspondence in public when I specifically said to contact me privately. I actually agree with your advice about growing a thicker skin. But I also realize that sometimes, you are NOT going to be able to fix a relationship and there are sometimes things that you simply can't bide - PERIOD - end of discussion.

I am a very good player, and I know I know if I were to click "Leave" in the alliance tab, I might actually get an invite within 4.5 seconds (I am exaggerating but you get the point). THen there would be numerous alliances that would probably recruit me saying I'm the best thing to happen since sliced bread without a thought (brownnosing or ****-kissing). Meanwhile, in real-life, I'm just a common two-bit schmuck from West Virginia).

The best advice I can give alliance leaders is this, actually read Dale Carnegie's "How to Win Friends and Influence People".. That book is worth more than ALL the greenies, gold and silver coins in the World :)
One problem, even the title of the thread, doesn’t make you attractive. You’ve said you rant, and have then ranted. You’re a little fish in a big sea of potential Alliance recruits. Not sure this post has done you any favours.

I know it doesn't give a good impression of me. I will go further than that in saying I probably made a mistake by saying too much about a private matter. And I probably said a lot of things I shouldn't have.

I guess I was trying to be philosophical (how well, I actually do is debatable). In some ways, I guess I'm trying to be as honest as I can even if it hurts. Sometimes, we as human beings might actually WANT someone to lie to our face. Think about it.


1000+ Star Club
Supernovas/Chanel Royal Air Alliance
  1. Android
Friend Code
I know it doesn't give a good impression of me. I will go further than that in saying I probably made a mistake by saying too much about a private matter. And I probably said a lot of things I shouldn't have.

I guess I was trying to be philosophical (how well, I actually do is debatable). In some ways, I guess I'm trying to be as honest as I can even if it hurts. Sometimes, we as human beings might actually WANT someone to lie to our face. Think about it.
Well hey, for what it's worth, I appreciate your transparency and honesty. Clearly you're a person who puts it all out there, and even though it may be intimidating for some, it's definitely appreciated by people who value communication.
I've come across all kinds of people in this forum. Most are very nice and amiable, and some I could only tolerate in small doses if I met them in person. However, I make it a point to get along with everyone, because even if our personas and beliefs are different, there is no reason why we can't coexist....even if it's just for the sake of the game.
Bottom Line: Do you; that's what you're best at. Adapt if you choose to, but make sure it's by your free will.
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