Thank you @Wasted EagleAmazingly classy words from an apparently self-proclaimed legend. How can anyone ‘like’ that?
Keep up the good flying, @Mudchute , I hope you reach every goal you set!![]()
Yes, I am 72th level infant
Thank you @Wasted EagleAmazingly classy words from an apparently self-proclaimed legend. How can anyone ‘like’ that?
Keep up the good flying, @Mudchute , I hope you reach every goal you set!![]()
I’m afraid it will be significantly worse. Don’t forget Ivan said the video was speeded upThere is one more observation. Did you watched the old-new video? Hope that the process of boarding, taxing and departing the plane will not be so significant longer than it is today, otherwise we will not be able to speed up them so efficiently in timeand lifting and all animations-which look amazing- may be boring after some time...
Ivan said there is a building that will help speed up the process.There is one more observation. Did you watched the old-new video? Hope that the process of boarding, taxing and departing the plane will not be so significant longer than it is today, otherwise we will not be able to speed up them so efficiently in timeand lifting and all animations-which look amazing- may be boring after some time...
We can leave, no issues about that but why should we leave a game we have loved for so many year's when there's a solution to our problems? Ivan just talked about the best possible solution which should have been in place but one person's arrogance is not letting it happen.If they think a 100 item limit is essential - well there are also 2,199,999 other apps for the lucky Apple user currently playing Airport City.
Free2Play Since you are giving example of market games Implementing limit in the game, Here's another side, They also give option to upgrade that storage(See PI2 of GI), Where's that option? You guys had 2 year's to develop that option but you guys didn't, Where's market examples now? Instead you were busy giving cosmetic makeover to the game majority of time, Yes a lot of good upgrade has come to the game over this time, but can't a building be developed in 2 year's to let every player upgrade his limit with hard work? I mean you guys were so desperate to make an additional building that you removed current feature of single tap to load planes and require a building to do that in 7.0, What's the necessity for that?
Why are you guys always late? You find VW wrong after 6 year's, You get to know that game should have a limit after so many year's, Golden dice is too good after 5 year's.
It took you guys more than a year to fix red launch fuel bug after you were made aware of it.
I don't know how many year's have passed, not even a draft idea of Mars is out.
Alliance is without chat till today when every game with Alliances feature has it, Alliances are like Airport city game without this forum, Don't you think Alliance chat was more important than these new cosmetic makeovers?
We need more important things in the game rather than these, Don't launch features which are not completed, There should be option to increase limit as you progress in the game, Please request that legend max or whoever it is to think atleast about player's who have given thousands of hour's and $$ ofc.
Sorry for ranting, but it's not aimed at you alone, it's for whole team because they deserve credit for everything whether good or bad.
There is one more observation. Did you watched the old-new video? Hope that the process of boarding, taxing and departing the plane will not be so significant longer than it is today, otherwise we will not be able to speed up them so efficiently in timeand lifting and all animations-which look amazing- may be boring after some time...
I was going to mention this, If the flight time starts when it leaves the stand then the time would be pretty much the same time it is now, but seems like you beat me to it. Besides that you saying it caries far more weight than me speculating over whether it starts when it leaves the stand or when it leaves the runway.The process is indeed longer, especially when it comes to landing guest planes, but speeding up the flight with fuel is instant (it works the same way as now), and the flight time starts at the moment the plane leaves its stand. Most of the time you don't need to stay in game and watch the animations unless you specifically want to watch them or you're landing many guest planes one after another.
Quite agree with @ArGi1981
1. Two months isn’t that long, AC time
2. Other buildings or expansions are much more expensive than that (eg CT11, terminal11)
Be patient and keep collecting coins.
I distinctly remember you said a point about having a building which would increase the limit which made senseI distinctly remember you were saying goodbye five pages ago, AJ
(@AJ was a very active player and a moderator on our Facebook page for a few years, a great help for our community manager, but was so upset about the inventory limit that quit that job a long time ago).
Why we're always late is a philosophical question. I've been working on videogames for more than 10 years now, and you always work with what you have: the team, the budget, time constraints, a huge amount of conflicting opinions that come from members of the team, management, and players — thousands, sometimes millions of players. Obviously, no one has time or resources to do everything you/they want, so once in a while you set yourself a set of achievable goals and after doing some of them you measure their success somehow: those might be the solid numbers of increased revenue, or more players playing the game, or less players leaving it within a certain timeframe, etc.
The point here is that big features and critical bugs are always the priority, because without big features it's hard to explain to both the management and the players what you've been doing lately, and you can't release the game with critical bugs that break the game like a player's profile being corrupted after updating to the newest version. The rest of the features, fixes or game design fixes are done in-between when you have time to do them, and since there're hundreds of them, more often than not fixing one huge bug — that nobody will know about because you've fixed it before update's release — wins over fixing or improving five or ten other things you could fix or improve. Game development is always about trade-overs and changes along the way. Some of them affect all players, some of them affect only low level or high level players, for example, manually loading fuel and passengers sounds fun when you just start playing the game — and then, an hour later, you could automate that all with a building. And why would the draft idea of Mars or any other unreleased feature be out, when it is covered by NDA? Those ideas and documents that contain them are the property of the employer, whether they're being released or on hold.
I was going to mention this, If the flight time starts when it leaves the stand then the time would be pretty much the same time it is now, but seems like you beat me to it. Besides that you saying it caries far more weight than me speculating over whether it starts when it leaves the stand or when it leaves the runway.
I do have a couple of further questions
1) The building to allow automated loading of pax / fuel without multiple clicks. Which currency will this use? (gold, greenies or tokens?)
2) with regard to the runways. How will this operate with guest planes? Will we have to have free stands to fuel / pax them? How will they interact with our planes landing / taking off. Will we still be limited to two?
Cheers for all the info on the new update. I have a few reservations. (not that one, I am already limited) But I can't wait to get my hands on and try it during the beta.
Free2Play The graphics look good, but i have a very practical question. Your runway looks very long. So do we need to change the layout of our airport land. Many of us are more square than long. We might gavr the space but all the other buildings are in the way. When the game updates i assume, the runway goes into our storage until we make room to put it in. Or what!? Or are you going to tell us how much land we need to free up?
Don't you think Alliance chat would have been a better use of resources and time of your team than a building which reduces plane tap from 3 to one?
Thank you. Looking forward to see real airport!The process is indeed longer, especially when it comes to landing guest planes, but speeding up the flight with fuel is instant (it works the same way as now), and the flight time starts at the moment the plane leaves its stand. Most of the time you don't need to stay in game and watch the animations unless you specifically want to watch them or you're landing many guest planes one after another.
I'm not saying alliance chat is a bad feature, it's just a much bigger feature. It's easy to think that 'everyone has chat', but we're not exactly Facebook or AAA online action game in terms of resources. The building that you mention so much is a 20 minute long feature done by one engineer, the proper chat feature is tens of hours or work of several engineers, it's a 24/7 live server with loads of data to transfer that shouldn't block all other game data, etc. We've already done alliance chat once, and it worked so unreliably that we had to turn it off after a few days. Maybe sometime later we'll get back to it.