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AirportCityGame.com is the Number One place to be when it comes to the hit game Airport City!

Real time chat to other players, trade items together, complete space missions, form & arrange alliances and much much more. It's all here at AirportCityGame.com

8.6 out on Android

  1. Android
Friend Code
I think I use my other hand to touch the bonus to activate it. The other finger is just touch and hold to keep it up, release to let it down.


1100+ Star Club
  1. iPad
Friend Code
Still waiting.... why don’t you wait until all platforms are ready to upload and update before you release them? Let’s hope the video bugs are fixed when it finally gets to iOs
TBH, it could be that they were ready, but got blocked by Apple when trying to deploy the app to the store. That is how I read it anyway.

Until then, I'm going to relax with the new snow that we now see on these forums. Do I love snow? Yes, very much. :) Thank you to the forum admin who did this. 😘

  1. Android
AC Huang
Why? Maybe it’s an idea to stop people blanking out buildings but still getting drops from them. If your building isn’t connected when it should b, maybe it shouldn’t drop items or pax or coins.
Do you make an updated? How about your Hockey Field or Magical Bauble? This two kind of building don't need a road in the past, but after this update, they need a road. Do you find that? Is your reply hit this point?
Do you make an updated? How about your Hockey Field or Magical Bauble? This two kind of building don't need a road in the past, but after this update, they need a road. Do you find that? Is your reply hit this point?
iOS. No update. No event. No hassle.
in real life a building needs a road. Build a road. Why should a building produce revenue when it’s not connected to anything?
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  1. Android
AC Huang
iOS. No update. No event. No hassle.
in real life a building needs a road. Build a road. Why should a building produce revenue when it’s not connected to anything?
Game is a game, not a real life. If you want to say a building in needs a road in your real life which is why all building in AirportCity need a road, then no passengers and coins should not come to your packet by your clicking to a building because the coins will not come to your packet even if you click click click each real building.
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