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A memo for residents of Europe and anyone else who does not speak Russian. who will interrupt the 1-2-3 place in the Russian-speaking rocket, with 57

  1. Windows PC
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Памятка для жителей Европы и всех, кто не говорит по-русски. кто прервет 1-2-3 место в русскоязычной ракете, при набранных 576 очках будет снято с ракеты и из друзей по игре !!!
Памятка для жителей Европы и всех, кто не говорит по-русски. кто прервет 1-2-3 место в русскоязычной ракете, при набранных 576 очках будет снято с ракеты и из друзей по игре !!!

You can’t ban people from joining your launch. Unfriend everyone except those you would deign to launch with you. Or stick the dam thing on private!


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All New Tadashi
  1. Android
  2. None of the above
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How stupid is that: to post this on the AirportCity Announcement. Looks more that some people should learn how to use this Forums in a right manner . ANd to post in Russian? How many percent of the people can read Russian? USing brain can be an advantage.
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